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I could have bought a Battleship - Printable Version

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I could have bought a Battleship - Longhorn - 11-18-2023

Hello there and great to see Discovery still alive.

I played for some time in 2009 if I recall correctly, trading from the ground up starting from zero. I think perhaps a kind soul lend me some cash for a bigger trading ship, or maybe not.

I remember trading, for hours, days, months... Hating when pirates was on the lanes stealing my time. Perhaps I also got a ban for dropping out, woops Big Grin

Then finally after so much trading I could afford the battleship I was longing for, but I was too hesitant to buy it, because I had spend so much time getting the cash. Instead I bought a smaller cruiser and went roleplaying.

During my time trading I got to know someone named Ben who I often played with. Shortly after being able to buy a large Battleship, and roleplaying with the cruiser, I had to leave overseas for a year, and I asked Ben if he could keep my account alive, which he agreed to.

However, after returning home, he told me he didn't save it and didn't play.... I was so disappointed and left Discovery entirely although I really wanted to play. It was just too much work to start over.

I have kids now, job, clients, managers to take care of. Not sure I'm in, but I will have a try. Thanks for some great memories back then.

RE: I could have bought a Battleship - Tenshi Kuonji - 11-18-2023

There are lot of ways to make money in here, or even could lend from someone ...
but, if you telling me you are not playing since 2009 is gonna be hard to even try to get your assets, still, there is a package you can get from admins so you can start with some transport, a good amount of cash and so on, everything else, you can do whatever you want for it ... i would recommend get some ... bounty, or trading contract that can boost your income further, currently i am managing one, if you are interested, just contact me Smile

TL;DR; All i can bring you is some help to get faster the money you want so you get some ships to play with ^^
that is of course, if you are interested

RE: I could have bought a Battleship - Longhorn - 11-18-2023

(11-18-2023, 10:38 PM)Tenshi Kuonji Wrote: There are lot of ways to make money in here, or even could lend from someone ...
but, if you telling me you are not playing since 2009 is gonna be hard to even try to get your assets, still, there is a package you can get from admins so you can start with some transport, a good amount of cash and so on, everything else, you can do whatever you want for it ... i would recommend get some ... bounty, or trading contract that can boost your income further, currently i am managing one, if you are interested, just contact me Smile

TL;DR; All i can bring you is some help to get faster the money you want so you get some ships to play with ^^
that is of course, if you are interested

I am not counting getting back any assets. I transferred the billion credits to someone else account with no evidence they belonged to me. I did apply for veteran but I do not expect to receive anything.
What is a trading contract?

RE: I could have bought a Battleship - Tenshi Kuonji - 11-18-2023

The trading contract? ... we must speak on a private channel ...
Do you use Discord? ... is safer if i explain you in there ... you know ... no one must "Know" about this contract since is high secret one, but i belive is well worthed.