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Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - New Covenant Church - 11-22-2023

22-10-833 AS

Faith Haven settlement - Planet Pygar.

Dr. Mackenzie Wilson

Dr. Mackenzie Wilson climbed the last few steps of the stairs to the reception room. She was a 39-year-old woman, with blue eyes and long golden hair, which she had carelessly tied up in a kind of half-undone ponytail. She was dressed in a white doctor's coat, and a stethoscope hung from her neck.

Her eyes scanned the reception room. It was a spacious place, with several seats placed in a line that mainly served as a waiting room for those awaiting the departure of a ship, or as a communication path to the settlement for those who arrived in one. On one of its walls, a large glass-steel window allowed a view of the outside.

Wilson looked out the large window, overlooking Landing Pad A. The reception room was in a a cubic cement building located on one end of a huge cavern interior, excavated under the surface of the planet. On the roof of the cavern was a large metal hatch that could be opened to the outside. Through it, the ships could enter to rest on a big cement build landing platform. This pad was erected on the rocky floor of the cave, surrounded by luminous signaling beacons, and communicated with the reception room building through a mobile metal walkway, which was only extended when ships had landed.

Dr. Wilson looked into the room again, and located Monsignora Greta Meyer, who was waiting for her next to the screens, embedded in one of the walls, and which offered information about the colony's flights. Greeting her with a wave of his hand, she approached her.

The monsignora returned the greeting while waiting for Wilson to finish reaching her. Meyer was a woman of about 40 years old, tall and thin, with sharp features and very short blonde hair. She was wearing her black uniform with purple trim, and the white collar, which were appropriate of her rank in the Church.

"Oh, hello Mac." she said, when the doctor could hear her. "I thought you weren't coming." Meyer looked quickly at one of the monitors in the wall, and then pointed her finger to it. "Saito's ship entered the atmosphere about thirty minutes ago."

Dr. Wilson looked at the screen for a few seconds, and then smiled at Meyer. "I already told you I would come, I wouldn't miss this for anything in this life. I've been waiting for something like this for years, but unfortunately I had to spend more time than I expected with Matt Brennan, you know, the one who crashed his drilling machine into a scaffold full of workers in Sector 14."

Greta nodded her head. "I remember the incident, it was last week. 7 workers admitted to the emergency room, one almost had to have his leg amputated. However, I thought the drill driver was not injured, or at least that's what I read in the report."

"That's how it seemed to be, but I preferred to do a complete examination before sending him home, and I received the tests two hours and a half ago." Mackenzie smiled wearily. "It turns out that he has neurodegenerative damage that has caused the onset of Parkinson's Disease. I have also found quite high concentrations of mercury in his body, which is why I understand that inhalation of vapors of this metal for a long time is what is causing this pathology."

Monsignora Meyer raised an eyebrow in concern. "Inhalation of mercury vapors? Where has that happened?"

"In the new galleries that are being excavated for the expansion." Wilson looked away and looked through the window again at the landing platform, around which some of the ground crew could be seen doing their tasks. Then he turned back to Meyer. "I've been doing a little research, and it turns out that in Sector 14 we're drilling a fairly large vein of cinnabar to open up hallways and rooms. It is quite normal, cinnabar is quite present in Pygar, but whoever handles it has to be careful. Cutting lasers and diamond drills heat the cinnabar veins to such an extent that mercury vapors arise from it, and these are very harmful to health."

Greta opened her eyes wide, with a gesture of indignation. "Damn, and the workers don't wear masks?"

"Calm down Greta, of course they carry them." Mackenzie raised her hands in a sign of peace. When I found out about all this I went to check Matt Brennan's equipment in case there was any type of failure. And, indeed, the filter is leaking everywhere. Basically this man has been breathing mercury since we started digging in that area, and the team of workers he is part of has been working there more than ten hours a day, for three weeks... It doesn't surprise me that he lost control of the drilling machine, with such exposure to the vapors and the neurological damage he now has."

"May Deux protect him." Greta whispered, quickly making the sacred gear symbol on her chest. "And there is a medical solution for his problem? Can he be cured?"

Dr. Wilson looked doubtful. "For now, I've obviously removed him from his work crew and placed him under observation. He has lung damage too, but what worries me most is the brain damage that I've been able to identify from the deposition of mercury there. That type of pathology has bad treatment, but I've in mind an intravenous infusion of synthesized ethylene diamine tetracetic acid, that could help Matt to recover. That acid can trap heavy metals and help his body get rid of them." Wilson shrugged. "Unfortunately I won't be able to take care of it personally, as I will accompany Dr. Saito as soon as she leaves Faith Haven, but I have left Dr. Vasquez in charge of everything. She's very good at her job, and frankly, she needs to fly free a little."

Monsignora Meyer shook her head sadly, looking the paved ground. "I don't understand the virtues of applying that acid to the human body, you know it's not my field, but I hope it works." Then she raised her head and spoke in an angry voice. "Anyway, if you haven't already done so, I will speak with Monsignor Patel to update the reviews of the work crews' safety equipment. These types of misfortunes are perfectly avoidable, and it's his ministry that must take care of it."

Mackenzie nodded in agreement. "Of course, this was a stupid mistake that could have cost 8 lives. I hope that Patel investigates it to the end, and reviews the security protocols."

Greta Meyer's communicator began to ring. The cleric made an apologetic gesture, and she moved to the other side of the room to answer the call in private. Left alone, Mackenzie glanced at the screen showing Dr. Saito's inbound flight. Due to the position in which the ship was, there were still a few minutes before he could even see the settlement. In addition, it seemed that there was a level 3 storm on the surface of the planet, nothing spectacular, but quite annoying for navigation and for the operation of the sensors.

Mackenzie approached the window again, restless, and entertained herself by watching the comings and goings of the ground crew working under the landing pad. She was nervous, couldn't deny it, although she used to always be very sure of herself. She had to be, there was no choice, her job demanded it, and normally she always had someone's life in her hands, so there was no room for nerves, only cold logic. But for the first time in a long time, he had uneasiness running through his stomach. She wanted Dr. Saito to like her, since they were going to spend a lot of time together. Furthermore, the fact that Saito had voluntarily accepted her as her pupil for Psychology studies only increased her feeling of responsibility not to disappoint her expectations.

"For Deux's sake, Mac, stop it." she said to herself, with anger. "You look like a first grader girlie."

She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She had to stop thinking of Saito as some kind of goddess who would come down from the heavens to judge her smugly. Quite the opposite, right? Saito had chosen her to train her personally, so he must have noticed or perceived something to take the trouble to do so. Psychology classes were taught at the Academy, there were other teachers, but Saito wanted her to accompany her on her trips and for her to gain knowledge through her own experience. That was a priceless gift, which without a doubt Deux put within her reach for her to take advantage of. The more she learned the more good she could do in the future in Faith Haven.

Mackenzie also truly believed in her abilities to be a Psychologist. In addition to her purely medical skills as a neurologist, everyone said that she knew how to calm patients who came to her mentally damaged. What questions to ask and when to ask them, how to filter the information they gave to her to separate relevant from the merely anecdotal, how to use that information to direct them so that they themselves would end up finding what ailed them inside... Many people had come up to thank him for the help provided through the long speaking sessions, which she did altruistically outside of her medical practice hours. And she couldn't help but admit that she felt more fulfilled when she helped someone exorcise their inner demons, than when she simply physically healed their injured or sick bodies.

A harmonious call sounded over the public address system speakers, startling Dr. Wilson out of her thoughts.

"Attention Landing Platform A". A metallic and slightly distorted voice was heard both inside the room and in the outer cavern. "Flight 12-HJ inbound in five minutes, repeat, flight 12-HJ inbound in five minutes".

Mackenzie looked back and saw Greta Meyer fixing his sight at the speakers, with her communicator still in her ear. Then she spoke a few more words and put away her device, approaching her.

