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To : [RM] Alfred Henze / From : Dr. Richard Batsak - Printable Version

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To : [RM] Alfred Henze / From : Dr. Richard Batsak - Dr. Richard Batsbak - 09-22-2023

We go where others turn around

[Image: 4xLfzzyI1KnYKuNUhs70--13--3ypue.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at_max]
Dr. Richard Batsbak
From : Dr. Richard Batsbak
To : Herr Alfred Henze
Subject : Project New Horizon
Encryption level : Medium

Guten Tag Herr Henze,

i trust this message finds you in good health.

Some time ago, I presented you with the New Horizon Project and sought permission to conduct tests within Rheinland. Regrettably, I did not receive a response from the Rheinwehr, and the Director of the BDM declined my request. Furthermore, I have yet to receive a response from the Government.

Consequently, I proceeded with the tests in the remote system of Puerto Rico. After months of rigorous testing and overcoming initial setbacks, I am pleased to inform you that I have achieved the desired outcome. The project now functions precisely as intended.

I would like to extend an invitation to you this Sunday, at a mutually convenient time, to observe the project and explore the potential benefits it holds for the Rheinwehr and Rheinland.

Thank you for your consideration.

Signed by,

[Image: T5PDjYy.png]

Captain of the research vessel "New Horizon"
Administrator of the "Forschungsinstituit Arnsberg"

RE: To : [RM] Alfred Henze / From : Dr. Richard Batsak - Barrier - 10-06-2023

[Image: pXBXn0P.png]
Source: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-OKW-0UT-TB-RBCM
Submitter: Vizeadmiral Alfred Henze
Recipients: Dr. Richard Batsak
Subject: Project New Horizon

Guten tag, mein Herr.

I apologize for the lack of response to your earlier request. By the time I received ministry approval to hold the tests in Munich, the situation in that system deteriorated further than could be predicted. With my sources reporting that you have departed Rheinland space to conduct these experiments, my attention was drawn to other matters.

Regarding your invitation - I would be pleased to accept and to make my way over to the site of these studies, but I am unfortunately "too valuable to risk on non-critical diplomatic endeavors". Therefore, you will have to be satisfied with another observer, my adjutant Leutnant Beist. He is quite the lateral thinker, which makes me believe that he will be able to grasp the significance of any details you may impart during your demonstrations. More practically, Beist has been trained in resisting interrogation, and his loyalty to the Rheinwehr is above reproach. Any details that elude his understanding will be given to me verbatim, and I will consider them in the context of all the resources at my disposal.

Therefore, you may plan to escort Leutnant Beist from Arnsberg Research Institute to the site of the project. I eagerly await the debriefing which will follow from this visit.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Alfred Henze
Vizeadmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: CfyoXgi.png]

RE: To : [RM] Alfred Henze / From : Dr. Richard Batsak - Dr. Richard Batsbak - 10-09-2023

We go where others turn around

[Image: 4xLfzzyI1KnYKuNUhs70--13--3ypue.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at_max]
Dr. Richard Batsbak
From : Dr. Richard Batsbak
To : Herr Alfred Henze
Subject : Project New Horizon
Encryption level : Medium

Guten Tag Herr Henze,

Regrettably, my experiment has concluded. It was a splendid and resounding success, affirming my hypothesis that jump holes can indeed be artificially created. It would be my pleasure to share with you, or a representative of your choosing, the results of my test.

However, as you can well imagine, the recent events have commanded all of my attention.

I believe we can dispense with lengthy introductions, as I presume your officers have already apprised you of the discovery of the new system. The revelation of this system, replete with structures reminiscent of the Nomads, along with the remnants of ships that vanished during the blackout, as well as wrecks of vessels missing for centuries, last seen near the Dallas incident site, right after the aforementioned blackout that temporarily or permanently disabled nearly all jumpgates in Sirius, strikes me as more than mere coincidence.

I am conducting my own inquiries into these events and would gladly extend my assistance to you should you require it. I am of the opinion that this is a matter demanding our attention, one we must thoroughly investigate to uncover its underlying cause. I shudder to contemplate the potential ramifications if such an occurrence were to transpire seemingly out of the blue.

Signed by,

[Image: T5PDjYy.png]

Captain of the research vessel "New Horizon"
Administrator of the "Forschungsinstituit Arnsberg"

RE: To : [RM] Alfred Henze / From : Dr. Richard Batsak - Barrier - 10-09-2023

[Image: pXBXn0P.png]
Source: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-OKW-0UT-TB-RBCM
Submitter: Vizeadmiral Alfred Henze
Recipients: Dr. Richard Batsak
Subject: Project New Horizon

Dr. Batsbak,

It is as you say - I have been poring over detailed reports acquired by our courageous officers about this whole situation. While I no longer believe that these systems pose a direct threat to Rheinland, this is a matter meriting some comprehensive investigation. I should rather say that it is us who will be able to assist you in your research of the nomad structures and any gravitometric anomalies that you manage to discover.

I am putting together a hand-picked taskforce which will be outfitted for long-range operations. Should you wish it, this taskforce will be temporarily at your disposal. However, I wanted to make something clear - we will be making inroads with or without you, mein Herr. I believe that making use of your expertise is the most efficient way to assess this new phenomenon, but I have been part of discussions promoting a fully internal team. If you can work with these people, I believe all parties will be satisfied, and Rheinland will gain as a result.

In the future, don't hesitate to contact me on this neural net node - I will be monitoring it most closely. Likewise, I will keep you updated about any developments in this area that may be of relevance to you.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Alfred Henze
Vizeadmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: CfyoXgi.png]

RE: To : [RM] Alfred Henze / From : Dr. Richard Batsak - Dr. Richard Batsbak - 10-10-2023

We go where others turn around

[Image: 4xLfzzyI1KnYKuNUhs70--13--3ypue.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at_max]
Dr. Richard Batsbak
From : Dr. Richard Batsbak
To : Herr Alfred Henze
Subject : Project New Horizon
Encryption level : Medium

I am most eager to take part in your task force for the exploration of these systems.

I shall also make the necessary preparations for an extended expedition, ensuring that my ship and crew are fully equipped.

The amalgamation of your available resources, coupled with my expertise and the advanced equipment aboard my ships and research station, leads me to anticipate swift initial findings.

Kindly notify me when your team is prepared, and we shall embark on our excursion with alacrity.

[Image: T5PDjYy.png]

Captain of the research vessel "New Horizon"
Administrator of the "Forschungsinstituit Arnsberg"