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To: Zoners - Printable Version

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To: Zoners - RedEclipse - 10-20-2023


It’s been many times since we were truly united during the crisis period. One incident after another, hard times began for the movement. The great powers are seeking the prey and immediate profits or tactical advantage, but this time Corsairs have gone too far. Those barbarians took the hospitality, the food that we have provided over the decades not as partnership of equal, but as a point of weakness. That’s how they act to what we have done for them. A horse is in Troy but the city yet has not fallen.

They have inmate and killed our brethren, fortifying their new positions. What’s next? Corfu, Pygar, Freeport 5 or 11? Zoners, the time has come, idleness is a crime and we should format the front and answer likewise - by force.

Bring everything you have got, fighter, bomber or even the freighter? Something more mean and bigger in firepower? Sure. Every unit counts and matters for the victory. Time to show the truth to Corsairs who are hosts on the Freeport and who are the guests. Let’s seal up them in their damned homeworld without food nor any supplies.

I’m yet no blind that alone we're a lesser danger for them compared to surrounding groups. But I promise you to get aid on our side, we are not alone. Corsairs would regret their own blindness.

RE: To: Zoners - Kherty - 10-20-2023

20th of October, 833 A.S.
Location: [SECRET].

SENDER: Mr. Gambit for the Polyfathers conference
RECIPIENT(S): Christian Burton
SUBJECT: Degrading situation in the Omicrons

Kallisti, Mr. Burton,

We, as Zoners-not-Zoners, fully understand the situation you are in, and we support you in your endeavor.

Unfortunately, most Polyfathers are currently on meditation aboard Pueblo Bonito, which means our fleets are unable to arrive fully. However, we are able to dispatch the largest ship available in our fleets - the rest, withstanding to defend Shasta Orbital Hook and Pueblo Bonito.

This is not like Pennsylvania, whereas a House is currently undergoing hostile activities against Zoners. This is a treacherous operation by the Corsairs, whom the Zoners have helped throughout the years. We are ready to assist you, and will retake what is our-not-our.


RE: To: Zoners - Wilder - 10-21-2023

[Image: ZDF_Logo.png]
Zoner Defense Fleet, Disbanded

|Opening Transmission|
|Warning, signal degradation detected|

[Image: Wilder.png]

From: .......................... Commander Elias Wilder (Ret.)
To: .............................. Christian Burton
Subject: ................... RE:
Encryption Level: Low


More than three years ago, I lead an organization known as the Zoner Defense Fleet. You might remember it. I took over the organization from a man known as Zylar Vespertine who had, at the time, disappeared. I lead this group with distinction in an attempt to formerly create a Zoner Militia and Military with the goal of defending our interests throughout Sirius.

I was met with derision from my fellow Zoners. Why would we need a military when we can solve all of our problems through diplomacy? As a result, the ZDF formally disbanded and it's assets were absorbed into the varying Zoner communities. Scarcely a year later, Erie happened, and then a few years later, Freeport 9. If only we had a Defense Fleet meant to counter these types of actions. I wonder why they disbanded? [He scoffs.]

So long as long as the other houses and factions exist, Zoners will always serve as a punching bag until we decide to punch back. I doubt your "call of arms" will rouse many to your side to fight. As long as organizations like "OSI" and "MFE" exist to roll over whenever someone comes demanding something, we will continue to be those punching bags. At least this PLF militia has the balls to stand up to Liberty and punch her in the kidneys every now and then, they are what we need to emulate in these times to ensure we stop getting walked on. These days, I'm too old to help them in their fight. I'm consigned to picking vegetables in my garden onboard this Nephilim far beyond the Rim. But I root for them whenever we get feeds from Liberty these days.

I spoke my piece over three years ago and I was laughed at, mocked, and ridiculed by the Zoner nation and it's leaders. You reap what you sow. Let me know if something interesting happens. Until then, I'm going back to my garden.


Commander Elias Wilder (Retired)

[Image: ZDF_Logo.png]
Transmission Closed - Channel Open

RE: To: Zoners - RedEclipse - 10-21-2023

To which ZDF you are referring?.. I could remember 5-7 attempts, and this is not how Zoners work, though this pattern is well known to Phoenix and we act united force on the threats within Omicrons. Either way, I would like to keep this channel clear of demagogy. Keep children, pregnant women and men, gardeners out of this transmission, please.

RE: To: Zoners - New Covenant Church - 10-21-2023

------------ INCOMING TRANSMISSION ------------


SENDER ID : New Covenant Church - House of the Pontiff

RECEIVER ID : Christian Burton

SOURCE : Pontifical Palace, Planet Pygar - Omicron Theta System

SUBJECT : Freeport 9

[Image: AnCuUjN.gif]

<< Status: Loaded >>
<< Status: Loaded >>

------------ END OF TRANSMISSION ------------

RE: To: Zoners - Sombs - 10-21-2023

[Image: Zoners_Logo.png]
User ID:
Target ID:

Saskia Alexander
This channel

Freeport 9

The struggle truly never ends, doesn't it.

