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To: Rheinland Government | CC: Rheinwehr Oberkommando | From: Rheinland Polizei - Printable Version

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To: Rheinland Government | CC: Rheinwehr Oberkommando | From: Rheinland Polizei - rwx - 09-27-2023

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
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Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

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IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: Sovereign territory alignment

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

I recently perused some older articles of ze colony news service. One of 828 AS catched my eye. Ze Rheinwehr Fleet Coordinator Otto von Clausewitz talked to ze public zat Rheinland was reclaiming ze Köln (Cologne) system. I link you ze article in ze attachment. Until now I cannot find zis in ze territorial jurisdiction of Article One of ze Rheinland laws. Zis has an impact to ze administrative proceedings of ze Polizei work:

Due to ze destruction of ze Polizei border station at ze Stuttgart gate patrols are not lawfully allowed to enter ze system. We can enter ze system when an allied ship is in danger. But ze term "allied" is a bit problematic here. Ze Rheinland Polizei is allied to ze Rheinwehr and Rheinland corporations, but not to non-Rheinland traders. So if e.g. a gallic trader is attacked wizin ze system and asks Polizei patrols for help, our hands are tied. Ze same problem applies to smugglers - we cannot enforce Article Three (Trade regulations) wizin ze system, if ze laws are not (de jure) applicable in it. I don't know if zis is intended or an overseeing due ze reunion after ze civil war.

I'd like to point out, that Zurich is, by gallic law, considered as law enforceable system. Köln does not have such a consideration by Rheinland laws. I zink you understand how important such a law modification would be for ze flourishing trade wiz gallia.

Speaking of flourishing trade, ze same problem formulation would apply to ze main way to Bretonia, Omega-7. Moreover, ze laws explizit mention ze system in §3.2.3. in combination wiz §3.2.5. I conceive zat Rheinland forces should be allowed wizin ze system. I link you ze original transmission when Kanzler Rheinhardt officially annexed Omega-7 back in ze days of ze Rheinland-Liberty war. Moreover it's crucial to note zat ze Polizei fought wiz blood, sweat and tears in zese days to etablish ze Elbe border fortress wizin ze system. Ze Bundesgrenzschutz devision of ze Polizei still has some cruisers stationated zere to watch Freistadt, while ze lion's share is located at Ulm in Stuttgart. I realized zat it's razer pointless to have border patrols wizin a system where we cannot enforce our laws (because zey don't apply). In ze Treaty of Snowdown (which is unfortunately annulled) ze Kingdom of Bretonia also respected ze sovereignty and authority of Rheinland over ze system of Omega-7.

And zen we also have ze Lüneburg (Sigma-15) system, which was annexed by ze Second Treaty of Nevers in 827 AS. Ze above-mentioned points (trader protection, smugglers, active patrol routes) also apply here. 3 years ago I already addressed ze system to ze imperial Reichstag. It was approved, zat ze Sigma-15 system is considered Rheinland space. I attach ze original message as well as ze law changes by ze Reichsstag.

I don't understand why ze Köln, Omega-7 and Lüneburg system is suddenly removed.
Zerefore I hereby request ze following reasonable law changes:

Quote:§1.2. Rheinland space shall be defined as: The systems of New Berlin (Capital), Hamburg, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Thuringia, Cologne, Omega-7, Lüneburg (Sigma-15) and Munich.

I also open zis channel for ze Rheinwehr Oberkommando to hear zeir point of view and strategical opinion, fur ze case I missed somezing.


Oberrätin Renate Bommel
[Image: wMu4qxR.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate Bommel

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RE: To: Rheinland Government | CC: Rheinwehr Oberkommando | From: Rheinland Polizei - rwx - 06-06-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
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Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: qP0HoK9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: Sovereign territory alignment

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

I would like to know, whezer a decision about zis matter is already available.

Oberrätin Renate Bommel
[Image: wMu4qxR.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate Bommel

[Image: afJNWwq.png]