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Here am I... - Printable Version

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Here am I... - Matti - 11-20-2023

Hello to everyone!!!!

I'm new to Freelancer and new to Discovery...

What shall I say.... I like Roleplay, so hope I'm right here.
Last real Roleplay Game I played on computer was UltimaOnline on some freeshard like Discovery. Thats more than two decades in the past.
So I'm bit older by now - not grey so far :-)
Was born as a grumpy, stubborn german dude (that explains the circumstance, that my english is quite simple and most likely has tonns of errors - so, sorry for that), was celebrating the Fall of the Wall, worked as IT guy and carpenter, traveled a lot within Europe, got more relaxed, love the bit of freedome I have and did I mentioned that I like Roleplay?!?!
I spend five years of my lifetime working and living in Ireland, Cork and I really enjoyed it a lot.
Hence, I decided to play a Molly...
here he comes - Amergin McDonagh

it is the year 811.
We are somwhere in the nowhere, a System far away, a mine, deep inside a frozen planet.
The Air is dampy, warm and there is no airflow. The smell is grotesk and breathing hurts your lungs.
Three minutes ago a horn sounded in the Mine - it was loud ,but it stopped the hammering.
Now there is silence, only some old mans coughing here and there echoes through the tunnels.
A women screaming, a babys first cry, followd by an massive explosion - a mother gave birth to her first child.

There was no time to say goodbye, Amergin was just selected together with a few other workers. The guards escorted him and the others into a tunel he never was before. The tunnel was well guarded. Men with weapons everywhere, machine gun turrests, Laser fences, a big underground fortress. They passed a few checkpoints and were lead to a huge hall with hundreds of Cages. Most of the cages had been pilled up - in each cage five jung men, like Amergin. He ended up in one of them. It was quite tight in there and sitting was not a compfort.
Later in the day, or was it night, difficult to tell - it was dark. The last cages had been filled up with Slaves, the Guards had left the hall and the gates had been closed. Seconds later the lights were turned off and the quiet hum of the ventilation was the only thing Amergin could hear. He felt asleep.

When he woke up it was dark, still in a cage together with four other jung men. He was dissy, thursty and it is hard to tell, how many hours have passed sice he was thrown into this cage. His belly would have stated that it must been several days.

Light, so bright, his eyes couldn't stand it.
"Good Morning Amergin... McDonagh, you are Number 500. So you are the last one. I have removed your slave ID and you will get a new one in a few... Ahh, here it is....You are a Freelancer, at least that's what your ID says now. Your ship is prepared and Autopilot is set to.... Dublin... just tell them your father was Ruaidhri McDonagh and they should welcome you. Oh, sorry for that, but he died early 811 defending some transport... Are you awake? You dont have much time. Just follow the floor to the Landing pod, get into the ship and the Autopilot will start. I left you some instructions so you should be fine if you follow them... I hope you enjoy your freedom and remember Kuang Gong when he asks you for help. Now Hurry!"

This Kuang Gong is a genious. He left a database with all kind of Information. Instructions on how to fly a space ship, navigation using the maps, some historical data, information about Amergin's family, trade routes, places to refill supplies..... anyway, trusting the Autopilot the jurney would take 13 weeks. Plenty of time to look at all the stuff........

Dublin sector, home, finally....

RE: Here am I... - Avalanche - 11-20-2023

A big warm welcome Matti. Love the introduction. Your English is also very good. You'll fit right in!

How did you hear about Freelancer?

RE: Here am I... - Mellony's Acquisitions - 11-20-2023

Welcome welcome, Matti!

This server has been super friendly to me, and is definitely a great place to find/build some solid gaming roleplay!

If you're interested in the character building/storytelling aspect of RP specifically, I'd definitely recommend posting your character introduction and other stories about him in the "Stories and Biographies" thread. It's pretty active, and there are plenty of people over there who will see your stories and character building that wouldn't necessarily see it here.

Also you picked a FANTASTIC time to join as a Molly! ;)

Hope to see you out in Sirius!


RE: Here am I... - Matti - 11-20-2023

(11-20-2023, 08:19 PM)Avalanche Wrote: A big warm welcome Matti. Love the introduction. Your English is also very good. You'll fit right in!

How did you hear about Freelancer?

Hey Avalanche,
a good friend and me were looking for a game we could play together. He rememberd freelancer.... google.... checking on purchase options.... found Link to some Freelancer Server-list.... Discovery was top-listed... installer and instructions were simple enogh... here am I

so basically, if you google freelancer, you have to enter "Freelancer -Discovery" to get a very small chance of not finding Freelancer Discovery :-)

and yes, I like it - way more then Discord ;-)