I'm afraid rallying random people that color themselves Zoners in the widest sense alone won't help our cause. That, sadly, has never been enough since 799 A.S., and I am afraid our reputation since then also has massively changed, for the worse. People used to respect us just enough to be willing to have us settle in places nobody else can settle without massive repercussions. Hell, the heaviest blow in these days was the loss of Freeport 7. Our parents and predecessors used to run the freeports in the most hostile places. They had less experience than most of us, and yet had the skills and materials to be up there with the toughest people of the Edge Worlds.

Today we have Livadia, Corfu and whatever the oddjobs in Baffin use to maintain the Persephone. Our focus shifted from reliable ships like the CTE-6000 over to expensive capital ships that have never really managed to shine in combat against the counterparts of other groups. Yes, we can be proud of the Fearless, and nobody is more surprised than I am about the Tarrafal still kicking after failing in Bering. Doesn't change the fact that the Zoner Community is neither united, nor has ever been. It is just not how we roll, because the only thing common among us is that, well, we operate freeports all over Sirius.

We are outgunned, outclassed and outskilled. The prowess of veteran Eagle pilots means nothing the moment our enemies deploy their capital ships like the Minorca and the Mallorca, and the few ships of comparable size and armaments the Zoners have are not on par with these threats. That has been proven with too many times already.

Listen, people. I might not be administrating Freeport 11 anymore, but I have gathered enough experience and know enough about our history to tell you that fire can't be fought with fire in our cases. Never worked. We need to play out our strengths instead. So, what are our strengths?

We are a fucking pain in the ass. Have always been. Bretonia gave up on Gran Canaria after a stressful occupation they just could not maintain. Resistance on Erie is still kicking, occasionally managing to cause enough irritation to make it hard for Liberty to keep control over everything. Somehow, Freeport 11 is still out there despite the system being contested by pretty much everything with an engine in the Edge Worlds. You, my good people, are annoying. You are stubborn idiots, some dumber than a slide of bread, or hell, even Bretonians! That is something that can be utilized as a strength, because right now, that strength is channeled down on Erie by people who would rather burn down government buildings and refineries than pay a single tax credit, and it fucking works.

To be more concrete: Don't even try to bother with fights against the invaders. Fight them where it hurts: On Freeport 9. On the supply routes, and at their digging sites. We are talking about Corsairs here. They have an impressive fleet, but are horrible at economics and logistics. Their main source of income isn't even piracy anymore, it is smuggling. That's not a secret. Hell, enough Zoners are in that business, too, and that, too, isn't a secret. So, look at transmissions like these.

Neural Net Link: Public Message in Omicron Delta

In case I have to spell it out: Barking dogs don't bite. Capital ships have a hard time entering the system they are talking about. No big guns there. Just fighters and freighters. And they don't want other people to mine there.

The other thing Zoners have been good at was acting as a buffer. You can try to call it diplomacy, but looking at how diplomacy has been done by pushovers like Med Force, Phoenix - and let's not even talk about TAZ, OSI, IRG and SLRC - I think it is more realistic to name things as they are.

We are a buffer. Our stations have been home to just enough people to make trading attractive, assault unattractive because of everyone getting involved, and large scale wars pointless. You want the big guns? Don't look for them among us. Look them among the people who benefit from us being a buffer. Omicron Theta is literally the crossroad connector of the Omicrons with the current alignment of jump holes. If Maltese want to go anywhere in the Omicrons, they go through Theta. If the Core wants to reach house space, they need to go through Theta. If the Order wants to reach anyone in the Omegas, they need to go through Theta.

Theta is the gateway. The key to the Omicrons is Freeport 9, and right now, the Corsairs have that key. And they want to lock the gate for everyone else. Don't look for help here among us, look for help among the people who are getting fucked over by the Corsairs here. Don't ask them to help us for the sake of us Zoners - that trope hasn't gotten us anywhere in the past few years. Ask them to help us re-establish Freeport 9 as neutral ground. Zoner ground. It is in their interest.

Don't rely on their sympathy for us. There isn't any. There used to be, but that is gone. Make them understand that it is good to have a bunch of chaotic dunces acting as buffer to keep their enemies at bay. Tell them what they want in Theta is cretins, not Cretans.

Saskia Alexander
Zoner, former CoF representant of Freeport 11

Z-NET ACCESS 4.0 | S E C U R E | FP11 version 0532.7623226A Copyright Alex Maccabelli, 832 A.S., Conferedacy of Freeports - You are using PRO edition.

RE: To: Zoners - Sally - 10-21-2023

[Image: fr0fIsy.gif]
Connection Succesful
Sender: Joshua Hutz.
Encryption: TRUE.
Subject: Now you want our help?

Well, would you look at that? Now that problems inevitably knocked at your door, you ask for help, albeit I don't remember seeing a single ship from your lot protecting Inverness or the Zoners of Erie those years back, when they asked for your help.

Do you seriously expect they do not reciprocate with silence and indifference now? Do you really believe you deserve anything else, Christian?

Actions have its price, as much as the lack of them, and your lot in particular gained a bad reputation when the colonials and brets' decided to come by at Inverness and you applauded their military interventionism while they were using the Freeport as mooring point for a war that doesn't and shouldn't concern us. Tell you what, go and ask the colonials and brets' for help, see how far it gets you.