"Well, she's already here." Meyer offered Dr. Wilson with one of those splendid smiles that characterized her when she was excited about something. "Let's see what happens."

Mackenzie nodded, and both women waited in silence for the door in the cavern ceiling to open.

RE: Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - Broken Wings - 11-23-2023

Isabella Cursed as She Flys the Dromedary through the Storm of the Surface of Pygar. She was offered a Local Pilot to bring her through the storm, but she rejected the offer. First, because her little Apartment looked like there had a bomb exploded inside, a bomb of Clothes to be Precise. Isabella had stood hours before the Mirror to find a good Outfit for the Day. And then of course there was a bit of her Trust issues that she had, so to let a total Stranger Fly her Ship was not an Option. She knew that this was not a good character trait that a Psychologist. But that's why she tried to Teach Doctor Wilson herself also to learn to get away from a bit of that Trust Issue. She wanted to make sure that Dr, Wilson had the best Education in the psychological field that she could get. And if Isabella could get some of her own Issues softened in the Process then it was a Win Win for everyone. But before any of that could happen she would have to Navigate her Ship through this Treacherous Storm.

Isabella: I swear next time... I pay for the extra Guide....this storm is really Annoying....

There Could be A loud Meow be heard from a Specialty Secured Cat Transport Box next to her. A Cute Brown and Grey Cat was looking out of the Box that was also Doubleing as an Escape Capsule should it ever come to the worst. The Cat that Listen to the name of Niki was Used to Space Travels, but she clearly didn't like this kind of Storm. Niki was a really vocal Animal that always told her when she didn't like anything, and she clearly didn't like this Storm. Isabella was a good Pilot, her parents had made sure that she got a Good Education as a Pilot as soon as she could Sit in a Cockpit without a Special Seat. But Isabella had never Fly in a Storm like this and it took all of her Pilot Skills to not Crash her ship. She was happy that the Dromedary was a Zoner Build Freighter and that it seemed to handle the Storm better than most other ships would have. But still, Isabella was pretty happy as the Settlement of Faith Haven came into View.

Isabella: This is Doctor Isabella Saito, Fligh Code 12-HJ, Ship Transponder [MFE]-Broken.Wings, I have Visual Confirmation on Faith Haven, Requesting Permission to land. I hope you have some Tracktor Beam Guidance for the Landing as I don't know how Stable I can hold the Ship on the Final approach.

There was a bit of Static in the connection but soon after she got a Response. Isabell was really Looking forward to getting a Hot cup of Tea once this Flight was over. She knew that this was one of the Lower Grade Storms that Tormented the Surface of Pygar, but she didn't really want to Find out what the Higher Grade Storms would look like.

Flight Controle: Dr. Saito, this is Flight Controle. We have confirmed your Data and prepared the Landing Pad for Assisted Landing. As soon as you can see the Landing Lights of Platform Alpha fly close to it, when you are at 500 Meters from the hangar the Tractor Beams will take over and you will be brought safely into the Hangar. Your Cleard for Landing Pad A, have a nice visit at Faith Haven.

Isabella Thanked the Air Traffic Controler and followed the Instructions, she was Relived as she felt how the Powerful Tractor Beams would Grab her ship and take over the Final Approach down through the Landing Hatch that opened like the Lens of a Camera. Like this, the Dromedary could be lowered through the Hole in the Roof of the Cave and was brought Safely to a Stop on the Landing Pad. She had made sure to Deactivate the Engines as soon as the Tower told her to so they wouldn't cause Damage inside the Cave. The spectators could see the Blue Position Lights that Indicated that it was a Medical vessel as well as that the Dromedary was completely Unarmed. The only Defense that the Ship seemed to possess was the easily Identifiable Ball Shape of a Cloaking Device on the Hull.

Isabella: Well then little one let's see what awaits us here, shall we? I am looking forward to meeting Dr. Wilson and Monsignora Meyer.

She said with a Smile as she let out the Cat from her Box and the Cute Animal came out and stretched herself as if she wanted to Comply with the Bumpy Ride. Isabella smiled as her little Companion never Changed, she always acted like this after she had to spend some time in that Box. Isabella smiled as she bowed down and scratched her companion between the ears as a sign of apology, an Act that was Rewarded with loud Purrs and the Cat Finally Jumping on Isabella's Shoulders. She would give her another Pet between the ears and then she would nod and make her way down to the Exit.

Isabella was wearing a pair of Jeans and a Friendly Green Shirt with the words "Psychologist, Fueled by Tea" on it. She was a friendly woman who was mostly smiling and had friendly eyes that showed her Compassion and Sympathy for the People. Isabella had the eyes of a Kusarian, and some of the looks, but her skin was showing that she was also part Cretan as well. She was used to the Confused looks that some people have about this. She smiled as she was guided to the waiting room while her ship was Moved to a Parking Position so that she wouldn't Block the Landing Pad for More Important Traffic. She would smile as she recognized Monsignora Meyrs from the Communications she had with her. Isabella would make a small Respectful Bow as it was Tradition in Kusari as she stood in front of her.

Isabella: Konnichiwa Monsignora Meyrs, I thank you for your Hospitality. I am Dr, Isabella Saito. But please just call me Isa, I don't like Formalitys that much and try to avoid them whenever it's possible.

There was a Loud Meow to be heard from her shoulder and the tail of the cat was sapped at her forehead. Isabella smiled and chuckled as she knew that her little Companion was like this sometimes, but she knew that She was also a really good Companion.

Isabella: And this little Rascal on my shoulder is Niki, she belonged to my Predecessor as Head of Mental Health, Dr, Sonja Wilke. After her death, she was some kind of Mascot of MedForce General, till I got Hired and she Decided to Adopt me as her New Human and Walking Cat Bed. But she is a Certified Therapy Cat and she really is a great help when it comes to getting Patients to Relax. And for my Luck, she only Acts like a Spoiled queen when there is no work to be done.

The Cat looked Pleased as she was Properly Introduced and was making a happy purr as she got comfy on Isabella´s Shoulders and looked at the other two humans in front of her.

Isabella: Oh I am so excited to see your Colony, I never really had the time to Explore Pygar and the way the People live here.

RE: Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - New Covenant Church - 11-24-2023

22-10-833 AS

Faith Haven settlement - Planet Pygar.

Monsignora Greta Meyer

Greta Meyer returned Dr. Saito's bow with an identical gesture of respect. "Welcome Dr. Saito. Oh, well... Isa." Meyer smiled, a little embarrassed. "Excuse me, Isa. The habit of damn protocol... you know. It's a pleasure having you in Faith Haven." The clergywoman made a slight gesture with her hand to the right, in the direction of Mackenzie Wilson. "First of all, let me introduce you to Dr. Wilson."

Mackenzie smiled warmly as she bowed slightly, in the same way she had seen Saito do. "Call me Mac, please. I'm also very excited that you are here. We don't usually receive many visitors from outside Pygar, let alone as illustrious as yours." Wilson looked at the cat, amused, and winked. "Hello to you too, Niki. Yes, the illustrious thing was also for you, of course."

Greta pointed toward Saito's Dromedary, which was currently being placed on a moving platform to be relocated to an adjacent hangar. "I know you said you had your own quarters on board your ship, but let me insist that, if you wish, your luggage can be taken to a room in the residential guest wing of the Pontifical Palace. The ship will be stored in a hangar next to this landing pad and it isn't the most pleasant place to be. However, I leave it to your decision, of course, just let me know."

