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Freighters - Printable Version

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Freighters - spacewriter54 - 12-01-2023

Is there a freighter out there for around $500,000 ? Right now I have the Civilian Freighter with 1500 ch. capacity.
Thank You

RE: Freighters - Couden - 12-01-2023

Freighters have up to 650 Cargo space. All above are considered as Transport.

RE: Freighters - R.P.Curator - 12-01-2023

Hello spacewriter54
Welcome to Discovery
As Couden mentioned, Freighters have up to 650 Cargo Space.
What you have is a Transport ship, with 1500 Cargo Space.
If you are looking for another transport, with more Cargo Space, for 500.000, you need to be aware of your ID - some IDs have a cargo limit for their ships.
If you are still flying a "Freelancer" ID, you have a 3600 Cargo Space limit (with 2 exception, but those ships are unlawful and will get you in trouble - if you're not new and know how and what to RP purchase them// if you are new, there are other ships available for Freelancer ID).
For what and where to buy, install this: FLSTAT

RE: Freighters - Jayenbee - 12-01-2023

Gallic Blackmarket Transport "l'Ane"
Can be used on a Freelancer ID, though considered illegal in all Houses if I recall correctly.
Cargo: 4000
Price: 506,001cr
Sold on:
Boulogne Base, Picardy
Lavars Auxiliary Dock, Languedoc
Monaco Base, Provence
Montauban Base, Roussilon

Edit1: You can usually request a license from House Governments on the forums. Just send an in-Roleplay communication to the Government of your choice and see about paying a one-time fee to use it legally in their house forever.

Your legal Freelancer option.
Cargo: 3600
Price: 391,001
Sold on:
Barrier Gate Station B, Coronado
Canterbury Station, New London
Trenton Outpost, New York