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ALG - Kruger Mineralien Meeting - Printable Version

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ALG - Kruger Mineralien Meeting - Jacob S. - 04-29-2009

Dortmund Station, New Berlin
Council Amphitheater: Room 1183

Members from the boards of directors from both Kruger Mineralien and ALG Waste Disposal were present to arrange for a potentially radical new agreement. A man in his mid-sixties, clearly in poor health, rises and clears his throat loudly, he begins to speak
"Guten Abend ALG Representatives, on behalf of myself, the Kruger Board of Directors, and Kruger as a whole, I am Heinrich Van Staden, Chairman of the board at Kruger Mineralien. We are meeting today to discuss the possibility of a merger between a division of Kruger Mineralien, and ALG Waste Disposal. Namely our Glanzender Steine division, which incorporates some trade vessels and their escorts, as well as some of our most modern mining vessels.
The Glanzende Steine has always been a trunk for our other operations to branch from. As the trunk has grows, more branches can be formed. It has primarily been our testing department, which is why it has been chosen for this. Assuming this merger is carried out, both our operations can operate with increased efficiency and decreased economical costs, thus leading to greater profits
A few possible terms have already been worked out by the board, for your cooperation we can offer that your ships will always be readily fueled at Mannheim Station. The major conditions of this merger however, are still to be worked out between myself and the other members of the Board at Kruger, as well as you here at ALG in this discussion."

ALG - Kruger Mineralien Meeting - Cyberanson - 04-30-2009

After von Staden finished his opening speech, Ralf Schmied, the current business executive of ALG Waste Disposal, arose and went to the podium.

Verehrte Herren from Kruger Mineralien, valued industrial council, werter Herr von Staden, I will speak for the entire workforce of ALG, when I say that this is a great and dared step for both of our companies. We must plan our method very exactly, in order to reach the intended goals!
We offer Kruger Mineralien an amount of 100 million credit units for the takeover of the 'Glaenzende Steine' division. For this amount we demand, that you provide us with constantly working employees, which would increase our contestability. Those workers shall work under the name of ALG, maybe with a small sign that they originally come from Kruger.

ALG - Kruger Mineralien Meeting - dr lameos - 04-30-2009

Taking a sip of water, a Man larger than any of the other present board members rises to his feet. Feeling no need to approach the podium he speaks out in a naturally booming voice.

"Guten Tag, It is a pleasure to be part of such a revolutionary event. Many of you already recognise me from previous meetings or political events. For those which don't, I am Hildebert Lukas, the head of the Glanzende Steine division, and the Representative of Dresden in the Reichstag.

The Glanzende Steine division has always been experimental, in both technology and methods. We have many plans for development and expansion of our operations which can be placed into action when a stable agreement between us is acheived. We are certain that such an experimental venture with ALG can prove successful for all involved, and assist in securing the future of Rheinland.

We do not face simple or easy times ahead, it is especially at times like this that we must unite our efforts, we must support each other else we shall fall. Our partnership in the past has been beneficial for both of us, and a closer working relationship is sure to yield greater profits.

Whilst I do not speak for the company, I would strongly oppose the details stated by Ralf Schmeid, and I have faith that Chairman Van Staden shares the same opinion. As we would be part owned by both Kruger Mineralien and yourselves, and not as heavily involved with waste disposal operations, working under your name would be unfeasible. I propose that this corporate test be named the Glanzende Steine Initiative, after this test period is complete further negotiations will take place to determine whether further conjoining is desired.

During this period it would be economic for our division to gain several of your vessels, namely the golem, which we assisted in developing, as well as registering several vessels under your ownership, rather than Kruger, this removes various restrictions placed upon us by Governmental pressures and out-dated treaties. We would encourage our escort divisions to support each other and both parties' vessels and can also freely offer our mining technology and fuel, as long as we can be assured they will not reach IMG hands."

ALG - Kruger Mineralien Meeting - Jacob S. - 04-30-2009

Chairman Van Staden makes his way slowly back to the podium, he begins to speak again in his rasping, quiet voice.
Mein thoughts exactly Lukas, this deal seems a touch scanty for Kruger, even with our detrimental losses since the 80 Years war the Glanzende Steine Division is worth far more to us than these paltry sums. Without the Glanzende Steine Division, Kruger Mineralien would undoubtedly be dead in the water. Without this division we never would have found our vast field of Diamonds in The Dresden System, without them, our supply of Silver would have been exhausted Decades ago. The new Technologies and Techniques they have helped to engineer and tested to such a great extent have increased the efficiency of our machinery to the highest in Sirius, with this, we are able to get nearly every last speck of mineral out of an asteroid. If it were not for it, our Transports would never survive the Hessian attacks, with the evergrowing Pirate Technology we put them to the task of developing new Weapons Arrays for our Escort Squadron. Without this experimental division we would not have gained such a level of domination in our respective markets, we would not have survived our setbacks at all.

Now, I understand this is naught but a trial, but surely even a portion of the division is worth more than a hundred million credits. Now, I don't want to be unreasonable here, so these terms are negotiable, but we request 150 Million Credits, a pair of Golem Class Transports, as well as access to the schematics for your Escort Wing Weaponry as well as access to your greatly powerful and long lasting alloys and ship hull panels. These terms are again negotiable, but we trust that you understand how much sharing any part of this group means to us.
Von Staden returns to his seat and takes some long droughts of water, and tries to catch his breath

ALG - Kruger Mineralien Meeting - Cyberanson - 04-30-2009

That strike hit. "Do those guys really demand nearly 500 million from us? For one division? That must be a joke! But wait, I will convince you... you will see." Ralf Schmied was angry about this insolence, but he decided to stay calm. After a sip of water he went back to the podium.