Meyer took out his communications device and consulted the time and planning of the visit. It seemed that everything was in order. The car and the escort were in position in front of the elevator exit of the reception building, and everyone was aware of where they would pass. She didn't want anything to go wrong with Saito. This visit was important for the successful completion of the medical training that they had requested for the settlers, but above all it was essential that Isabella left there with a good impression of them. As Magister Orlov had warned her on several occasions, the Church was interested in having a good relationship with MFE. After all, it was an organization that did much of the work of Deux, even if they were not believers in the Faith. In addition, they had some influence in the Omicrons, and their members were respected by practically all neighboring factions, so friendship with MFE was very convenient for the diplomacy of the Church.

As for herself, Meyer, she simply had great admiration for those types of space saints. It was logical, right? Who could not feel uncontrollable affection for doctors who dedicated themselves to helping people only out of mere altruism?

After putting the communications device in her pocket again she looked at Isabella again. "Well, let's see. About the visit, we can take two options. The first would be to give you some time to get ready, if you need it, either on your ship or in the room we can provide for you. Although it isn't by far the worst we have had, piloting through the storm out there hasn't had to be very easy, so I would understand if you were exhausted. We can wait for you and start the visit when you're more comfortable." Greta made a gesture with her left hand, as if pointing another way."The second option would be start the visit right now, if you still have energy. I've a car waiting outside, on the outer road, which will take us directly to the Pontifical Palace, where we will begin the visit." The monsignora smiled, anticipating any expression of horror that might be on her guest's face. "Don't worry, we call it the outer road because it isn't underground, but it's the surface road that runs along biodomes 1 and 2, and connects them, so it's covered with glass-steel at all times. It's a less direct route than the underground highway, but I think it will allow you to have a more general view of the settlement."

Greta Meyer opened her arms in a questioning gesture and smiled widely at Dr. Isabella Saito. "How do you want to do it?"

RE: Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - Broken Wings - 11-24-2023

Isabella smiled and looked at the two women, she didn't know much about the beliefs of the Church but she wanted to know more about it during her visit and understand what they believed. She was also smiling at Mac and took her hand to shake it. She had soft hands that also showed that she knew what hard work was.

Isabella: It is so nice to meet you Mac, I like that you do not want to be called Dr. Most of my Patients relax much better when I treat them like equals, and that little Dr. Title is making some people stiffer than it is Helpful for a Therapy.She smiled and gigiles. I am not that Ilastrious, I am just a Woman who wants to bring some Light into a Dark World, i am nothing Special.

They could feel that it was the truth, Isabella wasn't the Person to Seek Glory or Special Treatment. She simply wanted to help and live by her oath. She would Blush as Red as a Tomato at the mention of someone entering her ship to gather her things. She would Stumble a bit over her own words as she answered.

Isabella: Oh ahm...i well...maybe I should get the things...ahm well Apartment on well it is a bit...chaotic...ahm....I made a...bit of a...chaos as i had chosen what to wear today...ahm would you please look after Niki for a second....I promise she is a nice one...

Isabella took Niki and laid her in the arms of Monsignora Meyers and then ran off to the Dromedary, she was really worried that a Stranger could see the chaos she had left behind and made sure to put everything back into the Drawers and shelves as she Quickly Packed a Bag for
a 2 Night Visit with her most beloved Clothes and some of Niki´s toys and a Cat Bed, she would also put a Litterbox in the Cargohold should they need one for later. She blushed some more as she returned Niki in the meantime had made herself comfortable at Monsignora Meyers Shoulders and seemed to have developed a liking for the Church official.

Isabella: Ah I am sorry I was a bit Headless. I am not so easy with my trust, it's a little psychological problem of mine you could say. To have a Stranger going through my stuff and packing my things for me is a bit of a Nightmare for me. I hope Niki didn't act too badly in my absence. She is usually Quite nice to others and warms up quite easily with them. Ahm well I had a good Sleep Last Night and such a Storm won't get me down, so I would love to explore the Colony with you and see everything that I can.

She blushed again as she decided to Relive Monsignora Meyers from the Presence of her little Companion. She would take the Kitty and would let her sit down on her shoulder again as she put her Bags down.

Isabella: And I would also like to know more about your Faith as well. I have done some research about it on the Neural Net but I haven't found much, well maybe I have searched at the wrong places? I mean respect for people's Religious Belives is a Really Important thing in psychology and Medicine in Total.

RE: Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - New Covenant Church - 11-27-2023

22-10-833 AS

Faith Haven settlement - Planet Pygar.

Monsignora Greta Meyer

Meyer opened her eyes in bewilderment when Dr. Saito placed the cat in her arms and ran towards the ship. Before the monsignora knew what to do with Niki, the kitten perched on her shoulders and began to purr. Greta looked at the cat, looked at Isabella, who was talking to the ground crew in the distance, and turned to Dr. Wilson with a questioning gesture. Mackenzie couldn't suppress a laugh as she watched her friend's face.

"Oh, come on Greta, it isn't that surprising." Mac told her. "You have practically verbally assaulted her privacy by proposing that your staff enter her ship to get her things. She told you she had a bedroom inside her own ship. Put yourself in her place and tell me. Would you like it if when you arrived in a strange place, strangers came into your rooms and looked to see how you had everything?

Greta blushed immediately, realizing the reality of her friend's words. "I swear I hadn't thought... It was just to offer her comfort! That ship hangar is hellish, it's cold, dirty and reeks of engine oil, battery acids and fuel."

Wilson shrugged. "Of course, but I just want you to understand her reaction, it isn't that strange."

Meyer nodded. The truth is that Mac was right, she hadn't thought about it, she would apologize when the doctor returned. She looked askance at Niki. The cat seemed comfortable on her shoulders, so she dared to try to pet him behind her ears and Niki responded by purring louder.

Isabella returned after a while carrying several travel bags. Greta smiled as the doctor apologized for her sudden rush toward the ship, and she leaned forward slightly to make it easier for Saito to retrieve the cat. When Isabella finished speaking, Meyer tried to calm her by raising her hands in a sign of peace. "Please, Isa, there is nothing to apologize for. In any case, it is I who must apologize for having the lack of sensitivity to suggest that complete strangers enter your ship to rummage through your things." She smiled honestly at her guest. "And Niki has behaved wonderfully, I think we're already becoming friends."

The clergywoman looked at Isabella's bags, pulled out his communicator, and manipulated the touchscreen. Just a few seconds later two men entered the room wearing the black white collar uniforms of members of the clergy, although without the purple trim that the monsignora's had. As they approached, Meyer pointed to the travel bags. "Gentlemen, please take Dr. Saito's bags and follow us to the car." Greta turned to Saito. "There's an outbound flight scheduled in 45 minutes in this platform, and this lounge will be full of people soon, so we'd better not stay here too long. Let's move towards the car, Isa, we can continue our conversation once we are comfortably seated in it."

The three women headed towards a wide hallway that opened on the other side of the room, followed by the two men carrying Saito's luggage. There was a sign indicating that the elevators were accessed there, and halfway there it branched into two corridors that, as indicated, led to two other landing platforms. However, the group continued straight until they reached the doors of two elevators, which Greta called by pressing a button on a console located on the wall.

While they waited, Greta turned to Isabella. "These elevators provide access to the communication routes with the settlement, both the surface roads and the underground highway. Most traffic moves along the underground highway, it's much wider, and has more branches, so it connects better to everything. However, as I told you before, we are going to go up to the surface and we will move along the path above to go to the Pontifical Palace. The Palace is the seat of the colony's Government, and has a part on the surface, through which we will enter, although then it also extends underground like all the buildings in Faith Haven."

The doors of one of the elevators opened as a pre-recorded bell announcement rang. Two workers in orange overalls emerged from it and respectfully greeted Monsignora Meyer, before continuing on their way. The group entered the elevator and Wilson dialed the top floor on the console. It didn't take more than 15 seconds for the doors to open again, and when they emerged they found themselves on the surface.

