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Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Printable Version

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Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Chenzo- - 11-17-2023

Chenzo was a simple man in values, loyal to a fault. Few knew of his movements or intensions until they were made obvious, the few that knew thought him to be mad.

Maltese society was far from what he'd left behind. Trust, honour and respect were commodities worn thin even between Maltese brethren.

Times of the Ghosts of Razgriz, the real ones held these values at the forefront of everything. To betray anyone trusted was simply not an option, no matter what may seem greener on the other side. The Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues and Golden Chrysanthemum's were front tier allies. He trusted them as much as anyone under the Outcast transponder, sometimes more.

The very actions of Cesari no matter how small in the grand scheme were of paramount importance to Chenzo's return from the void. He was to return the favour by any means necessary. A true Outcast doesn't break their word.

Since the initial deals with Cesari of The Lane Hackers, time had passed. Enough time that Comercio Fantasma was in it's final stage of construction. A curious but trustworthy contact was to make an appearance in Alpha, Floor 69 had been set aside purely for the Hackers from day one, yet it was the least developed floor on the station. If The Lane Hackers had any interest or use of it, it was theirs to fit out even beyond Chenzo's eyes and ears.

A transmission from a "Mr Ling" got the loyal Outcast into action. Behind blast proof doors on floor 69, he brought refreshments and ensured everything a guest would need was present.

RE: Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Mr.Ling - 11-17-2023

[Image: 138b.png][Image: 3.png]
[Image: 10i.png][Image: 20i.png][Image: 30i.png][Image: 43i.png]

The doors opened, and Mr. Ling strode into the room tailed by what appeared to be a maid carrying a briefcase. With an acknowledging nod, he said "Señor.", and proceeded to stick a device near the door frame, and then he flicked one up to the ceiling where they deployed and emitted a low hum. "Anti-eavesdropping devices. Effective against both people and machines. I do hope you'll forgive the precautions, the current situation at hand is... interesting." Turning towards his maid, he took the briefcase and said "Thank you, Cicero. You may return to the ship."

He set the briefcase down near the refreshments, then turned to offer a handshake. "Mr. Ling, Lane Hacker Inner Circle. I don't believe we've truly met before now."

RE: Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Chenzo- - 11-17-2023

Chenzo hadn't met this person before, nor did he sound like the person from the transmissions. The image character fit though. He watched intently as the hacker set up his gear, with an efficiency and technical ability held by no other group, there was no doubt he was the real deal.

Chenzo nods at the appropriate times without a word uttered as Ling spoke.

Without hesitation Chenzo stands to shake hands with his new acquaintance. He wasn't Cesari, but anyone from the inner circle to be sighted is rare.

Chenzo: "We haven't, senor. Then again, face to face meeting with your people is a very rare experience indeed. One can assume you were briefed which is why you are here."

He gestures around the seemly unfurnished and raw walls stretching for what must be at least 1000 square feet, an entire floor of the station, all which required a lot of work.

Chenzo:"This place after we meet today I won't ever enter again, nor will anyone else without an invite from yourselves. It's bare deliberately, I'm sure if of any use to you for any function, you'd rather prefer a ground up build ensuring all measures are taken to keep yourselves private. Of course, the hanger master will take any order's you have for supplies, materials or anything else.

Now, before I hand over a certain document and discuss my plan, do you have any questions?

He sits calmly and pulls a packet from his jacket.

Chenzo: "Mind if I smoke?"

RE: Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Mr.Ling - 11-17-2023

In response, Mr. Ling offered what seemed to be a golden pocketwatch, until he flicked it open and a flame began dancing within, offering a light for Chenzo's smoke. "Certainly not", Ling responded as he slid his own hefty cigar from an inner pocket on his suitcoat.

"As for questions," Ling continued, "I have none that cannot wait until after you've said your piece."

RE: Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Chenzo- - 11-17-2023

Upon taking the strange device, it quickly became apparent it's purpose. It flicked open and he lit his cigarette.

He handed the lighter back to Ling.

Without hesitation Chenzo hands a small data chip to Ling along with his lighter.

Chenzo: "It was indeed as Cesari feared, senor. Obviously, I feel as sick as I'm sure you do, but not all is lost"

He continues to smoke as ling does what he does with information, absorb and analyse

Chenzo: "This is actually to our advantage. I trust this is new information, senor?"

He continues to smoke

RE: Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Mr.Ling - 11-18-2023

After lighting his own cigar and briefly reading the document given to him, Ling moved his briefcase to a clear area and tapped it with his foot. "I'd had a hint of something like this, but it seems we are quickly running out of allies", he said as his briefcase deployed into a small holo-table, projecting a very familiar dump of information:

As his machine ran its startup process, he inserted the chip, uploading the information to the greater network and beginning a cross-reference process. "At the very least, Fiorella De Marco was a suspicion on my radar." He seemed to chuckle jadedly. "I'm sure Wolfe will be just elated to hear about Damien Morreti again." The cross-referencing completed, showing a list of variables. Dots were connected in the database and showed Ling a much clearer picture.

