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LPI Gank - SlimSwitch - 04-28-2009

Well, I have more of a concern, I am a Lane Hacker, with a LaneHacker Gunboat. I went into New York heading from Colorado to Texas my route keeps me off the trade lanes and I was heading to the Texas Jumphole. Moments later I notice a Officer.Shaft shooting up my rear and cruises me, and goes in local "Engaging Rouge" (I am not even Rouge, I am hacker) at this moment I am like what the? I have not done anything wrong they could easily gave me a warning and asked me to leave and I was on my way out of system in the first place, then out of the blue two LPI officers come out of no where and decided to engage me with no warning... I told them to stop and they ignored me, as of this moment I was wondering what I did... I just came into system and was heading out, I was not pirating nor hunting the Navy/ LPI, They destroy me on sight when I am in a Gunship and they are in 4 fighters will all nodes/ level 9 weapons... I did not even fire on them, I only fired on Officer Shaft when the LPI told me to go but Shaft keept trying to kill me, I was heading to the jumphole and they go "Kill him" right as I am about to reach it and gank me in the bad lands... I wonder why are all the LPI out of control? There was no warning, nor no nothing when the attack began. :nono:

LPI Gank - Linkus - 04-28-2009

*Puts pie in the oven*

Thirty minutes ought to do it don'tcha think?

Oh and yes, Boooo! Down with the LPI! Them and their donuts.

LPI Gank - Boss - 04-28-2009

Unless I'm mistaken, this didn't happen today. I've been on the server since about nine this morning, and I'm the only LPI I've seen. I was the one that got ganked by Rogues/Pirates.

But this is getting us nowhere. Next time, try PMs or Skype. This leads to Trial-By-Forum.

LPI Gank - SlimSwitch - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:Unless I'm mistaken, this didn't happen today. I've been on the server since about nine this morning, and I'm the only LPI I've seen. I was the one that got ganked by Rogues/Pirates.

But this is getting us nowhere. Next time, try PMs or Skype. This leads to Trial-By-Forum.

This happend not less than 10 minutes ago, I personally don't care, I am just wondering if the LPI should be doing what there doing... attacking on sight when going out of system is a no no :rtfm:

LPI Gank - Boss - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:try PMs or Skype.

Read this part again, and understand it. I refuse to deal with this on the forums. End of discussion.

LPI Gank - SlimSwitch - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:Read this part again, and understand it. I refuse to deal with this on the forums. End of discussion.

This is no "Trial" thread, more of a concern question thread, I think most of us would like to know whats going on with the LPI...

LPI Gank - BaconSoda - 04-28-2009

[Image: Discovery_Flame.jpg]

That aside, lets get to business making sure that pie Linkus put in never gets cooked....

Now, did you talk to the LPI ingame? Also, how far off the lanes were you?

From what I can understand, the LPI are a little jumpy because every criminal and their mother likes to fight them. If you were rather close to the lane, I can understand their reaction, seeing as how most of Liberty gives off the idea that PvPing is alright in such situations (shoot first, ask questions later).

Also, you said the LPI faction stopped shooting. There must have been some exchange during that time. What exactly happened there?

And to finish, please do understand that if the first officer was already attacking you, the LPI can just jump in and assist, though it might have been better to give a warning sign first. The first officer was at fault, definitely, he could have done a plethora of things, but, on the other hand, he may have been totally justified if you have a history or any such thing in Liberty.

That aside, it might be better to live and let live, 'eh?

LPI Gank - Stygian - 04-28-2009

Quote:This is no "Trial" thread, more of a concern question thread, I think most of us would like to know whats going on with the LPI...

I was there and if you want to discuss it further I have to echo Boss. This thread will only lead to a huge flamefest.

LPI Gank - Spear - 04-28-2009

I dont think the LPI should be at the Texas JH in the Badlands but a Gunboat versus 4 fighters is not really a gank, more wisdom. 1 or 2 fighters will toil against well armed/equiped gunboat. And considering 99% of the Gunboats these days all launch missiles on every pass it's a very risky encounter for just 2 fighters, 3 is more sensible and 4 has it in the bag.

LPI Gank - SlimSwitch - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:[Image: Discovery_Flame.jpg]

That aside, lets get to business making sure that pie Linkus put in never gets cooked....

Now, did you talk to the LPI ingame? Also, how far off the lanes were you?

From what I can understand, the LPI are a little jumpy because every criminal and their mother likes to fight them. If you were rather close to the lane, I can understand their reaction, seeing as how most of Liberty gives off the idea that PvPing is alright in such situations (shoot first, ask questions later).

Also, you said the LPI faction stopped shooting. There must have been some exchange during that time. What exactly happened there?

And to finish, please do understand that if the first officer was already attacking you, the LPI can just jump in and assist, though it might have been better to give a warning sign first. The first officer was at fault, definitely, he could have done a plethora of things, but, on the other hand, he may have been totally justified if you have a history or any such thing in Liberty.

That aside, it might be better to live and let live, 'eh?

Well, I was heading away from Manhatten from the Colorado trade lane so I crosses two trade lanes and the first officer saw me and approached me and said nothing, There was no exchange of fire, I let them shoot on me and I did not fire back to show I had no hostile intent, but they kept firing, then I told them I was leaving and was heading to Texas, they let me go and the officer kept continuing to fire, I fired on him and got him into about 30 structure and the LPI did not say anything I got halfway to the texas jumphole and one goes "Kill him" and soon as he said it I got cruised and got ganked... even thought they said I could go?