Above them stretched a not very large glass-steel dome, through which the sandstorm could be observed in all its apogee, and the light of the white dwarf of Omicron Theta that tried to make its way through it. This weak light bathed the flat arid lands around the dome, on the outside, which could barely be seen with all the dust that the storm raised. The distant screeching sound of tons of sand scraping against the thick reinforced glass of the dome could be heard constantly. This seemed to connect with two other similar domes through paths protected by transparent tunnels of the same material, and also with a gigantic biodome that could barely be sighted in the distance, several kilometers away, located between several rocky mesas.

Meyer looked around. The elevators exit were in the center of a kind of cement roundabout, surrounded by a road. On the sidewalk, to the right of him, was a shelter for what looked like a public transportation stop, although it was empty. To their left were two vehicles parked in a line. The first vehicle was a kind of long 6 wheels official car, black, quite dusty. The second was a military reconnaissance SUV painted gray, with 4 large, highly grooved rubber wheels, lightly armored and armed with a machine gun on the roof. Outside the first vehicle was a man dressed in a suit, who was undoubtedly the driver. Around the second vehicle, there were four soldiers in blue uniforms, and equipped for combat, protected with helmets and ballistic vests, and carrying assault rifles. They seemed alert, and were constantly observing their surroundings, as if looking for threats. Perched on the machine gun on the roof was a fifth soldier, who was also looking in all directions as if looking for danger.

Following Meyer, the group approached the first car. The driver greeted the monsignora and the others respectfully, and opened the two large doors in the back area for the group to pass inside. Once inside, Meyer could see how the driver went around the vehicle to get into his driver's seat, and how the soldiers got into the SUV. Meanwhile, the two clergymen who had followed them there, put Dr. Saito's luggage in the trunk of the car, and without saying a word they went away towards the elevator again.

The interior of the vehicle was spacious and comfortable, and the passenger compartment, separated from the driver's compartment by a screen, had two long seats placed opposite each other. It was indeed a kind of luxury official car, although it looked somewhat old and weathered. The seats were padded and comfortable, although the maroon velvet that covered them was worn in several places. The door and dashboard trim was finished in wood and silver metal, although there were nicks in some places and the metal appeared lacklustered.

The car started, and took one of the exits from the roundabout, onto a two lanes in each direction road, protected from the outside by a glass-steel tunnel, and which connected the small dome at the exit of the underground complex of Landing Pad A with the large biodome that they had seen far away. Greta made herself comfortable and smiled at the other two women. "Well, we're already on our way, we'll arrive in 20 minutes, at most. The landing platforms are a little far from the core of the settlement." She looked specifically at Dr. Saito and absently pointed out the rear window at the military SUV that was following them at a safe distance. "Don't worry about the escort, pretend they weren't there. I would have preferred to do without it, but our Field Maestre, the commander of the Pontifical Guard, is very strict with the safety of our guests. He insisted so much that in the end I had to accept, just so that he would leave me alone." The clergywoman made a gesture with her hand, as if dismissing the importance. "He's a good man, but you know how the military is. Always afraid that someone will attack. I guess, after all, it's his job."

Meyer opened a varnished wooden minibar that was placed on one of the sides and offered it with a gesture to his guest. "Isa, if you want, use it without fear. We have some cretan rum, whiskey from Dublin, and if you don't want anything alcoholic there is also several bottles of fresh water." She took out a glass and poured herself a small amount of rum, while she handed Wilson a bottle of water. "You asked before about our religious beliefs. I'm glad you do, I think knowing what we believe and think will help you have a deeper idea of this settlement. Normally I don't take the initiative to talk about it to non-believers, because people usually react with alarm. It's as if they thought that by hearing about our beliefs they ran the risk of being converted without wanting to." Greta looked at Mackenzie and they both laughed heartily.

Mac made a gesture of approval, while pointing at Meyer."It's curious to see how people believe with absolute faith in anything they read in the Neural Net news, or that is told to them by the propaganda of any of the Houses or established powers. But beware!" Mackenzie dramatically put her hands to her head. "If you believe in something for religious reasons, you are undoubtedly a crazy fanatic, who also works magic and has the power to make others, even if they don't want to, end up converting to your faith."

The monsignora nodded slightly when her partner finished speaking, took a sip of her rum and continued, addressing Isabella again. "I'm glad that you are an open-minded person, and aren't afraid to know more about us, and our Faith, which is what gives meaning to what we do." She took out his communicator again, looked at the time and turned to look ahead, trying to visualize where they were on the road. They were still more than halfway there, it would give her time to make a summary.

Meyer took a more comfortable position, holding his glass in his hands. "Our Church is relatively new, it was founded only 13 years ago, but our religion is nevertheless very old, from times as distant as the first days of human beings on Earth. What our Sacred Code says is that, in the void, a sidereal entity has always existed, which we know as Deux Machina. Eons ago, Deux was observing space, galaxies, planets, everything known and unknown, when he encountered the Earth, and saw that humans lived there. At that time, humans were little more than monkeys just come down from the trees, they lived naked and behaved like animals. However Deux saw potential in us as a species, and felt sorry for our fate. And that destiny was to be destroyed, with the rest of the universe, when the Great Enemy that would come from the depths of space destroyed everything. Deux decided that he couldn't allow this, and offered the first humans a Sacred Covenant. They would receive the Gift of the Machine from Him, and in return humans would have to work to evolve, with the objective of face the Great Enemy in the future."

The clergywoman drained her glass of rum and placed it on the minibar. "Humans, aided by the new Gift of Deux, were soon able to make tools, which improved their quality of life. As centuries and millennia passed, these tools produced machinery and technology, and Mankind evolved more and more rapidly. Deux knew that with the passage of time humans would forget the Covenant, but so that not everyone would do so, He ordered the founding of a secret group, the Order of the Covenant Machina, at the head of which there was a Pontiff. This group, or Order, was in charge of influencing technological advances, directing them towards what He wanted, the survival of Mankind. For a long time, there was always a member of the Order of the Covenant infiltrating the governments of the most influential countries, whispering in the ears of world leaders so that they would make decisions that favored the Mandate of Deux. Space research was promoted, the establishment of colonies in space was encouraged, everything possible was done to facilitate the technology that would allow spaceships to be built."

Greta's eyes filled with pain as she reached this part of the story. "However, despite everything Deux loves us, humans suffer from a serious problem, and that is the ease of fighting among ourselves. Wars and confrontations followed one another, and Deux understood that fights between humans would slow down technological advances so much that the Great Enemy would arrive on Earth before everything was ready to confront it. Therefore, Deux tasked the Order of the Covenant with influencing the Earthling nations to begin construction of the sleeperships. Only by fleeing the Solar System would enough time be gained to progress to a technological level sufficient to defend themselves. So, as is known, the sleeperships were a success, at least in part, and thanks to that part of the Mankind was saved, for the moment. The Solar System was destroyed by the Great Enemy, although humans themselves would surely have ended up doing the same thing without help. Some members of the Order of the Covenant Machina managed to board the sleeperships, although they mainly did so in the Hispania, and reached Sirius. Once here, they scattered across the sector, and the Order of the Covenant disbanded. The descendants of those members, in many cases continued to maintain the beliefs of their ancestors, although they were so spread out, they never formed a consolidated Church."

"However, when the Nomad War hit us in 800 A.S., the majority of still believers throughout Sirius understood that those Nomads were what the Sacred Codex identified with the Great Enemy, and Faith partially resurfaced. This resurgence of Deux's Faith was noted above all in Crete, where the largest concentration of believers that still existed was located. There is no doubt that in Crete the cult of Santa Muerte has long dominated any other expression of faith, but unlike the rest of Sirius, there were some medium-size communities that still venerated Deux. The Nomad War only increased this veneration, as many saw the prophecies of the Sacred Codex Machina fulfilled."

