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To: 46th| HC, [LN] HC, 5th| HC - Printable Version

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To: 46th| HC, [LN] HC, 5th| HC - Petitioner - 09-28-2023

Message from: David Rose, CEO, Detroit Munitions
Encryption: 384-bit Ageira WFF – EFFECTIVELY UNBREAKABLE
To: Forty-Sixth Fleet Admiralty & High Command
CC: First Fleet Admiralty & High Command; 5th Fleet Admiralty & High Command

Respected admirals, or their dear secretaries, as the case may have it,

I haven't yet had the pleasure of making your acquaintances. I'm David Rose, the Chief Executive Officer over here at Detroit Munitions. The Navy and the Company have a long history together, one I and all my employees are incredibly proud of. Since our founding in 614 AS by Ed Gardner, we've been providing the best guns to the good people of Sirius's greatest house, and our first government contract—with Liberty's finest, working for Liberty Police, Incorporated—came shortly after in 617. As I'm sure you know, our first contract with the Navy came just over a decade later, in 631. Now, as we come ever closer to marking the bicentennial of one of the most productive security arrangements humanity has ever seen, I think it only appropriate that we not only praise ourselves and all our men and women for the good we've done, but also look for areas where we can do better for the people of Liberty.

So, Admirals, with all that out of the way, after extensive consultation with my new Director of Research Apsis Magnusson and his people who've done thorough engineering analyses, independent chemical analysts, our own Security Officers with histories in the Navy and LPI, and various respected Freelancers, I've come to a grave realization. Liberty is falling behind. The present economic environment looks favorable for our House at first glance, but a deeper reading shows that the same fault lines bad actors have been exploiting ever since 801 AS and the voiding of the Boorman Treaty still remain, and despite the defeat of the Gallic Royalists years ago, and the nigh-complete routing of the Insurgent forces, major threats still remain to Liberty's peace and prosperity.

The Navy and Security Force maintain their own research and development teams, and I would never imagine Detroit could replace them. However, I believe that the tragic events of Operation Royal Flush—a sensitive subject, but one business compelled Detroit to thoroughly analyze—prove that our company has to step up and do better for our nation's servicemembers, so that you and your people can do good for all of us.

I've had my lawyers extensively review the Corporate Licensure Act of 138 AS, the Measures for Military Economization Bill of 315 AS, the Graft Act of 630, and the Restructuring Act of 801, as well as all relevant amendments to all the aforementioned legislation, and they assure me that the following proposition is entirely within the confines of the law, so long as it exclusively utilizes the Navy's discretionary budget rather than earmarked funding.

Detroit Munitions wants to establish a joint research team with the Forty-Sixth's own RDI personnel, as well as the relevant departments within the First and Fifth Fleets. We're looking to set up a modular installation in orbit of Maine, working in conjunction with Deep Space Engineering's construction engineers, to focus development of some highly experimental new prototypes for snubcraft weaponry, and due to the nature of the materials used in construction, we're hoping to not only have Naval researchers collaborate with our own scientists, but also to have Navy instructors train our own station-side security team. Assuming the relevant governmental departments approve the installation's construction—which I don't imagine will be a problem in the slightest—Detroit is confident that our joint cooperation here will do a massive measure of good for Liberty and her people, not to mention ensure we're well ahead of any would-be bad actors in this field.

I can address any questions or concerns you may have over this channel, or if you'd prefer a more personal touch, my own office at our primary installation is always ready to receive you or any of your subordinates. I'm looking forward to hearing your responses, and I thank you for your time.

David Rose, CEO, Detroit Munitions

RE: To: 46th| HC, [LN] HC, 5th| HC - Akhetaten - 09-28-2023

[Image: thisisalsogood.png?width=498&height=498]

[Image: Uhmen.png]
Incoming Transmission
Origin: LNW-NID-O-2: "Akhetaten"

Login ID: Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen, CO
Recipient ID: CEO David Rose, CC: Fifth Fleet Admiralty, First Fleet Admiralty
Subject: Cooperation

< Access Granted >
< Access Granted >

RE: To: 46th| HC, [LN] HC, 5th| HC - Levenna - 10-03-2023

[Image: VjvcpSV.png]

[Image: P9AnuNd.png]
Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, 1st Fleet
Commander Lillian Olson

David Rose, CEO, Detroit Munitions

Good evening, Mr. Rose.

Before getting to business, allow me to say that it is good to see a company with its heart in the right place. I'm sure that we can agree that a peaceful and secure Liberty offers the best chance for our collective prosperity, from which your own company would benefit greatly, as you are doubtlessly acutely aware.

