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A path to healing [Press release of the First Armada] - Printable Version

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A path to healing [Press release of the First Armada] - The First Armada - 09-27-2023

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It takes courage to surrender
27 September 830, Fort Bush

A path to healing

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The Conflict with the Hellfire Legion, Separatists, Harmony and Insurgency has raged for nearly thirty years since the defection of Drake Thastus in 801 A.S. Over time, their movement has lost all their values and reasons to exist, which was cemented when they dismantled their misguided rogue state they called the Commonwealth. When they did so and turned into a purely military and terrorist organisation they called the Insurgency they forced the Liberty Government's hand.

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A way forward
As the fight initiative has distinctly moved to our corner, it was clear the Insurgency would be no more. There are still several last battle-hardened Insurgents clinging on, but their end is inevitable. The times have come to heal and repair Liberty, and it is our belief that there was enough bloodshed. We have offered a chance to surrender to all Insurgents who lay down their arms peacefully, who willingly return home and face our just judiciary system before being given a chance to re-integrate into our society.

First Brave Souls
The first brave souls and people willing to rejoin our society are the crew of the Battlecruiser Angel. They have decided giving their lives for a broken ideology is not worth it, and have bravely taken the command of the Battlecruiser from the dangerous war criminal and zealot, Noah Angel, who was a Commander of the Insurgency Navy. They have shown courage by relieving him from command and ejecting him from the vessel and travelling to Hudson and Bering to surrender to Liberty's welcoming and just judiciary. They were greeted by Lieutenant James Silverton and were provided food, medicine and supplies for their brave surrender. The crew was in a very desolate state, living away from the prosperity of the Republic, and fighting a fight of the mad zealot Noah Angel took their toll, malnourishment and diseases, were all that we assisted with.

The crew's surrender marks the beginning of the healing process, Liberty will be once again whole and is proof that even old enemies can see past their differences. The crew was fed, clothed and provided medication before being provided with safe transport to Fort Bush for a de-briefing. We want to make it clear to all citizens of Liberty - these former Hellfire Legion and Insurgency staff will face the consequences of their actions. They will be provided a fair and just due process by the judiciary of the Republic on Planet Manhattan, and we will recommend leniency for their brave surrender.

The former Hellfire Judicator Warship Angel has arrived to us shieldless and weaponless and is currently being examined by the First Armada for any information that could lead to the capture of the war criminal Noah Angel. The Hellfire technology will be examined and may bolster the might of the Republic in the future.

We once again urge all former Insurgents: You do not have to flee, you do not have to die, you do not have to abandon your home. Rejoin Liberty, rejoin society, and take accountability for your actions for the betterment of your future, for Liberty's future. For a path to healing.

comment section open

RE: A path to healing [Press release of the First Armada] - sane - 09-27-2023

001. liberty_patriot
27 SEPTEMBER 830 10:32

Oh, what a load of self-righteous propaganda garbage! "A way forward," they say? More like a pathetic attempt to save face after years of brutal conflict. Navy, you can spin your narrative however you want, but we see through your lies. These so-called "brave souls" from the Battlecruiser Angel are nothing more than traitors who sold out their ideals for a chance at survival.

And spare us the melodramatic drivel about their "desolate state." They were willing participants in a war of their own making. Now they expect sympathy? Please. The only reason they surrendered is that they saw the writing on the wall and realized the Insurgency was doomed.

Show some strength and put these traitors down like the cattle they are.
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