The monsignora smiled and opened her arms. Without a doubt she liked this part of the story the most. "And now is where our Church finally appears! 13 years ago the ship of one of those Cretan believers found the capsule of a Corsair pilot in cryostasis in Omicron Gamma. After rescuing him, the pilot turned out to be alive, and he claimed to have been attacked by Nomads at the beginning of the war! He had spent 20 years in cryostasis! That is medically impossible I would say, but nevertheless it was proven that this was the case based on the serial number of the capsule. The pilot also reported that in his cryogenic dream he had been visited by an entity that had the shape of a large cybernetic eye, stuck in a gear, and that told him that the Nomads would destroy humanity if something was not done. The entity told him that it would sign a New Covenant with Mankind through him, and that his mission should be to promote peace and unity among humans so that together they could confront the Nomad. And in order to carry out that mission, he was commissioned to found a Holy Church, of which he would be the Pontiff, that would unify all the believers in Deux, who would help him fulfill his Sacred Mandate. That man became Paolus LXIV, and he was the first leader of our new Church."

Meyer raised the palm of his hand towards Saito, anticipating some type of response to what was said. "I know what you will think. No doubt this man had suffered hallucinations from terrible overexposure to cryostasis and those hallucinations were mixed with his memories of his religious beliefs." Meyer smiled evilly, leaning slightly towards Isabella. "Well, Paolus had not heard of Deux's faith until his rescuers explained to him the meaning of what he had seen in his dreams. He wasn't a believer and didn't even know of the existence of a religion like ours."

Greta leaned back against the seat again. " The rest of the story is less...mystical. The Church prospered for some time and dedicated itself entirely to trying to mediate the conflicts between the different factions that were facing each other, trying to achieve unity among humans, while at the same time confronting the Nomad militarily when it had the opportunity. Finally the Church settled in Gran Canaria, where little by little it declined due to the poor administration of His Holiness Paolus." The clergywoman's gaze turned sad when remembering that time. "It wasn't his fault. The Gran Canaria war between the Corsairs and the Coalition, and everything we had to go through there clouded his judgment. Fear overwhelmed him and he stopped worrying about the Mandate of Deux. He was too afraid of losing more people, and little by little we faded away..." She sighed. "The bretonian invasion was already the last straw for us. We were forced to flee and ended up here in Pygar. His Holiness Paolus died a few months after arriving, and a new Pontiff, Gregorius XCVII, was elected, who now rules the Church with the help of Deux and the Ministers of his Curia, like me..."

Meyer remained silent for a few seconds, engrossed in her thoughts, with her gaze lost. Then she was startled and looked quickly at Saito, blushing. "Oh, I'm sorry Isa, with so many memories my mind has gone away. Well, I know it was a lot of information at once, I apologize for the long monologue, but it seemed to me that you wanted to understand where it all came from... this." She pointed towards the settlement that was already visible through the car windows. "Now, please don't hesitate to ask me any questions you want about what I've told you. We still have time before we reach the Palace."

RE: Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - Broken Wings - 11-29-2023

Isabella Never liked weapons and was also never feeling comfortable around them. She knew why they were necessary and she knew why they were used. She also had some weapons for defense on the [MFE]~Healing.Wings but she did not want to have anything to do with them Directly. She would Listen Carefully to the things that Monsignora Meyrs told her about the Belive of Deux and liked many things about what she heard. Many of the Lessons the Church taught were almost Identical to the Lessons that the Oath of Hippocrates taught her. She also found it was a good goal to peacefully unite Humanity and make them stop killing each other for stupid things. She would take a good Look at the Colony through the

Isabella: I would Never Judge someone's beliefs. Many Religions have some sort of Miracle Storys. And if it was Deux or a Glitch in the Cryostasis System doesn't matter in the End. But I have to admit that I have heard a Similar Story by some Junkers. They Believe that there is a Godly Spirit in their Mashines that Protects the ships. You know when a ship survives Damages that it shouldn't survive or similar things. I think they also called it the "Mashinegod" or "Mashinespirit" if I remember correctly.

She smiled as he listened to the rest of the story as she didn't want to interrupt her too much. But as she heard that the "Great Enemy" she became a bit nervous. Isabella was a Vargant Wild and had a Symbiont inside of her. And even when She and Admete were Friendly towards Humans in General and supported the Vargant Goal of Finding a way to Coexist with Humanity, she knew that most humans would be scared of her. That was the reason why she kept all of those things to herself and only a couple of Humans knew about her nature. Isabella Simply Hoped she would not have to move to a Scanner or some of that Fancy Tech Stuff that the Order possessed. In such a case she wasn't sure if she could escape. And after what happened last time as her Cover was Blown she wasn't sure if she could Prevent MFE from Taking Damage again. But she knew that it was too late by now and that if it would happen then it had already Happened at the Space Port.

Isabella: Yes Nomads can be dangerous for sure. But I also had some weird encounters with some of them in the past that left me more confused than Harmed. I sometimes have the Feeling of Dealing with Children while I other times have the feeling of being confronted by Pure Evil. Our Ships are Ordered to be on high alert whenever we encounter any Nomads, I Mostly Cloak and fly away when I am in my Dromedary.

Isabella thought about it some more while she took a glass of water and looked out of the window to see the Colony that was not obstructed by the storm outside. She Admired the Dedication and the hard work that was needed to build a Colony at a place like this. It must have been hard to bring a Settlement like this from a Dream into Reality.

Isabella: So are you Religiously Ruled, or do you also have a Civilian government? I try to understand how the Daily life of the people in Faith Haven is. I would love to Visit the Public areas as well, you know Restaurants, Markets, Shops and such. She smiled and looked at Mac To Knowing how your Patients live and to have an understanding of their Daily Struggles can make you better as a Psychologist and make you better in Helping your Patients. Everything we learn as People and Doctors can make us better at Helping our patients.

Niki in the meantime had gotten Compfy in Isabella's Lap and purred happily as she dreamed of some Cat Treats and Cuddles. The Cute Kitty semed to be completely at peace in this situation.

RE: Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - New Covenant Church - 12-01-2023

22-10-833 AS

Faith Haven settlement - Planet Pygar.

Monsignora Greta Meyer

Greta nodded when Isabella told her about the Junkers' beliefs, although she had never specifically heard of them.

"Yes, there are many different beliefs throughout Sirius, some share many points in common with ours, others not so much." she said, shrugging her shoulders. "Our faith is respectful with people who have no religious beliefs, or with the beliefs of other peoples, even when we don't share their line of thought. As long as they aren't go against the Sacred Mandate that Deux ordered us to carry out, the truth is that we don't care what people believe. As His Holiness likes to say quite often, Deux doesn't care if you believe in Him or not, what matters to Him is that you fulfill His Mandate. Thus, there are many people who are currently fulfilling the Mandate of Deux and haven't even heard of our religion." Meyer smiled warmly and pointed Saito."For example, MFE, which helps the most needy people for free, I consider to be doing a large part of Deux's work. In general, anyone who actively works to achieve peace, well-being, unity and harmony among human beings is fulfilling what Deux wants us to do."

The clergywoman heard Dr. Saito's words and widened her eyes in surprise when she indicated that she had had encounters with Nomads.

"Oh, Deux, I can't imagine how terrifying an encounter with the Nomads in space must be. Fortunately I have never had the bad luck to experience it, but to get an idea all you must do is listen to the testimonies of our pilots and commanders who have suffered it in the Omicrons, and they've been able to survive. The same story always happens. A contact on the radar, the xenomorph entity rapidly approaching the ship, a barrage of telepathic thoughts full of hatred and death wishes that invade the minds of the crew members, and then the impacts of its bioenergy discharges before everything explodes." Meyer shuddered just thinking about it. "It's horrible how much the Nomads hate us. I've always wondered why, although I suppose it's because they are aberrations designed and conceived for that. Maybe they have no choice, and can't do anything else but wish for our destruction... But I also wonder why the one who created them would seek our death. The Nomads came to the solar system just to eradicate us, and when they saw that some humans had managed to save themselves, they attacked us here on Sirius, eight centuries later." She shook her head regretfully. "Luckily our ancestors had the advice and warning of Deux Our Lord to ensure that Mandkind could escape all that. Now we can only thank Him by fulfilling His Mandate and trying to make humans stop fighting among themselves and live in harmony, to be stronger and be able to defend ourselves when the Nomads come to finish their work."