Ling turned to Chenzo "I'm sure I don't need to go into detail on why this accord here is destined to backfire. Instead, from what you said earlier, you seem to already have a plan in place?"

RE: Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Chenzo- - 11-18-2023

Chenzo was no doubtedly very concerned as to what exactly what Ling would do with the information presented, regardless for better or worse. Honour and loyalty above anything else.

Chenzo: "I've kept my word, senor. Now I must ask a favour of you and those within your circle."

He looks Ling directly in the eye through his sunglasses. He wasn't able to see his eyes, but Chenzo was sure he was getting his point through

Chenzo: "There is indeed much more to be gained from this document that what meet's the eye. I've not had it for long, but I'm absolutely certain that the actions noted in that document are not done so with a clear mind.

Of course, there is no defending it, but the document in place actually gives more cards than it takes.

As I mentioned earlier, yourselves, the Rogues and our ladies of Kusari are Maltese allies from as long as our people have existed. Each generation brings about their version of what they think is correct, often losing sight of the true values on which things are based, this is a clear example of how one utter cretin has foolishly meddled in things for unknown reasons....

He lights another cigarette as he continues

Chenzo: "And without fully exploring exactly what senorita De Marco's motives are, quite frankly I don't feel that's important. What it does give us is options.

Option one, you can take this document and declare senorita De Marco an enemy, heck, possibly even the whole of Maltese people hostile. Myself included.

Another option is to seek her silent assassination.

Perhaps another along these lines....

What I'd like to see happen however is as follows;

We have information on where these Xeno's think they're safe, their routes, the runs. Where they plan to stock, store and export for final sale. As much as a blithering idiot and betrayal move that this document exists, it's an open door to crushing the Xeno's without them ever knowing a thing.

Senor, I think it's obvious that no Outcast in their right mind would ever have made such a document, but it's existence can be used to an advantage.

I can give you my thoughts and support, quite literally here and extend an arm in Liberty. I hope to also work on this with you and the Rogues. The choice however on what you do is yours, your esteemed colleagues.

I won't hold any of your actions against you, I will however ask for what you think of my suggestion, the final one of course.

RE: Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Mr.Ling - 11-18-2023

As Chenzo finished speaking, Ling took a long, heavy draft of his cigar and nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, and of course the final say lies with the Professorship, not I. I will tell you, however, something learned over seven colorful years of Intelligence specialization: Solutions that are the first thing you think of, that look sensible, and that are easy to implement are often short-lived, ineffective solutions that will cause headaches down the line. With that said, however..." He takes a holographic data file in hand. "Your suggestion to use this against the Xenos is one I'll commend heavily to the Professors, and you are certainly correct in saying this presents new opportunities. The nature of De Marco's movement isn't known completely, however, and the extent of her influence neither. Acting on it immediately may make both the Lane Hackers and yourself enemies of most of Malta."

He then takes the hologram and expands it for display. "As for the help of the Rogues, I'm afraid you'll find that difficult to obtain."

(10-22-2023, 02:54 AM)Hemlocke Wrote:
"A mouthy legion, spilled the beans of the Outcasts searching for.. "alternative sources of distribution." One of De Marco's underlings I'd imagine. "Asuncion" or some such. From day one I knew which way the wind would blow."

"I told her majesty that those that lay in bed with snakes are not welcome to my abode, and that if she did not alter her course of action, I would butcher her for it. Just as I butchered the Asuncion, and one of the Legion aces they sent after me to "set an example"."

"That was the day the Outcasts proved their hubris was insurmountable, and that they'd rather kill us for protecting the trade, than see it prosper."

"The Princess and the Beast, a lovely story. She thought me blind, and lame, lied to my face, and thought she'd get away with it."

"Though the story of why she dislikes me could be as simple as the fact I told her to go get medicated by Cryer when she said "The Xenos don't want to change Liberty."

"De Marco", Ling continued, "chose to speak for the Outcasts as a whole. The current leader of the Rogues is a warlord after the heart of any warlord in history. He's brought the Rogues to heel through strength, efficiency, and ruthlessness. And she chose to disrespect him to his face on his own territory, ally herself with an enemy, and send hitmen after him. She's thoroughly sullied the name of the Outcasts for the Liberty Rogues, and it wouldn't surprise me if they're preparing to drop Cardamine completely, and turn to Artifacts if not simply piracy alone. Rogues have always dealt in absolutes. Repairing the damage she did would cost her head on a silver platter, if not more. Expecting the Rogues to help us is a gamble of impressive stature."

