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To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Printable Version

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To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Petitioner - 11-06-2023

[Image: kFcaPj4.png]

User ID:
Lex Setiawan

Target ID: Dublin's RPA

Subject: Reaching out


I doubt you've heard of us. I'm Lex Setiawan, speaking here for my comrades in the Kongsi Syndicate. We're a group within the Independent Miners' Guild that operates independently from the rest of the Guild, though we're amenable to joint ops. In the past few decades, the Guild as a whole has become worryingly... corporatized. We're not about all that. The Syndicate holds firmly to the ideals of anarcho-syndicalism; under our banner, all are equal, and we wish to work for the freedom and liberation of all workers everywhere in Sirius. Peacefully when possible, and with guns when necessary.

We have the utmost respect for the Molly movement, and many of our number used to work for the accursed BMM before taking their liberation into their own hands and finding their way to the Guild. Thus far, we've mostly been gathering our space-side resources with the infrastructure left behind at Dounby by the ICMG of years past, and we're looking to expand our operations out of the Taus and into the Omegas. Dublin is a natural staging ground for us, and of course we'd be pleased to help you out with your mining operations at Connacht, which I hear has been making waves lately.

While we haven't "formally" contacted your people yet, our own Comrade Chen on the Solidarity Forever has told me that she's in space with your folks right now, and she likes what she sees. With the Assembly's recent success in fully liberating Dublin, we want to support you however we can. As such, we'd like to ask for unrestricted access to Dublin, and let you know we're here to do whatever we can to help you out. We may be "legally permitted" within Bretonia, but we're not too fond of the Houses nor their so-called laws, so we're keen on exploiting their toleration of us however we can.

Let us know what you think, and how we can go about making a better Sirius for all workers together.

Lex Setiawan
Kongsi Syndicate

RE: To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Luminium - 11-07-2023

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From: William Harris
To: Lex Setiawan
Subject: RE: Reaching out

Good evening.

We at the Assembly consider the IMG to be our ideological cousins of sorts. For decades, the Guild's operations have been the link between the Mollys and necessary supplies for our movement. With the unfortunate loss of Battleship Hood at the hands of the Corsairs, that link may have been severed, but that doesn't mean we've forgotten.

Of course you're welcome to come to Dublin and bring whatever aid you offer.

And speaking of Corsairs, Solidarity Forever took damage in combat action against them alongside the Assembly Fleet and her crew has earned our respect. The techs and facilities of Foyle Shipyard are at your disposal if you need them. I'd advise to prepare for more battles - Dublin may be nominally ours, but the bloody Corsair jackals still try to steal its wealth for themselves.

Harris out.

> End of Transmission <

RE: To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Petitioner - 11-08-2023

[Image: kFcaPj4.png]

User ID:
Lex Setiawan

Target ID: Dublin's RPA

Subject: RE: Reaching out

Comrade Harris,

We're happy to hear your reply, and Comrade Barlowe is moving his mining ship, the Minangkabau, to Connacht now in order to assist in filling Connacht's stores of ore. With your permission, I'd like to station our own cruiser, the Bella Ciao, at Foyle. She's a retrofit Hel, salvaged from the graveyards of the Omegas, and in lieu of any large-scale operations elsewhere, the crew is of the opinion that they can best assist our joint goals by avenging the lives tragically lost on the Hood.

If you approve, we can handle all the repairs ourselves, squeezing them in during Foyle's downtime between working on your own ships. If nothing else, we'd be happy to invite your own folks aboard to join us at our bar for a few rounds whenever the mood strikes.

For a free Sirius.

Lex Setiawan
Kongsi Syndicate

RE: To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Luminium - 11-11-2023

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From: Matthew J. Burns
To: Lex Setiawan
Subject: A Contract

Good evening, Comrade Setiawan.

I am Minister Burns, the administrator of Connacht Depot and financial advisor to our Chancellor.

Mr. Harris is currently occupied in the wake of recent events in Dublin, which I am sure you are aware of. He asked me to pass his regards to you and your people, commenting that you have acquitted yourselves well in the battle and more than earned docking rights at Foyle Shipyard for the Bella Ciao, as well as any other warships under your flag.

As for myself, I have a proposition of a more business-related nature. Seeing as our combined mining operations are already bearing fruit, I am interested in expanding and fortifying Connacht Depot, and your ships have access to materials that ours do not. Of course, you will be well-compensated for this task.

I am attaching the contract's details to this communique - let me know if you are interested in doing this for us.

Matthew Jamie Burns

> End of Transmission <

RE: To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Petitioner - 11-12-2023

[Image: kFcaPj4.png]

User ID:
Lex Setiawan

Target ID: Dublin's RPA

Subject: RE: A Contract

Comrade Burns,

It's our pleasure to have been of assistance in Dublin. Thanks to our superior coordination and iron will, the Syndicate took no casualties, and indeed I believe that the few ships in our ad-hoc alliance which were destroyed had all pods recovered. After all, it's in no one's interests for those bloodsuckers to gain even more of a foothold in one of the few free systems in the galaxy.