Greta looked at Isabella and smiled shyly, trying to downplay the drama she had expressed in her words. She hoped she hadn't scared the doctor with her whole spiel about the Nomads. She sometimes forgot that people who came from outside didn't perceive in the same way as the believers of the Faith the level of threat that those creatures really represented. They hadn't been educated in reading the Sacred Codex, and they had not been able to verify for themselves how the prophecies contained in those scriptures had been fulfilled in what had happened in the last millennium. And it didn't really matter. The Church and the believers were already there to understand this threat. Non-believers could collaborate with the Sacred Mandate simply by making Sirius a more peaceful, more brotherly, and more united place. And as the things were lately, that was already a lot.

The monsignora was pleased when Saito changed the subject and asked about the functioning of the colony and its government. It seemed she hadn't bothered her too much with her musings about the Nomads. With a happy gesture she hurried to explain it to her. "Oh, the Government positions are held by the clergy of the Church, who govern all matters, both religious and civil. For example, I myself have the ecclesiastical position of monsignora within the Church, but at the same time I hold the civil position of Minister of Science. Our laws really don't differ much from the laws anywhere else. We are a theocracy that is guided in its governance by the Mandate of Deux, it's true, but the Mandate of Deux doesn't require great specific religious efforts." Meyer absentmindedly pointed toward the settlement, which could already be seen getting closer through the car window. "The vast majority of our settlers are believers. There are other settlements in Pygar, and when someone decides to come expressly to Faith Haven, it is usually because they are already believers in the religion of Deux. However, we also have people living among us who are outside the Church, although they are mainly relatives of believing settlers, who come here to reunite with their loved ones. Still, we don't demand from anyone to believe in Deux to live here although we obviously ask everyone to behave in a way that is consistent with our values, obedience to government authority, and absolute respect for our beliefs. It's also mandatory to be employed in something from the age of 18 to 65, with the obvious exceptions of people who suffer from an illness or disorder that makes it impossible for them to do so. Here we also understand by working to study a specialization in something that can be beneficial for the future of the settlement."

Meyer leaned over the minibar and picked up a bottle of water, the contents of which she started to pour into the glass that previously contained the rum. Everyone could see through the windows how the car at that moment was getting closer and closer to the vast biodome that they had seen from afar before. Its dimensions were enormous, and through its transparent walls you could glimpse part of its interior. In the center, several large buildings could be seen, which were still not can clearly differentiated between them, and around them, there were wide esplanades and what looked like some gardens. Scattered around the edges of the biodome were smaller buildings, resembling homes, and some warehouses. Greta finished pouring her water and continued talking.

"The Church guarantees to all Faith Haven settlers, free healthcare, free education, employment, free housing, free basic food, and free basic clothing and footwear. Employment is remunerated for all workers and an attempt is made to find occupations for the settlers that have as much as possible to do with their skills or work preferences. It isn't always possible for all settlers to work for the Church exactly in what they want, but every effort is made to make it so. Likewise, there is the possibility for settlers to exercise employment autonomously, undertaking small-scale private initiatives. The Church has a monopoly on large service sectors such as transportation, health, housing, construction, and security of course, but settlers can undertake small businesses on their own such as, for example, restaurants, clothing stores, sales of items from abroad that be brought by transporters from outside the Church, leisure rooms, gyms... almost everything you can think of."

The clergywoman took a small sip from her glass of water, clearing her throat. "The private commercial premises are rented from the Church, which owns the real estate of the entire settlement. What these private businesses normally do is offer a much wider range of products than what the Church guarantees freely to the settlers. Thus, the Church provides the settlers with the most essential things, and then they can acquire more specific things or services from the private business by paying for them with their salaries. In this way, both the employment guaranteed by the Church and the private initiatives of the colonists themselves help to maintain a state of relative well-being, given the circumstances."

Meyer mentally reviewed the things he could tell the doctor about the settlement as he glanced again at the front of the car through the driver's screen. The road was clear, with no other vehicles in sight, and soon they would be under the main biodome. He turned back to Saito and continued with his presentation. "Then you'll probably be interested in knowing about where people live. As I said, all real estate belongs to the Church. It's the Church that builds it and who assigns it to the settlers. They are built very similar, fully equipped, and with holographic simulation systems of exteriors through false windows, to reduce the anxiety of living underground, because the vast majority is located in the underground part, like almost the entire settlement." Greta looked away at the storm outside. "Pygar is what it is, nothing survives on the surface unless it's under a biodome, and biodomes are tremendously expensive and complex to build. Only members of the Government live on the surface, specifically in the biodome to which we're heading, in the Pontifical Palace and its surroundings. However, their houses are not much more luxurious or equipped than those of ordinary citizens, they simply have the benefit of being bathed in the light of the white dwarf. Some of them, like me, live in the Palace itself, in private rooms, but don't think that the Palace is a mansion at the service of its inhabitants. It's also our workplace, and contains an entire wing of offices from which the entire settlement is ruled."

Greta opened her arms, as if showing what was around her. "Of course our social system isn't perfect at all, but we try to avoid injustices as much as we can. At the moment we are a small community, about 11.000 people, and the Government can be aware of practically everything that happens and intervene when necessary. But we're constantly growing, we encourage the births of new children and offer subsidies to families who have them. I only hope that when our population grows we can continue to maintain that control to prevent serious imbalances from occurring among the settlers."

RE: Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - Broken Wings - 12-03-2023

Isabella: I know how scary they can be. I have had some Unpleasant experiences with the Nomads Myself. One time they brought me back into my Childhood after my mother committed seppuku (Suicide) because I am a Half Corsair. But I had also some weird encounters, one of them felt like I was interacting with a Curious Child who wanted to understand the world. But you are right it is best advised to be on high alert whenever you have one of them on your Scanners and try to fly a Detour.

Isabella was thankful that her change of topic was accepted as she felt a bit uncomfortable with the nomad topic. She knew that not all of the Nomads were as bad as the K´Hara were and that the Vargants were much nicer and more Friendly towards humans. But she was sure that she would never leave Faith Haven Alive if she would be to Sympathetic about the whole Nomad thing and would Defend them too much.

Isabella: And how did you become a Monsignora? I mean are you Promoted or are you Elected? I am sorry if I am asking too many questions, I just want to understand you better. And to be honest this sounds like a better Social Net than most people in the Borderworlds have. I am impressed with what you managed to build here. I am also happy to see that not everything is religiously Driven, it can be mentally hard for some people if they have to live in a more Strict Society.

She smiled as Niki awakened and stretched herself on her lap, the Litle Kitty yawned a bit as she looked over to the other woman as if she tried to guess who of them she could Convince to give her some treats. Niki was a Master when it came to the Emotional Manipulation of Humans and Isabella knew the body Language of her little Companion Well as she scratched Niki at this one Special Place between her ears that made her forget all of her evil and Manipulative Plans.

Isabella: I can't wait to see the Colony, I am always interested in new Cultures. I Love to explore Fashion and especially the Food Scene, I am a bit of a Foodie and have to taste new things when I come across them. I can understand that Pygar provides unique Challenges to those who live here, but these challenges make the Culture and the People of Pygar so Unique. I have to admit that I have this Curiosity from my Adoptive parents, they were Architects and traveled a lot with me while I was a child. We had our Home at Erie, but we were always traveling in the School Holidays.

