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To: Shaun Carbo, Director of Production, Detroit Munitions - Printable Version

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To: Shaun Carbo, Director of Production, Detroit Munitions - Lord Caedus - 11-15-2023

Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, First Fleet
Head of Logistics

Captain Jack Boehm

Mister Carbo:

After speaking with the commander of one of your transports the other day while running some supplies out to the Falls, in accordance with practices already established to assist with the daily operation of your facility, it has come to my attention that we share similar goals pertaining to the establishment of weapons research and development on our respective facilities.

Long Island is currently in the process of establishing a small scale weapons construction facility that will primarily be used to equip capital class vessels of the First Fleet. I understand from the previously mentioned transport commander that the Falls is currently in the process of establishing a similar facility, and that your people might need access to certain rare materials that aren’t practical for you to obtain. The First Fleet does have practical access to these materials, and I would like to propose an agreement between our two facilities to pool our resources on this front.

Logistics Corps ships will acquire the raw materials needed for both of us to finish construction of our respective facilities, and Detroit Munitions will provide assistance with refining certain of these materials until such time as similar capability is available on Long Island. If this agreement is acceptable to you, please respond at your earliest convenience.


Jack Boehm
Captain, 1FLT
Liberty Navy

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