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The Platform - Faction Information - Printable Version

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The Platform - Faction Information - The Platform - 11-07-2023

[Image: The-Platform-Flag-Black-info-page1.png]
The Platform

Faction Information )

Quick Info
[Image: The-Platform-Flag-Black.png]
Flag of the Platform

Alignment: Bundschuh
Ship Tag: (=)


The Platform is a Bundschuh sect espousing a far-left, anarchist political ideology. A compromise between platformist and synthesis anarchist tendencies, it and the sect were founded by the infamous Rheinland dissident Erich Klugmann and the more enigmatic and reclusive “Civil Servant” several months before the Blackout.

In spite of the contentiousness of its radical-left stance, the Platform has risen to prominence within the wider Bundschuh for several reasons. A fiery speech issued by Klugmann to the Bundschuh in 830 AS preceded the initial founding by half a month; the speech had lambasted the organization for ironically growing stagnant and tepid during his exile.

He advocated a vision far more extreme than he had in his days of leading the Vereinigte Widerstandsarmee: opposition to the state as a concept. In periodical pieces and follow-up speeches, he elaborated to his idealistic audience that a nation-state–even one with good intentions–was doomed to backslide into some variation of corrupt politics, stratified corporatism, and an entrenched prison-industrial complex. Illustrated timelines of the rise and fall of the Federal Republic of Rheinland–and of the Council of Gallia–served as ideological object lessons to support Klugmann’s arguments.

The Battlegroup Strausberg’s massacre of the crew of Bautzen Station in 832 did even more to sway a portion of the Bundschuh than Klugmann’s rhetoric alone; by the latter half of 833, ex-Zoners made up a substantial minority of those identifying with the Platform. This group had extrapolated from Klugmann’s rhetoric a sobering conclusion: a nation-state would only tolerate Zoner freedom and independence so long as it served that state’s purposes. These former Zoners had witnessed that political neutrality hadn’t spared Freeport 11 from The Core, Gran Canaria from Bretonia, Freeport 9 from the Corsair Empire, and most prominently, Planet Erie and Pennsylvania from the Republic of Liberty.

Starry-eyed political theorists from the Bundschuh’s latest generation joined these bitter ex-Zoners. They were further joined by Sirian leftists distancing themselves from perceived authoritarianism among the Coalition-Hessian Bloc, and by huddled masses yearning to breathe free from across the Sector.

Combined into an unwieldy but democratic confederation of subfactions allowed to keep their own identities, the Platform stands poised to radicalize not only the ideologies of the Bundschuh and Rheinland’s ideological dissidents, but also those beyond its borders. In the end, the State–and resistance to the State–share a universal language.

Primary Objectives

Engage in a guerilla war against the Second Empire of Rheinland, the Corsair Empire, and other states, corporations, and organizations, using all means available to the Bundschuh.

Ratification of a Charter or other “legal document” intended to codify–for the aid of its continued stability and shared direction–a decentralized anarchist combatant organization; one that is anti-authoritarian, anti-nationalist, and anti-capitalist. Additionally, able to hold its own without becoming overly dependent on other factions and organizations.

Promotion of and martial guardianship over mutual aid groups, to supplant former corporate and governmental models of resource and service exchange.

Ideological diffusion via propaganda and direct action; possible expansion of influence towards other nearby, potentially volatile planetary populations (Marne, Sprague, Houston, Erie).

//Huge thanks to @Civil Servant for art/formatting and @Petitioner for proofreading!

RE: The Platform - Faction Information - The Platform - 11-07-2023

Faction Diplomacy)

As a somewhat loosely-organized and decentralized movement, the Platform's factional diplomacy may vary slightly among cells and individuals; the information here is a general reference of both prevailing opinions and example interaction guidelines.


Entails active collaboration where possible.

Known Insignia
Name & Risk calculation
Points of Interest
[Image: MollysLogo.png]
Molly Republic
For better or worse, anti-government narratives NEED a success story. The Platform almost universally agrees that the Molly movement needs material support from Rheinland, but there are concerns over the type of societal entity that the Mollys might create afterwards.
Likely competition with the Coalition and other unlawfuls in regards to that hypothetical society.
[Image: Alglogo.png]
ALG Waste Disposal
Generally favorable treatment even within the radicalized Platform lens for being an “ethical” corporation, and for being the only one in Rheinland to fight the Imperials.
Potential cooperation in Sigma-15.
[Image: 800px-Dsy_zon_hf.png]
Pennsylvania Rebels
A reliable route towards provisioning and inciting larger-scale revolt against the Liberty occupation is desired, but both Unioners and hostile Liberty unlawfuls would complicate the already long distance situation.