She Blushed a bit as she noticed that she had talked so much about herself and looked a bit surprised about this. She wasn't usually that open with people that she had just met. But a Feeling inside of her told her that Meyrs and Mac were good people and that she could open up a little with them.

Isabella: Oh Gosh I have talked like a Student on a Field Excursion here. But I should Represent MFE here, so ahm do you have any questions for me? I mean we will Spend some time together and Especially Mac will spend the next months with me and I want to be as open as possible with you. I mean you can really ask me anything as long as it does not violate the Doctor's patient confidentiality.

Isabella said with a big and friendly smile as she still Distracted Niki with some cuddles and love from her evil Plans that could destroy entire planets if she ever was able to execute them and wasn't Distracted by Isabella with Treats and Cuddles. But to be honest, Niki was easily Distracted and so it stayed with Daydreams of a Cat Uprising to Enslave all of the Humans, and she simply enjoyed her comfy Cat Life.

RE: Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - New Covenant Church - 12-05-2023

22-10-833 AS

Faith Haven settlement - Planet Pygar.

Monsignora Greta Meyer

The clergywoman smiled slightly when Isabella asked about her path being a monsignora.

"Well, positions of ministerial rank, such as monsignors or magisters, have to be proposed by someone of higher rank, and submitted to a vote in the Concilium, with the approval of His Holiness. In my case, it was Magister Julio Barbarossa, our current Minister of the Interior, who proposed me to be promoted to monsignora, and take the position of my predecessor, Monsignor Castillo, when he died in the invasion of Gran Canaria..." Meyer's eyes briefly reflected some pain as she remembered, but he quickly continued speaking. "I come from one of the few families from Rheinland who descended from former members of the Order of Covenant Machina, and who continued being believers in the Faith, when the New Covenant Church was created. My parents, my brother and I were living in Stuttgart when the news reached us, and we hardly stopped to think. We took all our belongings, sold our rural house and joyfully left for the Edge Worlds to join the other believers who responded to the call of the new Pontiff. From the first moment I wanted to enter the clergy, to be more than a mere believer, I wanted to build the new Church from within, so I was ordained immediately."

Meyer unconsciously smoothed out his priestly uniform. "When someone enters the clergy of the Church, he does so with the rank of cleric. The clerics are priests and government officials at the same time, they occupy administrative and advisory positions, but they're also responsible for organizing the liturgies in the Temple and serving as social and religious support for the settlers. They're the basis of the Church, the bridge between the secular community and the religious, and at the same time the bridge between the colonists and the Government system. When I was ordained cleric, I was soon appointed as a supervisor in the Secretariat of Scientific Research, which depends on the Ministry of Science, since I've a university degree in Biology from the University of New Berlin."

Greta scratched her chin as she reminisced in her mind. "The next rank on the Church ladder is that of churchman. Churchmen are senior officials who carry out the functions of department heads or secretaries. When my superior was assigned to another position two years later, in Gran Canaria, the Church promoted me to churchwoman and put me in charge of the Scientific Research Secretariat. Then, once here in Pygar, as Monsignor Castillo had died, they proposed me to take charge of the entire Ministry of Science, and His Holiness approved it. I guess the Church were happy with my work, although I've to say that it wasn't difficult to stand out in the field of sciences. In the beginning there were not many personnel with scientific studies within the clergy. Fortunately that is something we've managed to reverse through study abroad programs for some clerics and lay settlers. It's quite expensive to send people to study at university in Bretonia or Rheinland, but it's essential for the future of our community. In my opinion, it's money well spent."

The convoy of two vehicles at that moment crossed the last section of glass-steel tunnel, and finally entered under the large main biodome. The passengers of the car were able to see how the gigantic transparent dome rose to more than 180 meters high, reinforced throughout with a steel and titanium frame. The space it contained was so vast that if one concentrated, could almost ignore that he were under a biodome. Most of the floor surface was designed for vegetation to grow on. There were fields with some trees and even some small crop fields, scattered everywhere. The highway was widened on the shoulders to allow for more comfortable driving, and on the sides of the road it began to see buildings that looked like medium-sized single-family homes, most of them on one floor, with their own small fenced gardens and orchards. In the distance there were also groups of warehouses, and buildings that looked like offices, and at one point the cars even passed next to what looked like a fire station, with emergency vehicles parked.

Meyer pointed out the window. "We're now in Biodome 1, or the Main Biodome. We've another active biodome in the settlement, further to the east, very similar in size to this one, although lower in height, which is where all the extensive crop fields are located. We're currently building two more large biodomes on the surface, to the west, which will house more crops and recreational spaces for the population, among other things. As you can see, the space under the Biodome 1 was designed in a way in which vegetation and fields abounded. An attempt was made to make the area as similar as possible to what the atmosphere of Gran Canaria would be like, before the start of the glaciation that it's now suffering. Here is the Pontifical Palace and a large part of the Government and Ministries offices, as I mentioned before. All the homes you are seeing are occupied by clerics of the Church who are civil servants and work for the Government, and their families. Being able to have their home in this "outdoor" environment is a privilege that, for the moment, only the clergy can enjoy. However, this biodome isn't at all closed to the rest of the settlers, anyone can come here at any time, and many people usually come here to spend their leisure time, with their family, for a walk or to have a meal in a field." Meyer smiled. "This is the closest thing we have at Faith Haven to spending a Sunday picnic in the countryside."

Greta turned to look at the road through the front glass of the vehicle. The Pontifical Palace could be seen getting closer, rising between several residential buildings and offices of two or three floors that gathered around it, in a kind of small urban nucleus that stood in the center of the biodome. She sat back down, facing Isabella, and pointed to the front of the car. "We'll arrive at the Pontifical Palace in about 5 minutes. Once there I'll order your luggage to be taken to your room in the residential wing and we can begin the visit to the most interesting part of the settlement, the underground part."

Dr. Wilson intervened upon hearing Saito talk about his interest in Pygar culture and gastronomy. "Isa, if you want to taste the local cuisine, we can later go to eat in one of the general dining rooms, or if you prefer, in one of the three restaurants that are open in the settlement, right Greta?" Meyer nooded, smiling. "However, I warn you that we don't have much variety of products at the moment, we mainly eat vegetables, but the chefs try to come up with varied dishes with what they have. Since our settlers come from all over Sirius there is a mix of quite fun culinary styles."

The monsignora supported Wilson's words with a gesture. "That's how it is. We mainly eat many dishes based on the vegetables we grow here in Pygar, and in some cases they are complemented with some meat grown from animal cells in laboratories, but we don't produce enough for meat to be common in our general diet. In the future it's possible that we'll be able to bring farm animals here and start working on livestock, but currently it's impossible due to lack of space and resources. However, private restaurants obtain synthetic, growned, or sometimes even real meat from outside traders, so it's possible to try recipes that we wouldn't otherwise be able to taste. And yes, our culture, both culinary and social, is the sum of many cultures, thanks to our settlers and their diverse origins. This is reflected in gastronomy, fashion, and music."

Mac and Greta laughed heartily when Isabella referred to herself as a "student on a field excursion." Meyer thought that she was really starting to feel personal sympathy for Dr. Saito. She had already imagined that, as a person who had dedicated her life to providing free and altruistic medical assistance to others, she would undoubtedly be a good one, but now that she was starting to get to know her, she felt that Isabella was really someone with a heart of gold. It was something that Saito... transmitted when she spoke to her, a feeling of constant kindness, which encouraged her to smile and feel comfortable. It didn't surprise her that Isabella had a knack for Psychology.

"Don't worry, Isa." Mackenzie said with a warm gesture. "You're the guest here, so no one will be surprised that you ask all the questions you want, and for our part we're delighted to be able to tell you things about our home. But it's true that I would like to know more about you: Where do you come from, how did you become a doctor, how did you join MFE...? You've mentioned before that you are half corsair, but obviously you also have origins in Kusari. Since we're going to be spending a lot of time together from now on, as you well said, I'd love to know your story a little more." Mac raised his hands and smiled shyly. "As long as it isn't asking too much, of course."