As for this commission, we're more than happy to help out. The Pulau Muara Besar will be departing from Dublin shortly to start knocking those numbers down, and we can speak of rewards once Connacht's workers have all that they need to fortify the installation. Until then, let's just call it mutual aid.

We'll be in touch; speak with you soon.

Lex Setiawan
Kongsi Syndicate

RE: To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Petitioner - 11-12-2023

[Image: kFcaPj4.png]

User ID:
Tom Barlowe

Target ID: Dublin's RPA

Subject: RE: A Contract

Hey Molly man.

We got all da cargo for youse already, is all on da base. I hope it helps.

Lex told me ta' tell youse just keep da money. Dey said it's a favor between friends an' we might ask youse a favor in return later, but if youse wants it ta' be strictly money transaction, just send half ov what youse offered to da Bella Ciao. I'm not too good with dat stuff, so I's just hopin' we got da right things for yah.

Tom Barlowe
Kongsi Syndicate

RE: To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Luminium - 11-12-2023

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: alRwfsV.png]

From: Matthew J. Burns
To: Lex Setiawan
Subject: Payment

Good morning, Comrade Setiawan.

Your people's speedy delivery is one of the cornerstones of our movement. Together, we will bring about prosperity in a way the crown's company never could.

Please accept this as a token our gratitude and do not hesitate to call on RPA in the future, should you need our assistance.

Matthew Jamie Burns

> End of Transmission <

RE: To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Petitioner - 01-10-2024

[Image: xhTZZaP.png]
[Image: kFcaPj4.png]

User ID:
xxxx Lex Setiawan

Target ID: xx. Republican Provisional Assembly

Subject: xxxx Mutual aid


We'd like to extend a permanent invitation to your people to visit us at Riau Star City in sector Echo-going-on-Foxtrot Eight in Tau-23. I don't think we're in need of anything your people can import for us right now, but if you're interested in quality refined niobium or excess toxic waste for re-enrichment and refining, we'll happily hand some stock off to the Assembly's personnel should any find their way up this far north.

Furthermore, the Syndicate as a whole is interested in deepening our ties with the Republic -- after the failure of the Guild's operations to remove the graverobbers from the site of Ă…land thanks t' the interference of their fascinatin' new friends in the Corsairs, it's clear that greater cooperation between revolutionary movements is needed so as to make full use of what few advantages we have in striking against the oligarchs.

In these times of struggle, absolutely nothing should push worker solidarity into the back seat. We'll soon be redoubling our efforts in Dublin itself to keep Connacht's coffers comfily full, so that we can properly capitalize upon the fat cats' eagerness to sell us the rope by which we'll inevitably hang them. To wit, if there's anything else at all we can do for ya, please don't hesitate to let us know.

[Image: OS4cGd8.png]

Lex Setiawan
Kongsi Syndicate

RE: To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Luminium - 01-10-2024

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: alRwfsV.png]

From: Matthew J. Burns
To: Lex Setiawan
Subject: Re: Mutual Aid

Greetings, Comrade Setiawan.

I have not heard of Riau Star City before - my congratulations on successfully constructing a space station. It is good to hear that your movement is doing well.

I will pass your invitation to our Chancellor and the rest of our kin. I am glad to hear that our convoys will have a friendly harbour in the remote Taus, and we will send a representative for a visit within the next few weeks. There is an interest within the Assembly in both deepening our economic ties and developing some form of military cooperation.

Your assistance with Connacht is quite welcome. Historically the Mollys have benefited from the IMG's legal status within the Houses and we would not wish to put that legality in jeopardy. I trust you will handle it with all due discretion.

Matthew Jamie Burns

> End of Transmission <

RE: To: Republican Provisional Assembly | From: ^Y^ - Petitioner - 01-16-2024

[Image: xhTZZaP.png]
[Image: kFcaPj4.png]

User ID:
xxxx Lex Setiawan

Target ID: xx. Republican Provisional Assembly

Subject: xxxx Mutual aid


While the Bella Ciao was stationed at Foyle to restock after the whole Aureum Castreum thing, the crew got a look at some of those new Harrier fighters the Republic has put out in the past few years. I'm sure that your ingenuity in crafting such a schwifty little package played no small part in the Movement's recent successes against the Crown, and on that count we're all juiced up to applaud ya. But we do more than just offer lip service.

Heard from Rezz and Eloi that they just wrapped up a big op down in Dublin alongside your lads to restock Connacht, and that they brought down some depleted refining chems for further re-enrichment at Rathmines. That's the kinda support that we're all about -- cooperation like that keeps those beautiful Harriers coming off the production lines.

Given all of that, some of our syndics got to wondering if the Assembly has a couple of old Bloodhounds laying about that've been obsolesced, say five or six that'd otherwise be collecting dust or just cannibalized for parts. If that's the case, we'd be happy to take 'em off your hands. That slim profile is perfect for fighting in asteroid fields -- which as you know is basically where we do all of our fighting -- which's where we got the idea to make this request. If not, no big deal.

Anyway, as always, if there's anything further we can do for you, just give us a ring.

[Image: OS4cGd8.png]

Lex Setiawan
Kongsi Syndicate