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To: First Fleet Admiralty | From: VADM Uhmen, 46th Fleet - Printable Version

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To: First Fleet Admiralty | From: VADM Uhmen, 46th Fleet - Akhetaten - 10-04-2023

[Image: thisisalsogood.png?width=498&height=498]

[Image: Uhmen.png]
Incoming Transmission
Origin: LNW-NID-O-2: "Akhetaten"

Login ID: Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen, CO
Recipient ID: First Fleet Admiralty
Subject: Support

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< Access Granted >

RE: To: First Fleet Admiralty | From: VADM Uhmen, 46th Fleet - Sarawr!? - 10-04-2023

PRIORITY: Moderate
TARGET ID: VADM. Maria Uhmen; ENS. A. Terra, 46th Fleet.
SUBJECT: Support, transfer
SENDER ID: ADM. Rachel Baker, First Fleet.

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[Image: 03w30T4.png]
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Vice Admiral Uhmen, it's a pleasure to be speaking formally with you. We've greatly appreciated the support of the 46th Fleet on the Vespucci Front and elsewhere, while the majority of our active assets have been forward deployed there. I myself have only recently transferred back into Active Service with the First Fleet, from the Reserves, The Republic asks, and I oblige.

With the myriad threats facing The Republic today, I'll gladly go where I am needed, and your willingness to do the same, and commit assets to the same is highly relatable, and respectable.

Ensign Terra sounds like a capable young officer, and we'd be glad to accept her transfer into the First Fleet if that's a career move that she'd like to make. As for the External Security and Research Division, I recently accepted Directorship thereof, and we will happily monitor her career progress with an eye toward the future.

Yours with honor,
ADM. Rachel A. Baker
Liberty Navy First Fleet
Director, ESRD