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DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - Printable Version

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DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - GreySeiker - 11-29-2023

[Image: 6eYifrM.png]

Sender ID
Executor Francisco Javier de Creta.
Planet Crete, Deterrence imperial villa of Nueva Barcelona.
Different zoner factions in the Omicrons.

Coordiales saludos,

I am Francisco Javier de Creta, leader of the Deterrence.

I would like to establish a formal communication with all the zoners in the omicrons regarding the smoke of war.

Zoners from different factions, I know those are times of chaos and insecurity, but fear nothing from our side. For decades we have been good neighbors, providing each other with supplies the omicrons rarely had available, and defending you from those nomads who terrorize our lives, day a day. We had ups and down, and we had troubles for sure.

Yes, we took Freeport 9, and some died, mostly outcasts and bounty hunters who were there hidden by some Zoners, who also defend them. Amigos, this is an act of treason on our eyes, the bounty hunters there were the ones who killed our beloved Eldar's son, and they deserved an endless torture as a finale to they'r lifes. Your hermanos, as you call them, are safe, we feed them, we let them roam the station, meanwhile they work under our directives. Some, even, asked us to release part of them, and in an act of good faith, we did it.

We are not monsters, we are the corsair imperio, sons of Crete us all, and we will punish anyone who dares to challenge us and help our enemigos. As well as we will reward our amigos who will voluntarily help our cause, and share they'r resources.

As you may know, Outcasts want to bring war to Omicron Tetha, and the system will become a war zone soon. We offer you the chance to help us stockpile resources and reinforce our positions, in exchange of a seat in the negotiation tables. Remember that if outcasts, under any circumstance, could win this. You will most probably end as slaves for them or worst.

I want to send you a proper offer of negotiations, a chance for victory to us all, and answers to all your questions.

<Virtus unita fortior, Deterrence>
Francisco Javier de Creta

[Image: 5RDPUdc.png]

RE: DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - Couden - 11-29-2023

29th of November, 833 A.S.
Location: [SECRET].

SENDER: Theta Justice Court
RECIPIENT(S): Corsairs
SUBJECT: Your Arrogance

Listen here, Corsair scumbag.

We, as Zoners, have no idea how brainless pieces of Arrogant maggots captured a Freeport and offers to help you, instead of arming Outcast and beat the shit out your tiny Brains.

Unfortunately for you, Zoners will not tollerate your expansion and Capturing Freeport Nine, so hear this answer as a Negative. Prepare to evacuate personal, because we are coming to you!

With no Regards.

RE: DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - Wilder - 11-29-2023

[Image: ZDF_Logo.png]
|Pillar of Autumn|
Never forget.

|Opening Transmission|
|Warning, signal degradation detected|

[Image: Wilder.png]

From: .......................... Commander Elias Wilder
To: .............................. Sub-human piece of Trash
Subject: ................... RE: Come mierda
Encryption Level: Low

Hi there cannibal.

No thank you. I'd rather see your smug face disappearing out an airlock with the rest of your dingleberries.

We're coming to take our home back. Best get your affairs in order, cannibal.

Commander Elias Wilder

[Image: ZDF_Logo.png]
Transmission Closed - Channel Closed
Comms Relay Deactivated

RE: DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - Tickalsiinz - 11-30-2023


From: Captain John
To: Corsairs
Subject: Help Request

[Image: xbsiZRD.png]

My name is John, last name is not important, I currently fly transports for my fellow tradesmen who you extort on a daily basis, I was just wondering uhh, Is today the first of April?! Please tell me this is a joke right?!
You guys have been nothing but hostile to US ZONERS, You gotta be kidding me, after everything you guys have done, not to mention what you currently still do with all the harassing, extortionate ransoms, demanding of our goods for your own ill gotten gain, We grew food for you and your empire and you still decided to take hostile actions against us, you guys must be jokers, tripping on Outcasts Cardamine!



RE: DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - Doc Holliday - 11-30-2023

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force Academy, Omicron Theta
To: Senor Francisco Javier de Creta
Encryption: Your Eyes Only

Senor de Creta,

I have already been in touch with the Deterrence in previous transmissions so I do not feel we need to speak much more on it. We know that a Med Force medical crew is on station as a necessity as they have been deemed essential. The other day, one of my Med Force ships was granted permission to dock on station to check on them so it would seem their well being is being taken care of.

You asked for help. That medical crew is the best help we have to offer. So long as they are not harmed in any way, you will have no problems from us. As it stands, we have been allowed to transit Omicron Gamma freely which helps us travelling to and from Omicron Delta. Considering the outrage I here from my Zoner colleagues, I do not dare do more.

Dr. John Henry Holliday
Med Force Enterprises

RE: DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - Yazov - 11-30-2023

[Image: XnAEt0U.png]

◈ Sender: Ghost of Erie
◈ Recipient(s): That cannibal with an ugly smirk
◈ Source: "Highlander" relay
◈ Subject: RE: Negotiations?

You're hilarious, freak. Should I remind you that your glorious Imperio enjoyed the leniency of docking permission, as did everyone else? That's the point of the Freeports - come as you may, and keep your grudges out of the station. But you and some others seem to just not get nor appreciate the concept, and Corsairs will ever be notorious for being the first to break the status quo.

Don't make me come all the way up there to break some skulls of your buddies.

For free Erie.

RE: DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - Aazalot - 11-30-2023


Jerard Voncloud, I speak on Behalf of Pygar and Corfu.
I already reached out to you and yours previously.
There is nothing left to say, nor negotiations to make. You made your stance on my "Lifeless Rock" clear. The opinion of Zoner's was made very Clear.

Jerard Voncloud - Pygar Administrator

RE: DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - New Covenant Church - 11-30-2023

------------ INCOMING TRANSMISSION ------------


SENDER ID : New Covenant Church - House of the Pontiff

RECEIVER ID : Mr Francisco Javier of Creta - Deterrence Leader

SOURCE : Pontifical Palace, Planet Pygar - Omicron Theta System

SUBJECT : Support

[Image: AnCuUjN.gif]

<< Status: Loaded >>
<< Status: Loaded >>

------------ END OF TRANSMISSION ------------

RE: DTR to all different Zoners in the Omicrons. - RedEclipse - 11-30-2023

Francisco Javier de Creta,

We appreciated the history of mutually beneficial relationships between Phoenix and the Corsairs. But at the same time, I want to express my concerns about further cooperation between our groups.

The events that occurred with Freeport 9 caused our extreme apprehension in building further mutually beneficial relationships; especially given the path you chose to enslave the station, destroy the resistance and hold hostages. While we understand your concerns about the Outcasts, Freeport 9 is of no strategic importance to either side. We, in good conscience cannot agree with the extreme measures you have taken against our friends and brothers aboard Freeport 9. Furthermore, we cannot support a path that will entail escalating conflict in Omicron Theta between different groups.

If you have alternative ways to resolve the conflict situation do not go against our values, we are willing to discuss it. However, at this time, we see no reason to support the Corsair Empire after the massacre you have caused on our station.