As for this comm, I'll relay it to my colleagues, and we'll see whether we decide to do something about it or not, not because of Phoenix, mind you, but because of the unlucky souls that happened to be under your hand, unlike you, we do care for zoners.

Our respects to mister Elias Wilder, seems the ZDF was indeed what we needed, but not what we deserved, unfortunately.

RE: To: Zoners - Aazalot - 10-21-2023

Allow me to put in my ten credits.
I am Jerard Voncloud, Administrator of Planet Pygar and Corfu. Member of Phoenix. Previously second in command of the now Defunct Velvet organisation and One half of the leadership of the Confederation of Freeports which I myself Dissolved. However I am speaking for the People of Pygar and Omicron Theta.

To Echo the statements of Saskia, and my colleague. A Zoner Defence force in any shape or form, simply does not work. There is a long list of these groups, Velvet included, that despite best intentions inevitably failed. Why? Because our ships were not built for war, Zoner's in general were not built for war. Yes it can be argued there are many who have been trained in combat whether as local law enforcement, military or even pirates and bounty hunters but they left that life for a reason. Our capitol ships are built for surviving out in space, to be able to support the souls on board in the harshness of unknown space. They are built with protection and preservation in mind, to escape from harm and protect those that dwell within. Why do you think Zoner engines are generally faster then most house equivalents.
What is worse is in the past some of these Zoner Defence Forces have ended up putting a target upon the entire Zoner community due to their actions. Causing issues for many who were not even remotely involved or near the initial problems.

The fact of the matter is other then sharing the name Zoner, we are all our own entity's. Following the "live and let live" mantra in our corners of unclaimed, ungoverned space.
This isn't about, Phoenix, or MFE or Pygar or even Zoners specifically. Its about what Omicron Theta is. A Free system away from any sort of governess or control. There's a reason why despite its hostile nature, Pygar ended up becoming a Zoner colony in lieu of Gran Canaria. Because it is was about as far as we could get from Bretonia and safely settle.
The loss of Freeport 9 is a potential sign of a power grab by the corsairs to take control of Theta, and thus another piece of Sirius becoming owned and controlled.

It hasn't been lost on me the potential for Pygar to follow, and the people here. They are Scared. Nervous, unsure of what the future is. If the actions of Gran Canaria and Erie are to be once again repeated. I'm not one to normally to back down from a fight, The Kaldra has been at the front of many fights to protect our people. Freeport 11 and Canaria amongst them. But our Neutrality has always been and should always be our shield unless there is Zero choice left.

Much like Saskia says, we need to play smarter, to be cunning, to use our connections and diplomacy. This isnt a battle we can win with a Sword.
What we need is information, all I am aware of is an Elder was killed during a time when the Outcasts had stationed a squad upon Freeport 9. If anyone can get more light on the situation would benefit us all.

I myself will be reaching out to the Corsairs to ensure them that there is no competition for resources with Crete, and that Zoner's have always been willing to supply their home world, and to maybe see if a deal can be struck to have the hostages of Freeport 9 Released.

Of course should we come to blow's I will be there, but we have to think about securing lives, and our future, first.

Jerard Voncloud - Phoenix - Pygar Administrator

RE: To: Zoners - Groshyr - 10-21-2023

...::: Sending :-: Transmission Linked :::...
....::: Sender :-: Colonel Jack Jackson, Canarian Self-Defence Forces :::....

We have been receiving reports of the ever evolving situation with the Omicron Theta system hourly, Mr. Burton, so please rest assured this is not falling upon deaf or indifferent ears. The Canarian Self-Defence Forces has ever involved itself with the expulsion of the tyrannic forces that threat Zoners independence and our neutrality in the never neding conflicts that keep sparkling all around the Sirius Sector. Though this is a completely novel situation to the untrained, and unexperienced eye, such as yourselves and other members of the Phoenix, the CSDF does indeed guage threat metrics on a priority scale to best deploy our forces in as effective a manner as is possible.

The so-called occupation situation is not as transparent as you may think. We indeed have assets in place to continue to monitor and evaluate everything within that intersection of space, and will continue to do so, and If an actual threat of the magnitude of importance that warrants our involvement arises, rest assured the CSDF will react swiftly and mercilessly. Until such a critical moment, do make sure to take what measures you have available to secure your safety and that of your personnel.

...::: Link Lost :-: Closing :::...
....::: Relay Link Lost :-: Closing Transmission :::....

RE: To: Zoners - RedEclipse - 10-21-2023

With a decadent mood you’d rather not waste our time listening to the message, take off your pants and spread your ass and prepare for the intervention. Enjoy, but we rather resist, that would be to be absorbed by the changing world. We are not alone. Other groups had already shown their interest in a temporary coalition. It's a true disaster that some people cannot to listen. I'm aghast they used to administer 11 before.

We did everything possible to save up Freeport 14 and Erie, though I would like to mention the distances between us and those conflicts. I merely call people for the arms, not your very personal grievances or abilities to debate or argue. Our group had been around for decades and you wouldn’t even be able to imagine how many times we managed to choke a fire.