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> All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - Printable Version

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> All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - -Revenant- - 12-03-2023

[Image: 2swYBjB.png]


From: Jeremy Walker
To: All Coalition Parties
Subject: Ceasefire Implementation

Coalition Representative

I, representative of the Battlegroup Revenant hereby propose an immediate ceasefire between us.

The warring between our forces has become increasingly serious, with great numbers of casualties and much destruction on both sides. We hope that such a solution can be found so as to end the futile bloodshed, and permit dialogue between all parties.

A ceasefire would open up a period during which both sides could reconsider the situation, examine our interests and look for common ground. It would also provide a favorable atmosphere for diplomatic efforts to deal with the underlying problems that have brought about this adversarial situation.

The Revenants are fully committed to serious and positive negotiations which reach the core of this conflict. We are optimistic that such talks lead to an enduring peace, stability and prosperity for us all.

In order to best prove our sincerity, we have issued orders that all of our troops should standby and stop any further offensive operations the moment you agree in principle and commit yourself to reciprocal action. We realize that trust may be at its weakest now, but we really think if both sides take this first step together then perhaps all of us will gradually build the mutual confidence it takes to steer toward a lasting peace.

Thus, we ask the Coalition leadership to seriously consider this proposal and respond quickly. The time for peace is now! By embracing this cessation in hostilities, we can prevent further loss and destruction. Let us walk the road of peaceful reunion instead.

Yours sincerely,

Jeremy Walker
Commander Stalker Wing
Battlegroup Revenant

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RE: > All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - Os_SK - 12-04-2023

[Image: 4.png?ex=655df5b3&is=654b80b3&hm=c377fd0...5edc7cbf&=]

From: North War Industries Major YiFeng.Huang
To: Jeremy Walker
Location: JiangNan Shipyard
Subj: reply
Priority: intermediate


This is Colonel Zhang's aide, Major YiFeng.Huang, commander of the aircraft carrier Liaoning. I come to communicate with you with the wish of peace. I am very sorry for not replying to your message in time. But Colonel Chang had too much to drink at his victory party last night, and I can't make decisions about foreign affairs. So please wait for Colonel Chang to wake up and then have an in-depth communication with you.

Please be assured that Colonel Chang is also a man of peace.

Major YiFeng.Huang

In the service of people
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RE: > All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - Sirius Coalition - 12-04-2023

[Transmission Begins]

From: Coalition Diplomat Natasha Kulova
Priority: HIGH

[Image: f489d166-0eaa-4ac4-ac0c-aafecd6fb635.jpg...2e70fd079&]

Greetings I am Coalition Diplomat Natasha Kulova.

I will try to be short. Yes, Coalition-Order relationships got changes.

The Coalition government said their word, so changes were approved. Order got a notification. There is no point in thinking about the past because everything has already been done. But I can notify you that the Coalition officers got only one direction about the Order: Ignore Order ships until they enter our space or will attack first.

So, basically, we already follow cold neutrality, but you can call it a ceasefire. If your Battlegroup wants to join, we accept your choice.

And I don't expect that we can get something close to old relationships. Of course, if you talk about such changes. Oh, and I hope you understand that we will continue to fight against Corsairs. If you have some questions or want to talk more about why we fight against the Imperio del Corsario, whose economy mainly works at selling dangerous artifacts you always can contact me.

[Transmission Terminates]

RE: > All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - -Revenant- - 12-04-2023

[Image: 2swYBjB.png]


From: Jeremy Walker
To: All Coalition Parties
Subject: Ceasefire Implementation

Dear Coalition Diplomat Natasha Kulova,
Thank you for reaching out to us and providing an update on the recent changes in Coalition-Order relationships. We appreciate your efforts to keep us informed.

It seems that the Coalition government has made a decision regarding our interactions, as indicated by the approved changes and the notification received by the Order. We understand that dwelling on the past would not be productive at this point, as the necessary actions have been taken.

We take note of the Coalition officers' directive to ignore Order ships unless they enter your space or initiate an attack. It appears that this effectively maintains a cold neutrality between our factions, resembling a ceasefire in practical terms. We appreciate your acknowledgment of our Battlegroup's choice to join this arrangement.

While we understand that it may be difficult to re-establish the close relationships we once had, we are open to discussing any potential changes that are being referred to. If there are specific adjustments or considerations we should be aware of, we would be grateful for further clarification.

Additionally, we wont interfere in efforts in combating the Corsairs. If there are any specific questions or further discussions you would like to have please do not hesitate to contact us. We value the opportunity to collaborate and work together towards a safer and more secure Omicrons.

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to any future communication.


Jeremy Walker
Commander Stalker Wing
Battlegroup Revenant

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RE: > All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - Jazzi - 12-06-2023

[Image: JfW9pqb.png]

:::Commencing Audio Playback:::

Dobre Zustrily Mishtar Walker,

I can see that you've spoken with Miss Kulova representing the Coalition government, and so you've likely found what you are seeking from this communique of yours. However, I hope you do not mind indulging me with answers to a few questions? The answers you may provide are important to how I shall be reacting to your request for good relations... and for clarity, note that I cannot speak on behalf of anyone else save myself and those of Commune 47.