Entails no risk of unfounded piracy, possible docking privileges, and cordial or cautious dealings depending on faction.

Known Insignia
Name & Risk calculation
Points of Interest
[Image: ImgLogo.png]
Independent Miners Guild
Considered a “respectable corporation” due to refusing to wholly kowtow to House control and upholding better working conditions than other mining groups.
[Image: 120px-Order_Logo.png]
The Order
Notably colder view of the Order than Bundschuh tradition; general view in Platform that they don’t care how autocratic a government is so long as it "preserves humanity".
“Status Quo” in general relationship, but no longer warm or completely cooperative.
[Image: Zoners_Logo.png]
Widely seen as “decent” due to freedom from House control, but negative feelings towards botched response to Pennsylvania and Freeport 9.
Concerns over corporatization of Zoner society.
[Image: CdQC5O9.png]
Technocracy of Auxo
Potential smuggling partner/regional contact.
Concerns over ideology/government structure.
[Image: LWBLogo.png]
Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB)
Viewed somewhat warily since many are believed to hold sympathy to ideas of pre-80-years-war Imperial Stuttgart, as well as not knowing how strong Samura’s/FA’s hold over them is. Otherwise, shared antipathy for Synth Foods.
Potential cooperation in Sigma-15.
[Image: 180px-Hessianlogo.png]
Red Hessians
Mixed opinions based on perceived authoritarian/militaristic ideology as well as long standing marginalization of the Bundschuh by their efforts.
[Image: Cv_fighter.png]
Wildcards; likely to be treated skeptically at best unless proven trustworthy. Fence-sitting is likely to be frowned upon.
[Image: GaiansLogo.png]
Longstanding debate over whether Gaian bio-weapon constituted anti-colonialism or genocide.
Relations will depend on what sort of society the Gaian movement envisions, if they interfere with aid to Dublin, and if they offer aid to local Corsairs both there and in Rheinland.
[Image: 180px-CoalitionLogo.png]
Sirius Coalition
Generally poor opinion of Coalition’s State Socialism, widely seen as an ideological rival should the Platform’s own ideology spread. Currently tepid relations that are likely to get worse, unless radical reform happens within the Coalition itself.
[Image: 180px-Csv.png]
Near-universally negative opinion of Junkers among the Platform, but unfortunately they are too ingrained as amoral middlemen and suppliers to effectively fight against.
If the Bundschuh gained some measure of smuggling/commodity autarky, the Junkers would be treated as Hostile.


Entails a probable combative/piratical opinion in Zone of Influence; small potential for situational, pragmatic dealings against a mutual foe.