After careful consideration, the First Fleet is not considered to currently be in a position to partner with you directly in this venture due to resource allocation elsewhere. We are, however, keen to observe your progress and would like to keep the door open for future cooperation between yourselves and the First Fleet, be that as a customer or a partner in weapons development.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would keep us apprised of the status of this installation and its production capabilities, including an estimate for when it will reach full capacity if at all possible, and look forward to the potential for your future services.

Lillian Olson
Liberty Navy

Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: To: 46th| HC, [LN] HC, 5th| HC - Petitioner - 11-07-2023

Message from: Shaun Carbo, Director of Production, Detroit Munitions
Encryption: 384-bit Ageira WFF – EFFECTIVELY UNBREAKABLE
To: Forty-Sixth Fleet Admiralty & High Command
CC: First Fleet Admiralty & High Command; 5th Fleet Admiralty & High Command

Respected officers,

My name is Shaun Carbo, Director of Production at Detroit; it's an honor and a pleasure to make your acquaintances. Vice Admiral Uhmen, it's nice to be speaking with you once again. I am elated to inform all of you that the construction of Gunpowder Falls is now well underway. At the moment, it isn't much to look at, but I assure you this is a temporary state of affairs, as we have construction crews working around the clock to finalize the station's essential infrastructure. At present, we are able to host several fightercraft and provide temporary mooring for transports and capital class vessels, as well as perform basic repairs. A lounge and office space will also be finalized within the next few days.

If any of your pilots would like to inspect the facilities, they have all been granted full access, though venturing outside of the docking areas will, at present, require a waiver against indemnities et cetera. Within a week, the complete installation will be fully safe to access without use of voidsuits, and at such point, Detroit would humbly extend an invitation to any and all interested personnel to tour the installation. At a later date, either Director Magnusson or myself will be contacting you with details concerning potential joint research projects, once construction on our more advanced development modules has been finalized.

In the meantime, all Liberty Forces are, naturally, welcome to make full use of Gunpowder Falls' refuel and repair facilities, and all such services will be provided to fightercraft and freighters entirely free of charge. On behalf of Detroit Munitions, thank you for your time, and for your service to the free people of Liberty.

Shaun Carbo, Director of Production, Detroit Munitions

RE: To: 46th| HC, [LN] HC, 5th| HC - Akhetaten - 11-07-2023

[Image: vy04L0s.gif]
[Image: NCQHORw.png]

Incoming Transmission
Origin: LNW-NID-A-0
Login ID: Captain Samantha Brown, XO
Recipient ID: Shaun Carbo, Director of Production
Subject: Gunpowder Falls

[Image: EP1fwj5.png]

---[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-1.gif]

Director Carbo,

I am Captain Samantha Brown and is a pleasure to have made your acquaintance. My presence in this channel might be of surprise to you. I speak on behalf of Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen, who is - at current time - too busy to attend to this channel and has requested the handling of this matter by someone else. With Commodore Christopher Edwards currently on leave, that duty fell upon myself.

While I haven't had the pleasure of coordinating with you or your undersecretary, Steve Harlan, as the Executive Officer of the A-0 I've gotten to see the fruits of our cooperation with you in action. Even though I don't believe it needs saying; the particle pulse accelerator cannons that Detroit Munitions worked on are operating in full capacity and are an important complement to the A-0's armaments.

Regarding the matter at hand, now, I'm sure you'll aware that the A-0 will be fully at your disposal not only to assist in matters of defending Gunpowder Falls - should the need arise - but to also aid in the installation's deployment and construction. Our science teams, engineering crews, and the space on our tertiary docking bay and our two cargo-holds - port and starboard respectively - may prove to be of value to Detroit Munitions. Should you require the A-0 to bring materials or personnel to the installation to further quicken construction, you need only ask.

That being said, it has been arranged by the Vice Admiral for the A-0 to always remain within the vicinity of the installation unless a reason important enough to have us move introduces itself. We aim to spend a noteworthy amount of time moored with the installation, or flying in orbit of it, not only to be able to quickly provide our aid in combat and non-combat scenarios that may require it but to also further reduce the delay in response time by rendering face-to-face or over-local-channels communication viable.

On behalf of the Forty Sixth Fleet, thank you for your continued cooperation and your services to the armed forces of the Republic.

With utmost respect.

[Image: FZ4Bz4O.png]

"Honor. Courage. Commitment."

[Image: jTBLGNw.png] NAME: SAMANTHA----
ID# 2806800 BS 00149----
DATE: 07/11/833----

--REC DURATION: 00:00:27:19
--VESSEL S.I.C.: EDWARDS, C.----------
--VESSEL F.I.C.: UHMEN, M.----------

ID# 2603782 EC 00452----------
ID# 1312790 UM 00346----------