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O Minor JH in Alaska has disappeared help please - Printable Version

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O Minor JH in Alaska has disappeared help please - Fozzie - 05-01-2009

All my Order JS char can't get back to Minor. Been through Alaska before but now no JH to Minor. A planet appeared on scanner but never became visible and I've been killed be the MASSIVE ridiculously overpowered nomad and navy swarms in Alaska twice now. What's wrong here?

O Minor JH in Alaska has disappeared help please - tazuras - 05-01-2009

go closer to the planet, other than that, dodge better.

O Minor JH in Alaska has disappeared help please - triple88a - 05-01-2009

Look again.

O Minor JH in Alaska has disappeared help please - darthbeck - 05-01-2009

i belive it got moved farther up, and to the right. if you see nav boueys, follow them.

O Minor JH in Alaska has disappeared help please - reavengitair - 05-01-2009

Strange how there would be boueys going from NY to the Minor JH. Wouldn't they be destroyed by the order?

O Minor JH in Alaska has disappeared help please - tazuras - 05-01-2009

Maybe the order put them there to get new recruits, maybe the navy makes them in bulk, who knows.

O Minor JH in Alaska has disappeared help please - reavengitair - 05-01-2009

I think that it would be better for recruits to find their way here. There are more enemies to find the order's home system than new recruits trying to get htere.

This would also serve as a test for new recruits.