Known Insignia
Name & Risk calculation
Points of Interest
[Image: Dsy_trainx2.png]
Unlisted Corporations
Opposition in general to corporatism/capitalism, but in general transport crews are viewed as having no alternatives. Offer one.
[Image: 120px-CryerLogo.png]
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Mega-Pharma corporation with a Profit-for-Health business style, extortionate health insurance and high priced pharmaceuticals cost civilians lives.
Excessive disruption to their logistics may accelerate Cardamine epidemic in the sector.
Sympathetic doctors and scientists may be a source for cut-price Stabiline.
[Image: 120px-OscLogo.png]
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Luxury leisure and tourist corporation exploiting market and financial ties with considerable damage to local environments and economies.
Holds desperately needed land on Baden-Baden which is soley exploited for use by OS&C for their industry.
If ferrying tourists or passengers, provide ample time for them to reach escape pods; the Bundschuh don't want a civilian massacre.
[Image: 120px-XenosLogo.png]
Liberty terrrorist organization from largely working-class roots that has grown somewhat more politically sophisticated in the last several decades, prompting spirited debate in the Platform over how to approach them.
Possible avenue for cooperation in regards to pro-Pennsylvania and/or anti-Unioner operations--Until that bears fruit, assume they will react negatively to their still rather isolationist tendencies being challenged.
[Image: 120px-GmgLogo.png]
Gas Miners Guild
Holds a borderline monopoly on the H-fuel market in Sirius.
Because of this monopoly as well as their exploitative contracting of prison-industrial agencies, The Platform considers them valid targets.
Acquiring either parts or sympathetic gas mining staffers would be a godsend for both Bielefeld's meager gas mining capability and the Bundschuh at large.
[Image: 120px-ChrysanthemumLogo.png]
Golden Chrysanthemums
De facto Women's Rights activist movement in violent opposition to the conservative, patriarchal Kusari government and society.
Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom is available at Bundschuh libraries; general Platform consensus is that it offers a fanciful non-solution to a real societal issue, void of meaningful political analysis or change.
Viewed as little more than a fanatical Cardamine cult and staunch Maltese ally; targeting Cardamine convoys passing into Rheinland is acceptable.
[Image: 120px-LH_Logo.png]
Lane Hackers
Known anti-Ageira criminal enterprise with insider knowledge in the FTL industry.
Often viewed as "useful" informants and kingmakers by those with the patience to deal with them; expect double-dealing and intolerable pretentiousness even by Bundschuh standards.
[Image: 120px-FarmersLogo.png]
Farmers Alliance
Kusarian anti-Synth terrorist movement believed to be backed by Samura Industries.
Unlike the LWB, the (Kusarian-branch) Alliance is wholly conservative and politically even more isolationist; the Platform opposes attempts by Samura to use either organization to leverage influence in Rheinland.
[Image: UuJsIzJ.png]
Crayter Republic
Widely considered little more than a vassal of Republic of Liberty; Platformists strongly condemn its de jure stratocratic government.
[Image: Rheinland-Shipping-1-1.png]
RGS Shipping
Rheinland's largest shipping corporation, and operators of Rheinland's largest civilian shipyard, Alster.
Alster's storage depots are prime snatch-and-grab targets without the risk of civilian casualties.
[Image: 120px-RoguesLogo.png]
Liberty Rogues
"Predictable" in that they are most likely to seek profit by any means necessary, usually through smuggling or piracy.
Assumed to be open to pragmatic dealings, but the organization is believed to be involved in Cardamine, artifact, and formerly human trafficking industries.
[Image: Co_elite.png]
At best considered a nuisance that might prove a useful diversion from governmental attention; at worst a brutal oppressor needing to be excised at the root.
[Image: BDM-v2-logo.png]
Rheinland Intelligence agency and one-time ally-of-convenience during the Rheinland Civil War. Use extreme caution in any interaction.
Assume that any pragmatic dealings with the MND may have unforseen negative consequences.
[Image: dd69ef4862.png]
[DAMNATIO MEMORIAE ADVISORY] Priority Xeno- intelligence focus, aggressive behavior compared to other major mindshares is lacking, unknown Nomad variable. Caution is highly advised when observing entities.
Avoid engagement unless absolutely necessary, and report any potential sighting to a Platform Xeno-specialist.


Entails likely combative/piratical opinion in Zone of Influence; little chance of cooperation due to ideological differences.

Each entry for a House government refers to their police, military, and (excepting Rheinland) intelligence agency.

