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Omicron Suplly Industries to the BHG Core Guildmaster - Printable Version

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Omicron Suplly Industries to the BHG Core Guildmaster - SigCorps - 05-01-2009

**Incoming Secure Transmission**

To: The BHG Core Guildmster
From: Samuel Nichols, CEO Omicron Supply Industries
Message reads:

Core Guildmaster,

Since we have now become neighbors out here in Omicron Delta I wanted to introduce myself and offer the services of my company. I am Samuel Nichols and I run Omicron Suplly Industries. OSI is a Zoner trading firm that keep Freeport 9, 11 and Corfu base supllied on a daily basis. I know that you keep you other bases supllied though APM, but it may be a bit easier for us to it to you. It would not be hard to work your new station into our trade runs so we can help you get the things you need. If your interested and can get me a list of what items your station needs we would be happy to assist you in your life out here in the Omicrons.

Samuel Nichols

**End Transmission**

Omicron Suplly Industries to the BHG Core Guildmaster - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-02-2009

Incoming Transmission

To: Samuel Nichols, CEO, OSI
From: Jeff Phelps, CEO, APM

Mr. Nichols -

Your letter was forwarded to me as by the Bounty Hunters Guild office.

First off, there is no Guild Core, that's just a vicious rumor started by the Order to explain their own incompetence.

Secondly, somehow or other your ships must have overstocked Freeport 11 in a large quantity of items, resulting in an enormous amount of materials being mistakenly delivered to Dabadoru. We really didn't need THAT much Synth Paste. I would really recomend not bringing more of that out.

As you are well aware, AP Manufacturing is both a ship and station building company. Due to the recent incursions of Corsairs, our ships have primarily been bringing out replacement and upgrade parts, to increase the defense network. We have skilled workers that would also be able to assist Freeport 11, 9, and even 15 in any repair or maintenance work that is needed. We also supply our stations with certain items that are proprietary to our own transports. However, using your bottoms to haul certain commodities to Dabadoru - food, water, and oxygen - would free up our bottoms to haul other needed supplies.

Due to the large number of ships that depend upon Dabadoru and Freeport 11 for supplies, I would recommend a minimum of 25 tons of fresh food, 30 tons of fresh water, and 80 tons of oxygen daily. And as I said, please don't bring synth paste - it's been difficult to keep the quartermaster from being lynched for even accepting the many shipments that he did.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Jeff Phelps
Chief Executive Officer
AP Manufacturing

End Transmission

Omicron Suplly Industries to the BHG Core Guildmaster - SigCorps - 05-02-2009

**Incoming Secure Transmission**

To: Jeff Phelps, CEO, APM
From: Samuel Nichols, CEO Omicron Supply Industries
Message reads:

Mr. Phelps,

I do appologise for that Synth Paste debacle. An independent trader dropped that off at our store house on Freeport 11 and my Dock Master just told him to load it back up and get rid of it. That large pile was blocking an outgoing shipment of Irriduim slated for a very important customer. Had I know what he was planning I would have directed him to Yaren. I will send your Quartermaster a shipment of fresh beef from our corporate stock. That should put him back in the troops good graces.

As for the supplies you mentioned; food, water, and oxygen. I am sure that we can add those to our routs. I will make the neccesary arangements to begin the shipments. I understand that APM hauls most of your specialized parts. Hauling any of that, could potentialy cause issues with our other neighbors. We at OSI try to keep things as neutral as possible.

Sorry about the misunderstanding about there being a CORE unit within the Bounty Hunters Guild. That is a nasty rumor that has been running rampant as of late.

Samuel Nichols

**End Transmission**