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»INTRNL: The Inner Phalanx - Printable Version

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»INTRNL: The Inner Phalanx - Voziloth - 11-22-2023

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identified: Wisp

[Image: Gg4znlg_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium]



I am reaching out to request additional personal funds and materials to conduct research on the potential applications of the recently discovered Chirodebris and its refined form, known as Chiromaterial.

There is a possibility that alloying Chiromaterial with standard metals could result in more anomalous-resistant hull panels. However, it's important to note that replacing a ship's standard panels with Chiromaterial-enhanced ones would require extensive modifications not only for installation but also to protect the pilot from the potential side effects of Chiromaterial natural radiation.

To elaborate, the ship would need to use its power core to shield the pilot's cockpit. Another challenge is the size factor; the larger the amount of Chiromaterial-based hull panels, the stronger the shield, making it practical only for large freighters or gunboats. Smaller vessels would expose the pilot to harmful radiation, making them too dangerous for use. Moreover, such a ship might not be able to defend itself when targeted by enemy forces as it would be unable to power the weapon system.

To expedite and improve the research, collaboration with specific groups would be highly beneficial. I propose considering the following:

1. **Albrecht-Lorentz-Gusswerke:**
- Their expertise in metallurgy and knowledge of containing radiation can contribute to protecting ship crews.

2. **MacRory's Irregulars:**
- As a freelancer group specializing in acquiring hard-to-reach materials, they could assist in obtaining necessary components for the experiment.

3. **Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts / The Platform:**
- Thuringia is an ideal system for prototype testing. Collaboration with Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts/The Platform would allow us to use there installations in the system from which we can base our prototype ship..

4. **Starflyers:**
- Using their experience as possible test pilots with expertise in anomalies in space and dangerous environments would be useful.

Cooperation with these groups is crucial for the success of our research.


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RE: »INTRNL: The Inner Phalanx - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 11-24-2023

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identified: Advisor Vasilios Zerveas

[Image: QsZ38np.png]


Novus Wisp.

Based on the limited knowledge available concerning the effects emanating from the "Anchor" - an encapsulated rift within hyperspace, colloquially referred to as a 'pocket dimension,' it has been observed that prolonged exposure to the distorted void surrounding the Anchor leads to atomic-level atrophy within the composite hull panels due to unique radiation.

However, it is essential to note that this decay results in a mere reconfiguration and corruption of these molecular structures.

The Directorate, following a comprehensive assessment of the situation, has deemed your project a high-priority initiative. The imperative lies in gaining a scientific advantage in the relentless pursuit of knowledge, preparing for potential threats from both the Nomads and the Houses. Consequently, an expansion of our arsenal is deemed necessary to enhance the probability of success.

Regarding your group suggestions, exercise caution with the Buro. Striking a balance in empowering them without granting undue advantage is crucial, ensuring their dependency on us to thwart potential disengagement upon fulfilling their objectives. Similarly, with ALG, safeguarding our work from falling into the hands of the Order is paramount.

Consider this an opportunity to validate your capabilities. A bursary of 5,000,000 credits has been allocated for your endeavors.

Advisor Zerveas.


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RE: »INTRNL: The Inner Phalanx - Voziloth - 12-19-2023

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identified: Wisp

[Image: MOSHED-2023-11-22-19-33-37.gif?ex=658c7c...3d37e2ae9&]


Regarding my project,

I managed to gather more data on the Chiromaterial, but I have hit a roadblock. As we know the debris is formed by the warping in space located in the Earhart system out of the wrecks present there. And there lies the problem: most of the material has different origins specified by the five houses. Alloys used by each of them have been mixed, especially when exposed to the sentry's beam.

The created amalgam has different properties in some of its sections to fully understand it would require samples of alloys used before there amalgamation. Luckily, during my time working for the Insurgency and during my studies at Cambridge, with the addition of Valravin's archive, assisted greatly in isolating both Bretonian and Libertonian alloy sections of the amalgams.

What I require are samples of Gallic, Kusari, and Rheinlandic ones. A possible solution to the problem would be for us to acquire them off of the numerous wrecks left after the Kusari invasion of Gallia leaving only the ones from Rhineland missing. But our new neighbours can solve that issue and also assist in refining the salvage we would gather from Gallia. If we could get their cooperation, as stated in my previous request, the current blockade would be removed.

Additionally, I have found something interesting about during the study of the amalgamation about the nature of the sentry's beam. This warrants further study by the Xeno tech department I will be transferring the results to them.


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RE: »INTRNL: The Inner Phalanx - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 01-04-2024

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identified: Advisor Vasilios Zerveas

[Image: QsZ38np.png]


Novus Wisp.

We acknowledge your findings and desires, we can concur that you should seek sampling both the eroded specimen and the potential originals, should any matching dates of the material still exists in a form of a derelict vessel. It is unlikely that you will come across the older historical components for analysis, but there may be something out there. Ultimately, we pose the task of the challenge to you to figure out the solution, perhaps seek historical museums. We can only recommend you make utilisation of other foreign organisations. A few we can recommend is ALG, Independent Miners Guild, Daumann, the Junkers in regards to recovering any wreckages and subsequent smeltering.

Advisor Zerveas.


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