Gentlemen, I might be wrong, but I think some of you don't understand the situation you're in. Kruger is faced with bankruptcy and will soon fall into economic irrelevance, therefore you aren't in the position to make a demand which is so overbearingly exaggerative. Don't get me wrong: I do understand how important the 'Gl?nzende Steine Division' is for you, but it does not justify this price, if we bear in mind that it's a mining division only. If you'd be so kind and listen to another offer from our side:

We would be content with giving you full access to our weapon and ship storehouses, as we care for the security and integrity of our employees. Much more than Daumann and Republican do actually. In addition to that we bind us to share every new weapon technology, namely blueprints and prototypes, with the aforesaid division as long as this agreement will last.

Secondly we will equip two teams from 'Glaenzende Steine' with the requested Golem Movers, excluded armor reinforcements. On this point I'd like you to explain this request: Due to the fact that the purpose of this division is mining, why do you demand Golems, which are designed to transport hazardous materials? Your Mining Ships would suit this purpose better, because the used technology is more sophisticated. If you decide to take two Mining Ships, we would provide them with the neccessary armor reinfocements.

Thirdly and last I want to offer you another payment method. As you might know ALG is currently establishing a contract with the Sirius Interstellar Chamber of Commerce, in order to gain the rights of a fully accepted and official member. Therefore we don't want to squeeze all the money out of our Zentralbank at one single point of time. As you might know the SICC membership application is half a billion credits. Our offer would be a constant flow of money to Kruger for the time this agreement will run. The exact modalities will be worked out by us soon...

In return we demand, that the persons concerned show presence and do their best to increase the assets and the quality of work of ALG. But I'm sure that your highly qualifyed employees will meet our requirements.

Thank you.

Satisfied with this fair offer, Ralf Schmied went back to his place at the head of the table, awaiting an answer.

ALG - Kruger Mineralien Meeting - dr lameos - 04-30-2009

Everyone sat in a stunned silence for several minutes, collecting their thoughts, and unsure of how to react. Representative Lukas motioned to the Chairman and both left the room for a brief moment. They returned with a stern look on there face, that although they were not overtly happy with the agreement between themselves, they knew what had to be done.
Lukas took the podium for the first time, his counterpart returned to his seat, obviously tired and shaken.

"It is with great regret that we must admit that Kruger Mineralien is in a state of desperation."

A look of shock came over all the Kruger boardmembers, all knew it was true, but none had ever dared to say it. Taking an uncharacteristic deep breath to calm himself, Lukas continued.

"However, we would prefer the Glanzende Steine Division not to be referred to as 'a mining division only', it has held influence over all aspects of the company since our founding, and now it is a cross-section of all departments of our company, mining, trade and exploration for the purposes of this merge. It is most certainly not, a department involved in only mining.

We do concur that we have been over-zealous with our demands, although there is much sentimal and historical value to us, in these times these must be overlooked.

We thank ALG Waste Disposal for their partnership with us in the past, and their gracious offer of access to their technologies and vessels. We also understand that two ALG Movers, re-outfitted to make them suitable for our cargoes, are a significant investment from your workforce, and that a mining ship and a conventional tradeship would be more beneficial to our party. Armour reinforcements would be of course necessary on these.

We also subscribe to such a payment method, as it would yield a greater amount in the long term, and the allowance of you to gain increased profits also benefits our company. In short, we accept the core principles of your offer, though the details will require some greater clarification."

Hildebert Lukas returned to his place at the table, some might have believed they saw a tear in his eye, but none would ever dare to mention it.

ALG - Kruger Mineralien Meeting - Cyberanson - 04-30-2009

After the representative of Kruger took his place, Ralf Schmied waited some seconds before he planned the next step. He leaned to the right and whispered with Elias Grawitz, chairman of the works council. Both of them nodded.

Meine Herren, if you would be so kind and excuse Herr Grawitz and me for some minutes, we're going to discuss your proposal in private. Please be patient for a few minutes.

Grawitz and Schmied raised and went to the chairmans office, which was behind a giant wooden door at the northern side of the Council Amphitheater. Schmied closed the door behind them.

So, what do you think Elias? You've heard his proposal. Should we try to knock him down a little bit more?

Well, they're on a very low level already... in my humble opinion it would be rather irresponsible to lower the price once again. Think of the workers there... no. We should stay with that and give them some a fair agreement on the continueing payments. Like 5 million per working day or so... What do you say?

A good argument, Schmied thought. ALG respects the rights of the workers and with a dumping price for the Gl?nzende Steine Division they would help nobody. So it was clear, what ALG had to do. Schmied and Grawitz went back into the Council Amphitheater. Both of them took place at their seats. Schmied started to talk with a calm voice. They reached their goal, now it was about to give Kruger some suitable offer.

Meine Herren, we decided to agree to all the terms: Every member of the Gl?nzende Steine division which joins ALG will receive a mining vessel with a reinforced hull, and a Behemoth for longer transportation operations. In addition to that every one will receive enough cash to equip the rest of the ship as desired. In total we're speaking of 75 million per team.
The team will get help to come into the daily work of ALG (//IFF + ID - comment will disappear later) and will get access to the employment board, where more important information are located.
The cashflow to Kruger will amount 5 million per working day, which means Monday till Friday, so that we reach an amount of 100 million per month.

I hope that you know, that we don't want to give only. We request a steady activity of every team, which is going to receive our funds, on the employment boards, as like as the Interstellar Neural Network. The naming convention of this new initiative is up to you.

With this words Schmied concluded his speach.