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RPA Files: The Path of Life - Printable Version

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RPA Files: The Path of Life - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 11-26-2023


Arranmore Archive File #004393
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Name: Path of Life
Priority: High
Secrecy: Assembly Eyes Only
Department: Free Dublin Shipping Company

Kin and comrades, you are all aware of the grim situation on the frontlines. This initiative seeks to overcome a more long-term problem that is no less serious.

The latest supply mission reports coming in from the Free Dublin Shipping Company indicate a significant decrease in throughput. There is a looming shortage of vital supplies that will become critical within 18 months, according to the most optimistic projections.

There are several factors contributing to this situation.

A) The Crown's Armed Forces continue to blockade us by projecting strike craft presence from Battleship Essex. Their patrols rarely enter Cumbria Asteroid Field, likely deeming it too hazardous. They skirt the edges of the field, intercepting our smugglers and any other ships that deliver us supplies. In a disturbing coincidence, the Corsairs are able to slip past them and enter Dublin mostly unhindered. The Assembly Military Intelligence cannot confirm whether they have an official agreement, but it is not entirely unexpected that the Crown would try to use the Cretans against us.

B) The Corsair battle group that managed to establish a presence in Dublin along with its flagship, the Santander, continue to elude our scanners and harry our supply convoys. The Provisional Republic Fleet, with help from the Assembly's allies, was able to shut down their recent attempt to establish a forward operating base in Dublin. We also maintain firm control over the southern half of the system. Both Arranmore and our mining operations are safe for the moment, but the Cretan raiders will return before long unless the Santander is found and eliminated.

C) The Junkers of Trafalgar. They have been a reliable trade partner throughout the ordeal, but it cannot go unsaid that they are attempting to take advantage of us, both by increasing prices for their supplies, which they know we need, and by allowing Corsairs to moor at Trafalgar, whom they supply as well.

Therefore, Fleet Command proposes the following set of measures to keep the road into Dublin clear and our stocks growing for the Assembly's review.

1) Secure the exit. Deploy freshly trained PRF units to the New London jump hole in Dublin, to watch for incursions and ensure the safety of any transports looking to bring valuable supplies to Arranmore, Foyle and Connacht in exchange for gold. Experienced units, such as Banshee Squadron, will be reserved for responding to serious threats and conducting raids to the other side of the jump hole to distract the Armed Forces from the blockade duty and continuing the War of Final Liberation.

2) Shore up the Molly bases outside of Dublin.

Lisburn Rock is a drain on Planet Sprague and has taken on the populations evacuated from Kilrea, Coleraine and Garvagh, further increasing its value to our movement. It is a source of recruits and, due to its location within an ice field, can provide water and oxygen for our life support systems. Instruct the units at Lisburn Rock to intercept and destroy Corsair raiders entering Bretonia from the Omegas and support Red Hessian units in the border worlds, but prioritise keeping the Rock itself safe.

Mull is important for operations in northern Bretonia and was instrumental in the victory against the Crown that led to the liberation of Dublin. They and Lisburn have given up much to ensure the safety of Arranmore, and we must ensure their operations continue unimpeded. Station reserve AMI assets onboard to monitor the surrounding area and guide our convoys.

Fortunately, these installations are not known to the Crown and their supply situation is stable for now. We must work to keep it that way.

3) Reduce reliance on Trafalgar as a source of basic necessities as much as possible. This will not be easy, as Trafalgar is both the closest and safest place for acquiring provisions, fuel and materials. The FDSC will have to work together with PRF to run longer, riskier routes and procure supplies from fellow Mollys, the IMG, Zoners or other sympathetic parties to keep the Junkers under control. Freeport 1 and Holman Outpost are good starting locations for making the necessary connections.

We must not allow opportunistic vultures to take us hostage and snuff out our revolution with their coercive tactics. If they see that we are buying less from them, the Junkers will have to respond by lowering their prices.

4) Set up a homegrown agricultural complex. While a significant investment, reducing reliance on imported food means we can then allocate resources towards procuring other supplies. Constructing a hydroponics facility in Dublin and securing sources of water and fertilisers is recommended. Building a stockpile of these will also help prevent shortages in an emergency.

5) Increase gold exports. Ensure Connacht Depot is able to operate at full efficiency. Continue steadily ramping up Assembly Mining Corps operations to increase revenue and secure more markets. Expand our trade network by making new contacts. Maintain the security of our trade convoys as they exchange gold for credits and supplies.

Despite the grim situation, our movement will endure and be able to avert the crisis if the Assembly's departments are able to follow these recommendations and do their jobs effectively. The Path must remain open.

Long live Free Dublin.