RE: Dr. Saito visits Faith Haven - Broken Wings - 12-07-2023

Isabella was highly Impressed as she saw the Insides of the Biodome. To see that life could Flourish even in a Hostile World like Pygar was giving her hope and happiness. She would soak up all the views like a sponge as she sees the houses and fields. Even her Cat seemed to be Curious and looked out of the windows. She knew about the possibility of Biodomes from the ones on her Mobile Hospital, the [MFE]~Healing.Heart. But to see a Biodome on this scale was something completely different. She was like a kid in a Candy Store as she looked around in admiration for all the accomplishments of the Church.

Isabella: This is amazing. This whole place is a Wonder of Modern engineering. I love it and can understand why your People love it here. We have 2 Smaler Biodomes on the [MFE]~Healing.Heart, that is the Mobile Hospital that we Operate and where Mac will conduct her Study. We also use them for Food Production to Limit the amount of Food we have to Import on board and to give the Patients fresh Greens and Veggies. But we have also used parts of it for Parks and also dedicated a small amount of the Space for Garden Therapy. It is a form of Therapy where we allow the Patients to take care of a 2 by 1 Meter big Patch of Garden where they can plant everything they want and take care of the plants. To have this kind of Responsibility and to see Plants grow under there care and with the Help of our Therapists can be very Beneficial for the Mental Health of the Patients.

She smiled at Meyers and was positively Surprised at how open she was about this internal Work of the Church. She knew some other Religions that were much more closed about their Power Structures and their hierarchy. This Open and Honest answers gave Meyers a huge Sympathy Bonus that made her in Isabella's Eyes into a Great Person. She would look forward to maybe even meeting more members of the Church. She Liked Meyers and Mac already and even when they probably would never accept her secret she was sure that she could become good friends with them as long she could keep it a secret.

Isabella: I thank you for being so honest with me about the hierarchy of your Church. I like that you get promoted because of your Accomplishments and your Skills rather than your Influence and because of the people you know. MFE Is the Same, Doc Holiday and his Team Hire and Promote People because of their hard work and Skills. You couldn't even hope to Bribe a man like John, he was too Honest and incorruptible for that.

Isabella Blushed a bit as she said this last part about Doctor John Holiday, Revealing that there might be more than just Professional inspiration between the two of them. But she was saved by their arrival in front of the Pontifical Palace before she could Embarrass herself some more. Isabella was Highly Impressed as she breathed in and could smell the fresh air as if she was on a Normal Planet. She also couldn't help herself and had to kneel to touch the grass and some flowers as she admired them. It was clear that Isabella Loved Nature and everything that was connected to it, as she was really careful not to hurt the flowers as she touched them. Isabella could even swear that she felt a light breeze brush across her skin, from a soft and gentle wind. In the end, she would close her eyes for a second Before she would turn back to Mac and Meyers.

Isabella: This Place is so wonderful, I think I will take a walk with Niki tonight before we go to sleep. Oh and I don't mind if the food here isn't fancy, I Survived mostly on Instant Noodles and Frozen Pizza During my Time at the University. I made the experience that people are more Creative and make amazing things when they don't have "Everything". I am sure the Cooks of Faith Haven make Fantastic, yummy Food. And yes I really would love to explore both the Restaurants and the general dining rooms.

Isabella Looked like this might hurt a bit, as she was asked about her Past. But she nodded as she simply sat down in the grass next to the Pontifical Place and patted the ground next to her for Mac to sit down so she could hear her story. She smiled and began to pet Niki as she began to speak, her little Companion could sense the discomfort in her and tried her best to reduce it.

Isabella: My Mother was an aspiring Opera Singer from New Tokyo. One day she got an offer to sing on an Orbital Spa and Cruise Tour to the Borderworlds. Well and it came as it had to be, the Liner was Boarded by Corsairs and she was Captured as a Hostage. But while all the other Passengers were Bought free by the Insurance, she was kept by the Corsair that had Led the Raid. He wanted her because of her beauty and her Amazing Voice, and well he was a Swine. He ahm well i think you can imagine what he forced her to do to survive. Anyway, after a while my mother got Pregnant and the Corsair did the only good thing he ever did in his life. He brought my mother to
a Freeport and Released her.

She gave Niki a little kiss on the head between her ears and seemed to need a couple of seconds to regain the strength to speak further as many bad memories came to her mind as it seemed.

Isabella: well after she was free my mother returned to New Tokyo and pretended as if nothing happened. But 9 Months Later I was born and everyone could see what had happened. The Society of Kusari isn't much too kind to Mix Births like mine even when they are born from Love. But how I was conceived immediately made my mother an outcast from Society. She lost her work, her career, and her friends overnight, and spiraled into a deep Depression. She initially tried to do her best to raise me, but everything was too much for her in the end. The things the Corsair did, the Rejection by the Kusaris Society, and their Behaviour towards her and me. In the end, she booked a ticket to a Freeport and left me at one of the most Buissy Markets with a Letter for me to read when i turned 18 and a Letter to the Person who would find me. Then she went to a quiet corner of the Freeport and committed Sepuku, ahm that's Ritual Sucicde.

She a Tear would run down her cheeks as she told the story of her mother and how she was left alone to deal with her Depression and the Post Traumatic Events that she had experienced while she was the slave of that Corsair.

Isabella: My Adoptive Parents were Merchants and told me that I had Screamed so loud that the Whole Market would have stopped what they did because I was louder than all of them on that day. They were nice folks and adopted me right away. They knew a Spaceship wasn't the ideal place for a Child, so they decided to settle on Planet Erie in the Pennsylvania System. They gave me a loving Childhood and made sure that I would never miss anything that I needed. They were very open with me about my Origins once I was old enough to understand it. The Story of my Biological mother made me want to become a psychologist, because if she had got the help she needed after my birth then she would maybe still be alive today. My adoptive parents helped me however they could and after my high school, I managed to get a Scholarship for the Medical Colledge on Planet Denver. Sadly my Adoptive Parents Died a year after my Graduation. My Father had a Heart Attack while he worked in the Store and my mother followed him a couple of weeks later, she simply fell asleep and never woke up. The Doctor Said it was her Broken Heart that wanted to be Reunited with her Beloved husband in Heaven.

Isabella smiled Kindly as she spoke about her Adoptive parents and the things they had done for her. She had them in high regard and only good memories of them. She loved them as if they were her Biological parents.

Isabella: After my parent's Death I wanted to do something meaningful with my life. Before that, I had worked in a government Mental Health Hospital and I hated it. We had barely enough Resources and Funds to properly take care of the patients that needed it the most while the Rich ones got the best care that they sometimes barely needed. Doctor Holiday Himself was awaiting me for my Job Interview, and somehow he was impressed enough to give me the job. Now a couple of Years later after the Sad Death of my Predecessor, I was Promoted to be the head of Mental Health. My Predecessor Dr. Wilke did amazing Work and I just try to continue her Legacy and make sure that my Patients get the best care possible.

Isabella smiled a bit after this as she had enjoyed the company of Mac and the way that she listened to her sad story gave her the feeling that she was talking to a friend. She gave Mac a Big Hug to thank her for Listening to her.

Isabella: Well this was most of my life story so far, thank you for listening to me Mac, you really have a natural talent that makes people feel safe and secure with you. I haven't told the full story for quite a while now, and to be honest it felt Refreshing to tell it to you, like taking a breath after almost drowning in a river. Oh ah sorry for the Hug, I am a bit of a Hug Addict sometimes, especially when I feel sad, or have the impression my patients might need it. I know not everyone likes that, so I usually ask for permission first.