"And given that she had the gall to speak for the Outcasts as a whole, I'd say she has a big enough following to feed her confidence. One that can't just be hunted down and stomped out. Before any direct actions are taken, we'd need to find the extent of her power. If the whole of Malta is on her side, it very well might be time to abandon ship." He takes another data file, and with a little typing on a holographic keyboard, the holotable produces a data chip, which he hands to Chenzo. "Alliance, or even so much as neutrality with the Xenos is a joke. There's a reason their iconography is snakes, it's because that's what they are. They'll use you to get a little more power, and when they got what they think they can get, they'll sell you out to the highest bidder. If the Xenos and De Marco can't be stopped, then I can see pretty clearly that this ends with the Xenos eventually getting the power over Liberty they want, then completely shutting the Outcasts out, using the knowledge of the smuggling routes to end Cardamine in Liberty."

"For you, I heavily suggest getting a feel, as subtly as possible, for who your friends and foes are on Malta. It may be time to start investing in Stabaline, for you and for us. It may not." The holotable's lights dim slightly as it goes into standby. "As much as I'd love to just kill De Marco, and Morreti along with her, that wouldn't solve the problem. We can't let De Marco die a hero and be made a martyr to the masses. If we're going to take her out, she needs to first be a traitor to the people, and then her death will merely be an execution. And for the Xenos, you cut one head and another takes its place. We don't have enough information to take direct actions." He heaves a sigh, and finally takes off his sunglasses, tucking them into his breast pocket. The bright purple ocular implant in his left eye and the tiny holograms it projected in front of his eye were now visible as he walked towards the refreshments. He put a few cubes of ice and some brandy in two of them, and offered one to Chenzo, along with a toast and a bitter smile: "To our eventual survival, Señor"

RE: Floor 69, Comercio Fantasma - Chenzo- - 11-18-2023

Chenzo accepts the drink without hesitation, he had no worry of any ill nature. As Ling spoke it was apparent that the situation required more than a simple band-aid. He knew and wanted no ill toward De Marco, no matter how traitorous her actions were.

:At present, nobody but those you choose to share that document with and I are aware you have it. Nobody is any the wiser. I do not fear De Marco as she represents no military strength. I command more warships than she could ever hope to. I do not see it as an option to have her head, the rogues just as yourselves do require Cardamine given it's in everyone's blood. Stabline was never, and will never be a full replacement for the real deal. Even it's production requires the raw product which people often overlook. Stabline is a thorn in our side, but only a fool will hope to sustain themselves entirely on it, death is a certainty for those who rely solely on it. It's just a matter of time.

You can rest assured that Granja Justa is the only reason we re-gained control of Malta during that rebellion of slaves, covering just under a third of the fertile surface, the Rogues and yourselves will always have sufficient supply, you know how solid I am in my word. I'd be very happy to wager that every person who left Malta's orbit in the slave conflict is dead unless they have a supply of actual Cardamine. Stabline just doesn't cut it long term.

Despite her obvious flaws, this is where De Marco is actually proving useful. The influx of Robotic Cultivators to replace the slave based workforce is a godsend, machines can't and won't revolt, they also don't require breaks.

Alas, I've gone off topic. De Marco does not represent every Don of Malta, I wasn't aware that a representative of the Legion had already "spilled the beans" so to speak about this matter. Me presenting this and the actions of the Legion alone confirm she doesn't represent everyone here.

Hemlocke, I will admit can be perceived as a loose cannon, however in person I've found to be very, very reasonable. I will make contact once more soon enough in an attempt to iron this out. I feel that if the Rogues are aware that the Xeno's don't actually have primary control, infact have a map presented of where to get it for free and down Xeno's at the same time whilst holding their lips tight over all this, this should be enough to regain damages done by the actions of a clearly clouded mind, De Marco.

She isn't dumb, which is why there has to be something else altering her mindset to make her want to try and "fix" something that wasn't broken. Why she would want to de-stabilise our largest economy I've no idea.

Let's also not forget that not one hint of signatory came from the Hyperspace Star Fleet of Malta. I trust Harabero, as much as he clearly doesn't appreciate my methods, he cannot deny my results. There is nobody with quite such a voice that echo's so boldly as mine within the Matese nation. They do listen.

The events to unfold depend on how your circle takes our conversations, senor. I'd very much like to have Hemlocke on board to the same degree, transparency with those we trust is paramount.

You may wonder what my actions are doing this? My loyalty? I'm sure De Marco would seek to highlight this in negative light if this conversation was made public. The reality is, I'm loyal to Maltese true values. You don't sh*t on your allies to appease an enemy, she is the real traitor on this matter. If the Xeno's do indeed think they're in the clear for, over two years now? I see this as nothing but ripe opportunity to silently right wrongs. All with plausible deniability.

Senor, please blow holes in what I've explained if they are to unfold as I've suggested? Allow me to calm your worries.