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The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Printable Version

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The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Lord Helmchen - 10-29-2023

Well as the Original Post got closed by the DEV Team or MODs, or whatever, I made a new one. The Changes to give the Hogosha access to Amaterasu make even less sense than to give it only to Samura. I am sorry but this thing is Classified as a LINER. To Give a Liner to the Hogosha makes no sense at all.

Also to Close the Original post for Replys because of and i quote.

"bug reports pushed to fixed and invalid have replies disabled"

I am sorry Dear DEVS but the Basic Problems with that ship and its Lore are not FIXED. In my Mind, you made the Lore and the Justification to keep this ship out of the Majority of Player's Hands, even more, weird and Inconsistent. Either Give Access to the Ship to Factions that Realy Know about Liners and how to Handle and Opperate them, or Change the Lore of the thing and make it into a Proper WARSHIP. Maybe a Light Comand Cruiser or something like that. But the Current Changes make no Bloody Sense.

Oh and before any of you came back about the thing that, and i quote again.

"Those that had their Yachts turned into Liners should note that your 59 million (old credits) ship has now turned into a 4.4bil (old credits) ship."

It's not about the Dam Money. The Criticism is about the Fact that the Exclusivity of this Ship makes no Sense and that you Cause some INRP LEGAL TROUBLE for those that got effected by your Switch of the Geisha with the Amaterasu. Or do i have to REMIND you about the new Ingame KUSARI LAW? Ah, I just do it.

IV-6. Kusari corporate technology found in the possession of criminal organizations is subject to expropriation or elimination.
IV-6a. “Amaterasu”-class Liners found not in possession of Samura Industries or without valid certification provided by Samura are subject to seizure or elimination.

RE: The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Alex. - 10-29-2023

(10-29-2023, 12:00 AM)Lord Helmchen Wrote: Well as the Original Post got closed by the DEV Team or MODs, or whatever, I made a new one. The Changes to give the Hogosha access to Amaterasu make even less sense than to give it only to Samura. I am sorry but this thing is Classified as a LINER. To Give a Liner to the Hogosha makes no sense at all.

Also to Close the Original post for Replys because of and i quote.

"bug reports pushed to fixed and invalid have replies disabled"

I am sorry Dear DEVS but the Basic Problems with that ship and its Lore are not FIXED.

I'm just going to stop you there - it was moved to the 'Fixed or Invalid' forum due to being Invalid, not due to being Fixed.

RE: The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Lord Helmchen - 10-29-2023

(10-29-2023, 12:28 AM)Alex. Wrote:
(10-29-2023, 12:00 AM)Lord Helmchen Wrote: Well as the Original Post got closed by the DEV Team or MODs, or whatever, I made a new one. The Changes to give the Hogosha access to Amaterasu make even less sense than to give it only to Samura. I am sorry but this thing is Classified as a LINER. To Give a Liner to the Hogosha makes no sense at all.

Also to Close the Original post for Replys because of and i quote.

"bug reports pushed to fixed and invalid have replies disabled"

I am sorry Dear DEVS but the Basic Problems with that ship and its Lore are not FIXED.

I'm just going to stop you there - it was moved to the 'Fixed or Invalid' forum due to being Invalid, not due to being Fixed.

Then why do you want to stop me? Or are you afraid of honest criticism? The Amaterasu is Beautifull, but neither the Lore nor the Exclusivity of the Dam thing make any Sense. And to Punish Owners who had no choice in having one with that LAW is simply UNFAIR.

Also since when is Critisim INVALID?

RE: The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Lucas - 10-29-2023

If your concern is that you lost a ship, I'm currently making a smaller version of the ship with some differences in the model for open access. Will that finally make you happy?

RE: The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Erremnart - 10-29-2023

Regarding the consideration of Amaterasu as proprietary technology, I don't see anything wrong with it. Firstly, it makes sense in the case of this ship – it's a symbol and a source of pride for space and luxurious engineering for Samura, which shouldn't fall into the hands of other 'gaijins.' Secondly, there are already faction-specific ships of all types, from fighters to transports.

If players want to fly this ship without any issues, nothing is stopping them from doing so under the Samura ID. Making this ship into a generic civilian ship would ruin its vibe.

RE: The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Pinko - 10-29-2023

You know, you can probably contact the KuGov and just ask them if you can have a licence for OS&C, the law itself says that valid certification can be provided by Samura. I bet that'd be a very simple SRP to do.

RE: The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Lord Helmchen - 10-29-2023

(10-29-2023, 12:36 AM)Lucas Wrote: If your concern is that you lost a ship, I'm currently making a smaller version of the ship with some differences in the model for open access. Will that finally make you happy?

So you say you make a New Geisha? That would surely be a good thing. But it still doesn't change my Criticism that the Lore and Exclusivity of Amaterasu make no sense.

Please don't get me wrong Lucas I really Respect you and Love your Work. But to call this Ship a LINER and not Give OS&C access to it really goes on my Nerves. The Bustard may be Classified as a LINER but its Lore says it is a "Civilian Light Carrier". It's a Beautifull Ship and if you had Named it anything other than a Liner it would have had no Criticism from My Side. But with the Lore as it is I will Criticise this Flaw.

RE: The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Sombs - 10-29-2023

(10-29-2023, 12:36 AM)Lucas Wrote: If your concern is that you lost a ship, I'm currently making a smaller version of the ship with some differences in the model for open access.

Can only speak for myself, but I am very happy about that since your Renzu/Samura designs are amazing.

RE: The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Lord Helmchen - 10-29-2023

(10-29-2023, 12:38 AM)Erremnart Wrote:
Regarding the consideration of Amaterasu as proprietary technology, I don't see anything wrong with it. Firstly, it makes sense in the case of this ship – it's a symbol and a source of pride for space and luxurious engineering for Samura, which shouldn't fall into the hands of other 'gaijins.' Secondly, there are already faction-specific ships of all types, from fighters to transports.

If players want to fly this ship without any issues, nothing is stopping them from doing so under the Samura ID. Making this ship into a generic civilian ship would ruin its vibe.
(10-29-2023, 12:41 AM)Pinko Wrote: You know, you can probably contact the KuGov and just ask them if you can have a licence for OS&C, the law itself says that valid certification can be provided by Samura. I bet that'd be a very simple SRP to do.

I already did it with Samura and got Denied with the same weird Reason that is in the lore.

But let us do the MATH, shall we?

The ship Costs 44 Million Credtist New Money. Thats 4.4 Billion in old Money. If you Consider that RND for a ship of that size would be about 2 to 3 Times the Costs of the Serial Model then we are at least at 100 to 200 Million Credits of New Money (10 to 20 BILLION Old Money)

To not Sell those ships on the Open Market even if they try to Use the Liner on there own. On a Market that OS&C Controls to 100% in Sirius. Well, this would make NO sense at all. This ship and its Exclusive Lore make no Sense for a Company. No Board of Directors would ever approve such a Project if the Only thing it is will be an INFINITE MONEY PIT. Not even a Rich Megacorp Like Samura could afford that.

RE: The Amaterasu Lore Makes no SENSE AT ALL. - Erremnart - 10-29-2023

OS&C doesn't control all tourist market in Sirius. Kusari is one of the Houses where you have no presence at all.

Kusari-only superliner makes sense for their prestige and pride. Don't forget that for Kusari, OS&C are gaijins and second-class customers.