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To: Chenzo - Printable Version

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To: Chenzo - Implosion - 12-03-2023

[Image: discogabrielle.gif]

Incoming Video Feed
Source: The Anassi, Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Core Guildmistress Gabrielle Daniels
Encryption: Core digishock Protocols V.2.
Core/APM ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents

Let's get straight to the point, I ain't got no time for bullshit.

A little transhuman mercenary birdie sang to me today. And you know what they told me? You and yours have absolutely no intention to liberate the Freeport. Instead, you will go for the nuclear option. Now, is my birdie a liar, am I a liar, or are you a liar?
I thought we had an understanding, Mr. Chezno. Do not test me.
~Yours Truly, Gabrielle Daniels, Guildmistress of the CORE and STILL the hottest person to have ever set foot on Nauru.

Video Feed Lost
Terminating Connection

RE: To: Chenzo - Chenzo- - 12-03-2023

.....Initiating hack...................

}---(Forced Transmission Detected)---{

....Hack Locked, forcing a locked transmission to Gabrielle Daniels.......

>>>Comm ID: Vin Chenzo
>>>Signal Strength: Strong
>>>Signal Origin: Helm of the Loyalist's Fist
>>>Subject: Confusion.

}--Playing Transmission--{
[Image: HGG8h0b.png]


The hour is late in which you speak such ill words.

Your men and women have stood side by side with ours on the first day of the assault, our words held true.

This conflict is still very much up in the air, but words I speak will hold true.

A man or woman has very little in this world but their word. Their word is everything and the credibility of the person itself is held purely on their word. I run myself by the same conditions I presented to you. He or she who breaks their word gets a very, sticky end.

In our meeting, Harabero uttered the words of crippling the freeports capability for hydroponic production in the event your units can't take hold of the freeport. The reasons for which are obvious. One way or another, the Corsair forces will have their back broken by this move. Should your forces fail to gain control of the Freeport deck side, I have prepared an extraction vehicle for you.

The Corsairs overstepped the mark and insulted the Zoners which run facilities for them, bit the hand that feeds. This is more than a simple scum cleaning mission, senorita.

If the freeport is inadvertently destroyed, which is not our goal here. If it is, I'm sure I won't be alone in the move to assist the Zoners in rebuilding it. Also, with much, much heavier defensive firepower to prevent such a mess in the first place.

Come visit me after the fight today, senorita.

I trust I've answered your questions.

Chenzo out.

He salutes, before ending the transmission

............................Hack Engaged, protocol 2.0, channel open.....

RE: To: Chenzo - Implosion - 12-03-2023

[Image: discogabrielle.gif]

Incoming Video Feed
Source: The Anassi, Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Core Guildmistress Gabrielle Daniels
Encryption: Core digishock Protocols V.2.
Core/APM ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents

Let's get one thing very clear. I signed up for this so we can kick the Corsairs out of Theta. Nothing less, nothing more. The moment your "hermanos" start blasting Freeports, all bets are off.

Let's cut the bullshit. If the Corsairs weren't a factor, we'd be shooting at each other whenever and wherever we got the chance. Our so called "alliance" is out of necessity. And whether we respect each other or not matter very little in the grand scheme of things.
That being said, I'll meet with you. But on my terms. And only if your men don't betray us. If that does happen, our future encounters would involve a lot more violence.
~Yours Truly, Gabrielle Daniels, Guildmistress of the CORE and STILL the hottest person to have ever set foot on Nauru.

Video Feed Lost
Terminating Connection

RE: To: Chenzo - Chenzo- - 12-03-2023

.....Initiating hack...................

}---(Forced Transmission Detected)---{

....Hack Locked, forcing a locked transmission to Gabrielle Daniels.......

>>>Comm ID: Vin Chenzo
>>>Signal Strength: Strong
>>>Signal Origin: Helm of the Loyalist's Fist
>>>Subject: Confusion.

}--Playing Transmission--{
[Image: HGG8h0b.png]


If any of the Outcast lot open fire on your forces, we'll gun them down for being traitors.

I think it's safe to say any of your lot who engage us, will be shot by us and your lot, si?

Outcasts keep their word, senorita.

Chenzo out. See you later.

He salutes, before ending the transmission

............................Hack Engaged, protocol 2.0, channel open.....

RE: To: Chenzo - Implosion - 12-03-2023

[Image: discogabrielle.gif]

Incoming Video Feed
Source: The Anassi, Omicron Delta
Comm ID: Core Guildmistress Gabrielle Daniels
Encryption: Core digishock Protocols V.2.
Core/APM ID Confirmed, message decrypted.
Displaying Contents

You and me. Freeport 11.
East wing.
Storage Depot #23.
Code for the door is 3713.
Come alone.
~Yours Truly, Gabrielle Daniels, Guildmistress of the CORE and STILL the hottest person to have ever set foot on Nauru.

Video Feed Lost
Terminating Connection

RE: To: Chenzo - Chenzo- - 12-03-2023

.....Initiating hack...................

}---(Forced Transmission Detected)---{

....Hack Locked, forcing a locked transmission to Gabrielle Daniels.......

>>>Comm ID: Vin Chenzo
>>>Signal Strength: Strong
>>>Signal Origin: Helm of the Loyalist's Fist
>>>Subject: Confusion.

}--Playing Transmission--{
[Image: HGG8h0b.png]

I'll be there shortly.

The Loyalist's fist needs repairs, I'll be arriving in a snub.

Chenzo out.

He salutes, before ending the transmission

............................Hack Engaged, protocol 2.0, channel open.....