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Redline Inc. Focusing on the future. - Printable Version

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Redline Inc. Focusing on the future. - Redline.Inc - 11-08-2023

[Image: C6amCFt.jpg]
Media Information Release

David Jamison
CEO, Redline Inc.
[Image: nBI0GFH.png]

Given the recent cataclysmic changes to the industrial face of Sirius and the necessary new focus on strengthening and shortening the supply lines of strategic materials and also considering the many new facilities coming online throughout the sector, it has been decided that Redline Inc. will return to it's roots and concentrate once again on the provision of Ores & Metals services to our prospective clients.

With respect to our other ventures, all have been eliminated or severely scaled back. Our operations in Sigma-15 and the Omicrons sector have been entirely halted, but we have remained in contact with the Miners of those sectors so that we may facilitate a timely interface with clients who have interests there.

Another facet of the recent changes has been that the naval forces and lawful organizations throughout Sirius will now have a strategic interest in ensuring that the industries within their houses retain a reliable supply of the necessary materials to produce the products that it's citizens and their governments consume. If the Houses fail in this respect, they shall reap what they sow and soon find themselves economically hamstrung by the supply shortfalls in their sectors and the additional costs involved in obtaining these materials from those Houses which successfully protected the assets of their industrial base.
Speaking as one who has spent a lifetime in this endeavour, we will not be risking our lives and limbs for those who do not act to secure the paths needed to supply them. As businesses, those of us who transport these materials would obviously cleave to those clients who provide the best opportunity for profit and least risk of capital losses.

In short: Since the highest losses occur at the hands of ships which only House Lawful Forces have the ability to defeat or repel,
those Houses who fail to secure the trade paths within their zones of influence areas against unlawful commercial predation cannot logically expect priority access to their desired materials.

Given the above, except for a handful of corporate security ships, Redline Inc. has divested itself of the assets previously known as DrengrCo Security. All ships and martial hardware previously used by that contingent have been sold to others who act in the service of corporate security so that we can return to our traditional focus.

To those with whom we have recently been doing business and those with whom we have had prior corporate contact, we hope to advance the prosperity of both our interests as we take the first steps into our collective futures together.

[Image: Ho8IBQK.jpg]

To: Base Operators. From: Redline Inc. - Redline.Inc - 03-01-2024

[Image: C6amCFt.jpg]
Media Information Release

David Jamison
CEO, Redline Inc.
[Image: nBI0GFH.png]

Redline Inc. would like to alert Base owner/operators that our refurbished trade fleet and network of affiliated miners stand ready to assist refineries and manufacturers with their mineable resource needs.

Redline Inc. is a generational family-run metals and ores concern originally based in Bretonia which has now updated it's fleet and centralized it's operations in Liberty.

Over the decades of being in the business, Redline has amassed a sizeable network of affiliates throughout Sirius, and can assist you with acquiring the metals, ores & gases needed for your operations.
Redline Inc's CEO David Jamison and crew are standing by to assist you at your convenience.

(Please Note: Redline Inc. being an ores & metals specialist does not participate in the mining of Tech, relics and organisms, etc.)

[Image: tVpBYlO.jpg]