Firstly, Mishtar Walker, what is Battlegroup Revenant's relationship with the rest of the Order? Specifically the Legacy of Orillion Cell and it's members?

Second, what is the Battlegroup's relationship to a certain Admiral Golanski? Do you, Mishta Walker, know of the Fedayeen accords established between Commune 47 and the Admiral? If there is no knowledge of these accords then it is best we acknowledge this now and, in my opinion, work to re-establish an understanding.

I look forward to your reply, if you are so inclined. If you would prefer a private communique, then by all means please establish a more direct channel of communication.

Z Povagou - Commissar Pimakhova

RE: > All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - -Revenant- - 12-06-2023

[Image: 2swYBjB.png]


From: Jeremy Walker
To: All Coalition Parties
Subject: Ceasefire Implementation

Dear Commissar Pimakhova,

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your interest in clarifying certain aspects. I appreciate your desire for answers, and I am happy to provide you with the information you seek.

Battlegroup Revenant maintains a positive relationship with the rest of the Order, including the Legacy of Orillion Cell and its members. We operate under the shared goal of upholding the principles of the Order and working towards its mission. We collaborate closely, supporting each other in various missions and endeavors.

As for Admiral Golanski, Battlegroup Revenant maintains a professional relationship with him. While I am aware of the existence of the Fedayeen accords between Commune 47 and the Admiral, I must confess that I am not personally familiar with the specifics. However, I am more than willing to work towards re-establishing any understanding that may have been lost and to engage in open and transparent communication.

I believe it would be best to continue our exchange via this communique channel for now. It allows for greater visibility and involvement from all parties concerned. However, if you deem it necessary to establish a more private channel of communication, I will be open to exploring that option.

I hope I have addressed your concerns adequately. Please feel free to ask any further questions or provide any additional information that you deem necessary.

With utmost respect,

Jeremy Walker
Commander Stalker Wing
Battlegroup Revenant

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RE: > All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - Jazzi - 12-06-2023

[Image: JfW9pqb.png]

:::Commencing Audio Playback:::

Dobre Zustrily Mishtar Walker,

Thank you for replying to my message, and for helping me put some concerns to rest. It is with a lighter heart that I can say that Battlegroup Revenant and Commune 47 have no reason to quarrel. Vidminna.

Perhaps, if you are willing, we should meet and discuss details of potential co-operation? I would prefer to meet in person, if you would indulge my visiting Order space?

Z Povagou - Commissar Pimakhova

RE: > All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - -Revenant- - 12-06-2023

[Image: 2swYBjB.png]


From: Jeremy Walker
To: All Coalition Parties
Subject: Ceasefire Implementation

Commissar Pimakhova,
Thank you for your prompt response and for expressing your willingness to cooperate. I am glad to hear that Battlegroup Revenant and Commune 47 can set aside any potential quarrels.

I appreciate your suggestion to meet in person to discuss the details of our potential cooperation. Visiting Order space would indeed be a great opportunity to foster better understanding and strengthen our partnership. I would be honored to host you and your delegation at our headquarters.

Please let me know your preferred dates and any specific requirements for the visit, so that I can make the necessary arrangements. I look forward to meeting you and working towards a mutually beneficial collaboration.


Jeremy Walker
Commander Stalker Wing
Battlegroup Revenant

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RE: > All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - Os_SK - 12-07-2023

[Image: 2.png?ex=6581aa19&is=656f3519&hm=c3b2d78...y=lossless]

From: North War Industries Major YiFeng.Huang
To: Jeremy Walker
Location: New Urumqi office
Subj:Colonel Chang's reply
Priority:The highest

Salute, Sir, Colonel Zhang is busy with other business, I will deliver his personal letter on behalf of him. This is an urgent telegram, please check it as soon as possible

Major Yifeng Huang

In the service of people
为 人 民 服 务
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RE: > All Coalition parties < From Battlegroup Revenants - -Revenant- - 12-07-2023

[Image: 2swYBjB.png]


From: Jeremy Walker
To: All Coalition Parties
Subject: Ceasefire Implementation

Col. Zhang,

Thank you for reaching out and providing an update on the new relationship between the Coalition and The Order. We prefer to establish peaceful relations. However, I must caution that any actions that cross our bottom line will result in severe consequences. We believe in treating friends with a feast and enemies with cannons. We hope that you and your comrades can also benefit from this peace treaty.

I appreciate your offer of solidarity and assistance in space. We agree that unity is strength and together, we can overcome any obstacles. We are grateful for the escort services you are willing to provide for our transport, and we will consider your bomber wing for additional protection. The decision to pay for the services will depend on our specific circumstances.

Regarding rare materials, we understand your need to utilize them for your factory's purposes. If we require any of these materials, we will certainly reach out to discuss potential business opportunities. It's always beneficial to engage in partnerships that benefit both parties.

Lastly, as you mentioned, we will stand neutral when it comes to conflicts with Corsairs. We are aware of the reasons behind this decision and will respect it.

I look forward to further discussions on how we can turn these peaceful outlooks into reality. Let's work together to create a truly peaceful environment.


Jeremy Walker
Commander Stalker Wing
Battlegroup Revenant

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