Known Insignia
Name & Risk calculation
Points of Interest
[Image: 120px-Synth_Logo.png]
Synth Foods
Incalculable damage to the standards of living and self-determination of Stuttgart's inhabitants; decades of ecosystem alterations by the corporation has damaged Stuttgart's other forms of agriculture and fauna.
Choice target of opportunity due to its ever-growing monopoly on Rheinland's and Sirius' food production; acquire such cargo where possible for redistribution.
[Image: 120px-DaumannLogo.png]
Daumann Heavy Construction
Rheinland's largest mining and manufacturing corporation and a major source for Imperial support, originally one of the 3 corporations that supported the Imperial coup during the civil war.
Primary suppliers of military hardware to the Rheinland government; interfere accordingly.
[Image: 120px-KrugerLogo.png]
Kruger Minerals
Rheinland mining giant and one of the 3 original corporations that supported the Imperial coup, potentially to avoid a sell-out to ALG due to long term financial mismanagement.
Long considered the "Sick Old Man of Rheinland" among the Bundschuh; currently believed to be attempting to mine the Crow Nebula in violation of GMG sovereignty.
[Image: 120px-UnionerLogo.png]
The Unioners
A twisted betrayal of a dissident movement, with no regards to civilians or their own in the pursuit of their selfish greed.
Supported the Imperials during the Civil War before turning on even them in the aftermath. A severe threat to the Rheinland Underground, and likely to come to the aid of Corsair-aligned raids and convoys.
[Image: 120px-BhgLogo.png]
Bounty Hunters Guild
A longstanding thorn in the side of Sirius' nascent revolutionary or pirate movements no matter their creed; mercenaries who exclusively cater to House governments.
Considered by some Platformers to be even worse than government fanatics; the crux being they've long hunted the Bundschuh for credits alone, not out of ideological loyalty. To be shown no mercy.
[Image: 120px-Core_Logo_Final_3_pixel_expand_resize_box.png]
The Core
A small Edge Nebula-based "Empire" acting as a human nemesis to the Order and who overtly seeks to wield and weaponize alien technology for their own benefit.
Believed to court House governments for deals in alien technology through their "national corporation", APM Manufacturing.
[Image: 120px-Flag-outcasts.png]
Nation of Malta
Cartel nation-state that purportedly synthesizes Cardamine from their namesake planet.
Practically an ideological antithesis of the Platform; an entity seeking to forcibly impose chemical dependence and thus centralize fealty to the Nation--"The Orange Dream".
Until recently, relied heavily on human trafficking and forced labor to both produce Cardamine and and provide a cushioning underclass to their society.
Rheinland is less viable to smuggle Cardamine through to Liberty than the Barrier Gap; regardless, any smugglers should have their Cardamine expropriated.
[Image: avatar_23336.png?dateline=1636124588]
The Gallic Union
A butchered attempt at formalizing a government post-collapse of the Gallic Kingdom and short-lived Confederation.
Quickly growing to become Rheinland's closest trade partner due to the Zurich Highway, also opening up possible cross-pollination of ideology to historically volatile Champagne.
[Image: 120px-Flag-kusari.png]
Empire of Kusari
A militaristic conservative state influenced under the rule of its Keiretsu.
Direct contact of non-Intelligence forces considered unlikely due to the normalization of Rheinland/Kusari relations and the GMG buffer between them the two.
[Image: 120px-Flag-bretonia.png]
Kingdom of Bretonia
A highly stratified de-facto constitutional monarchy that barely survived the Gallic Invasion.
Planet Sprague is a prominent potential target for the Platform to incite revolt and insurrection within, pending the availability of better operational capacity to Omega-3.
[Image: 120px-Flag-liberty.png]
Republic of Liberty
A laissez-faire Republic-in-name that embodies "socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor" through privatized police, a burgeoning prison-industrial complex, and both corporate and military imperialism.
A longstanding history of projecting influence through Synth and Ageira, and a more recent history of subjugating various powers in its bordering independent worlds, including Vespucci, Bering, and Pennsylvania.
Inciting revolt and insurrection in Texas and Pennsylvania is a prominent goal among many Platformers, pending the availability of better operational capacity into Liberty itself.
[Image: 120px-Flag-corsairs.png]
The Corsairs
A brutal, imperialist ethnostate that survives from plundering the efforts of others and the trading of potentially dangerous Alien artifacts.
Apparently a society in permanent Total War footing, it has longstanding logistical and food problems, as well as an appalling attrition rate among the crews of its massive capital fleet.
[Image: ibcKP9w.png]
House of Rheinland
A corporatist regime embodying the worst of all worlds of the two Rheinlandic states preceding it.
Military and Police targets are clear for engagement on offensive and defensive operations.
Unless certain a given representative of either is sympathetic, it is recommended not to overly waste words on the majority who won't change their mind about their government under any circumstances.
[Image: 120px-Flag-nomads3.png]
Nomads and Infected
A genocidal alien threat to Humanity with a longstanding history of direct conflict in the Omicrons.
Avoid engagement unless absolutely necessary, and report any potential sighting to a Platform Xeno-specialist.

RE: The Platform - Faction Information - The Platform - 11-07-2023

Faction Cells)

The Gloaming Flotilla

[Image: The-Platform-Flag-GLF.png]

Quick Info

Cell prefix: GFS
De-centralized civil militia
Social & political advocates of martial guardianship
Nomadic anarchist populace

Cell Objectives

The establishment of anarchist territories with the intent to house and support a civilian populace escaping authoritarian corpo-state oppression.

Organize an armed civil militia capable of resisting state militaries and corporate security while providing mutual aid to supressed populations forced into unfair conditions and demands for basic needs.

