To: First Fleet Admiralty | From: VADM Uhmen, 46th Fleet - Akhetaten - 10-04-2023
Incoming Transmission
Origin: LNW-NID-O-2: "Akhetaten"
Login ID: Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen, CO
Recipient ID: First Fleet Admiralty
Subject: Support
< Access Granted >
Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen
Command of the First Fleet,
I am Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen of the Forty-Sixth and it's a pleasure to be making your formal acquaintance. The presence of First Fleet vessels in Vespucci lately has not gone unnoticed and the rumors of your return have been finding me - and I am sure many others within the Navy - very pleased.
Assuming the rumors regarding the First are true, the Forty-Sixth wishes to extend a helping hand towards you - as a gesture of coordination between our Fleets.
As you most likely are well aware, Task Force Akhetaten has been reinstated into service and has been seeing deployments in Vespucci during the last few weeks to aid in the final blows against the Insurgency and their fortifications within the system. With their defenses slowly failing, however, I have ordered many of our forces to return towards core space for some necessary R&R, rearms and resupplies.
An exceptional example of an officer, amongst those that were sent back to New York, is Ensign Amber Terra - or better yet, call-sign Nova, as she is known within the Task Force. Don't let the rank fool you, she merely adopted that rank as a transferred officer from the Liberty Security Force - and more specifically the Marshals Service. I wish to offer the First Fleet a lateral transfer of this officer as it is my understanding that she will be a great asset to your Fleet, and I am hoping for this gesture to only be the beginning of the coordination between our Fleets.
For all intents and purposes, Ensign Terra's biography is attached below. As you may find out for yourselves, Admirals, she might be a suitable candidate for the First Fleet's ESRD division, however that decision I will leave to your highly capable hands.
With all due respect.
![[Image: TFA-Secondary.gif]](
Vice Admiral Maria Uhmen
< Access Granted >
Amber Terra was born on Planet Pittsburg under harsh circumstances, her parents barely able to make a living for the three of them. Her father, once a respect pilot, now a mere worker on the planet, was barely able to upkeep the entire family on his own. Due to the situation, Amber's mother had to resort to working herself, leaving her daughter to be raised and taken care of mostly by relatives. Amber's childhood after her father's accident during a charting mission was rough, but she never lost hope in a better future. Her parents continued fighting everyday to make sure they provided her with the tools necessary to perhaps move on with her life and away from this planet that would doom her forever should she choose to remain there.
Amber was a hard-working student during her teenage years, her performance in school earning her the recognition that she would need to get the scholarships she required in order to leave the hell-hole named Pittsburg. At the age of eighteen, her dream of living her life to the fullest would begin not seeming like a dream anymore but rather an achievable reality, as Amber was given a scholarship to a university in Manhattan.
Amber's life had taken a full turn. At the age of twenty-one, the young girl was awarded her diploma, graduating with flying colors. Immediately after that and with the funds she had gathered by working part-time jobs during her studies, Amber had her eyes locked on the flight school at Pennsylvania, Valley Forge, wanting to follow her father's footsteps.
Her father's genes in her were quickly picked up by her instructors. Albeit not as much of an ace pilot as her father before her, Amber could stand her own respectably well for an individual who had never touched a spaceship before. After a year of learning basic fighter flying maneuvers and combat maneuvers, the suggestion was made to her to head to West Point. Her instructors saw potential in her and wanted her to give the Military Academy a shot.
She was accepted at the Military Academy with no objection and her military training would soon begin. Amber would spend the next two years of her life learning how to be an officer of the Libertonian Armed Forces and finally, at the age of twenty-four, she graduated from the Academy and begun her career on the Law Enforcement.
Spending roughly a year in the Liberty Navy and realizing that it did not fit her to the extent she wished it did, Amber begun considering her alternatives, rejecting the idea of leaving the Law Enforcement to become a mercenary. It was apparent to her that the corporate nature of the LPI along with the varying depths of corruption within their ranks would make it an unsuitable environment for her to work in, and so she turned her eyes towards the Liberty Security Force. That is when Amber begun familiarizing herself with the Force, quickly coming to the conclusion that the Force's combined duties of law enforcement, counter-terrorism and espionage would make for an environment much more suitable for her and to her liking.
At the age of twenty-five Amber sent an application to the newly reinstated Marshals Service, hoping that the less stealthy and more direct nature of the Marshals is what she has been looking for all this time. If that is true or not, only time will tell.
Terra's career within the Marshals Service and the operations she took part of are strictly classified as per Director Christopher Jensen's operational doctrine. Roughly a year after her joining the Marshals Service and at the age of twenty-six, Terra would request her removal from the Marshals, a request that was approved by the Director, and she would quickly thereafter look to re-joining the Navy by applying to the Forty-Sixth Fleet.
During her short-lived career with the Forty-Sixth Fleet, now call-sign Nova was given the opportunity to be part of the Fleet's Task Force Akhetaten. Amber quickly realized that it wasn't the Liberty Security Force career that she was into, but rather the espionage and intelligence that came as part of the relevant departments within the Navy. While not being given many missions within the Task Force, due to the amount of time she spent in it, Nova's efforts to be of help to her superiors never went unnoticed. Her short service within the Task Force included being assigned to the Akhetaten's Combat Information Center for duties that remain classified, but Vice Admiral Uhmen - the ship's flag officer - has commended her actions numerous times.
RE: To: First Fleet Admiralty | From: VADM Uhmen, 46th Fleet - Sarawr!? - 10-04-2023
PRIORITY: Moderate
TARGET ID: VADM. Maria Uhmen; ENS. A. Terra, 46th Fleet.
SUBJECT: Support, transfer
SENDER ID: ADM. Rachel Baker, First Fleet.
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Vice Admiral Uhmen, it's a pleasure to be speaking formally with you. We've greatly appreciated the support of the 46th Fleet on the Vespucci Front and elsewhere, while the majority of our active assets have been forward deployed there. I myself have only recently transferred back into Active Service with the First Fleet, from the Reserves, The Republic asks, and I oblige.
With the myriad threats facing The Republic today, I'll gladly go where I am needed, and your willingness to do the same, and commit assets to the same is highly relatable, and respectable.
Ensign Terra sounds like a capable young officer, and we'd be glad to accept her transfer into the First Fleet if that's a career move that she'd like to make. As for the External Security and Research Division, I recently accepted Directorship thereof, and we will happily monitor her career progress with an eye toward the future.
Yours with honor,
ADM. Rachel A. Baker
Liberty Navy First Fleet
Director, ESRD