Summary )

The Gloaming Flotilla originated as a group of Bundschuh who protested Klugmann having been declared persona non grata by Party Leader Freya Eistochter and her protege Jana Haupt. Accordingly, they joined him in exile using whatever ships and belongings they had, in effect punishing and depriving the Bundschuh for having passed that decision. They fled into the Crow Nebula; both to escape the Party’s retribution, as well as to exploit growing political and economic instabilities in the Sigmas.

They subsisted as a decentralized mini-fleet, living aboard the likes of Spatial and Pelican-class ships, recycling what they could, and attempting to pilfer opportunistically from anyone unlucky enough to cross their paths - Particularly the likes of the GMG, Outcasts, and Cryer. A high-minded effort to hypothetically secure the means to produce or store H-Fuel, Cardamine, and Stabiline was unfortunately not feasible with what little true combat capabilities the Flotilla had.

Klugmann used the opportunity of these political followers’ presence to test the feasibility of a “communal” and non-hierarchical system of living in the blue mists, to mixed results. The Flotilla had established a “cultural identity” and rapport from years of close living, by the time Klugmann led it out from the Sigmas to supply the Pennsylvanian rebels. Now integrated into the wider Platform sect of the Bundschuh, it serves as a de-jure “Crew Union” to which membership is optional. Ironically, its collective bargaining power for working conditions and resource distribution is levied against Klugmann himself; though he has offered little actual resistance to the majority of their feasible demands since their return to the Bundschuh fold.

Damnatio Memoriae

[Image: The-Platform-Flag-Transparent-CS.png]

Quick Info

Cell prefix: N/A
Enigmatic & socially seclusive.
Origins within Thuringia.
Considered the 'Covert' cell.

Cell Objectives

To maintain the eyes and ears of Bundschuh intelligence capabilities as insurance for the Platform's survival in an ever changing universe.

Expansion of fringe-sciences and Sirian knowledge while consulting on ethical use of advanced technologies in line with public safety.

The abolishment of the deeply integrated 'Sirian financial credit' system.
Summary )

"The Platform of Thuringia" internally known as the "Damnatio Memoriae" are somewhat different from their counterparts elsewhere; a dangerous stellar graveyard system isn't where one would usually find permanent residents living in personal comfort. Many see them as an almost bland rendition of figure and personality, supplanting the social skills necessary for casual interaction with a relentless fervour to the task at hand. Informal rumours and opinions from within the Platform assign them the unsavoury reputation of the “covert” branch, with all the intrigue and mystery the trait implies. Their true purpose for choosing Thuringia over other Bundschuh sectors is unknown, but is certainly in keeping with their members’ reclusiveness.

In essence, their concept of what brings them happiness in their life is in their selfless service to others. Many of these broken men and women wholly synthesized their labours to supplant their former personalities and identities. There are no shortage of whispers and speculations about their ulterior motives, but most Platformers put those reservations aside when the Thuringians prove their worth by actions. True to their reputation, their signature cultural trademark is an almost permanently bound helmet when within potential public view–those with a desire to “pry behind the visor” are sometimes met with a contemptuous lecture about the DM’s personal boundaries, and the members’ dissatisfaction to be seen without it.

While being one of the original cells that supported Klugmann and his goal to remove the corporate power that have had a stranglehold on Rheinland for so long. Understanding the goal of the Platform to organize an opposition its material exploits their corner of space. Although the seclusive nature of their home have brought questions onto what exploitations they're fighting, having considerable insight into matters that seem to exceed Rheinland and its inter-human politics, yet stand firm that the ethical right of what the Platform stands for is rooting itself in their home. Levelling an amount of suspicion to their goals and blind trust with other cells calling them 'devout allies'.

The Black Flame

[Image: The-Platform-Flag-Black-Flame-transparent.png]

Quick Info

Cell prefix: BF
Military hierarchical internal command
Battleship Klaxon enables rapid deployment
Origins within Liberty and its insurgencies.

Cell Objectives

With the assistance of the Platform, the Black Flame have sworn an oath to bring the firepower necessary to combat brutal regimes and to pass on its combat teaching as a professional military to the decentralized militia.

To ensure the survival of the Klaxon as a vessel and home for those who have fled liberty and its occupied free-states.
Summary )

The Black Flame's origins lie with the Battleship Klaxon and its snubcraft compliment. The core of the cell are the Klaxon's ‘lifers’—one-hundred-thirty-odd crewmates and fighter jockies who have been with the ship since its days in the Liberty Navy, or old Legion personnel who found themselves rotated into its group from other Insurgent squads and decided to remain through the exfiltration to Rheinland. During the Klaxon's three year ‘long wait’ at Bielefeld, the crew made themselves useful to the Bundschuh by assisting with the relocation of refugees, most of whom were from Munich, Pennsylvania, and Freeport 9. Many of these refugees found themselves swayed by the Platform's radical message, and swore oaths to serve aboard the Klaxon until such day as those who had wronged them could finally have justice visited upon them. With the injection of this fresh blood into the ragtag band of grizzled veterans, the Black Flame was born.

Their position within the Platform is a precarious one, as in truth many of their members are not anarchists; some of the Klaxon's lifers might be more aptly described with even more colourful terms owing to the sheer vitriol with which they express their hatred towards the House governments. This group has caused the Black Flame to be viewed with suspicion by their more ‘ideologically pure’ counterparts, a fact which is not helped by the Flame's continued adherence to a military hierarchy and ranking structure. They defend themselves by asserting that they are soldiers fighting a war, and remind their fellow Platformers that not only is membership within the cell entirely voluntary, but they also adhere to a democratic structure alongside the hierarchical one. Despite the controversies, however, none can deny that they are fierce and capable fighters, and that they and their home—the Battleship Klaxon itself—are an invaluable asset to the entire Bundschuh.

While the Black Flame's only true home is the Klaxon, many members of the cell operate out of Bielefeld or Bruchsal. When the sleeping giant awakens and the agèd battleship sees deployment, the forces of the Black Flame are possibly the most vicious and effective of all cells within the Platform.

RE: The Platform - Faction Information - The Platform - 11-22-2024

Tenets of The Platform )

Being as the Platform is a paramilitary and political force with members of many backgrounds among its cells across Rheinland, it is more than necessary to devise and promulgate a written foundation that we can support, guiding our struggle for a brighter future for all. Rather than laws cementing brutality and exploitation as oppressively imposed by House governments and corporations, these tenets are intended to spiritually guide ever-expanding and increasingly-distant stellar communities and societies who share our ideals through circumstances which change daily, as the factors of our complex human existences are wont to do. Yet, they remain applicable from the simple acts of comradeship and resistance through the drastic actions undertaken by oppressed peoples in the name of resistance.

Those communities who have committed to co-operation alongside or membership within the Platform are held to these guiding principles. Those who violate and disregard the same may be subject to reprimand or tribunal by the assembled cells of the Platform and its member communities.

Tenets of the Platform

Our Guiding Principles

§1 Right to Life:
We positively affirm our shared recognition of the right to life of those across the sector, and the maintenance of necessary means to prevent infringement upon that right. Those who would violate this right are subject to the right of self-defense by the defender and its necessary force and/or extended measures from Platform tribunal.

§2 Justice & Equity:
We positively affirm our shared obligation to uphold the means of justice among the inhabitants of Sirius, and to ensure it is rightfully and fairly supported against the diverse tribulations that are posed by authority and its false laws.

§3 Mutual Aid:
We positively affirm the importance of promoting a fundamental understanding of and appreciation for life across Sirius and its inhabitants, to encourage enrichment of oneself, one's comrades, and one's community unobtrusively or with the consent of others. The manifestation of this right takes many forms, be it communal support in the pursuit of happiness, the protection of others from unjust attack, or aid freely given to the vulnerable and repressed.

§4 Stellar Communalism:
We positively affirm our intent to establish free territories under the Bundschuh umbrella and its anarchist assembly, equipped with internal civil systems beyond the grasp of states and corporations, and with a duty to support public need above profit and power. We assert that oppressive and damaging monopolies of all kinds must be abolished.

§5 Guardianship of Free Space:
We positively affirm the plain truth that space, like land itself, cannot be claimed as the property of a private individual or of a so-called state. Likewise, the sanctity of one's home must not be threatened. We, the assembled cells of the Platform, have a duty to maintain and nurture and develop cooperative communities that have accepted established arrangements of mutual aid with us or representation within our assembly.

§6 Eternal Emancipation:
We positively affirm the moral fact that slavery, involuntary servitude, and all forms of employment racketeering are antithetical to the right of self-determination. These systems fundamentally establish and perpetuate, and are in turn established and perpetuated by, an oppressive class structure which irreparably tarnishes human dignity. This is the foundation of the Platform; such systems must be actively resisted and abolished.