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To: IMG - Printable Version

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To: IMG - Vulkhard Muller - 12-04-2023

.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: What's Up?:.

[Image: sBhBP9A.jpg]

Guild Masters,

For a very long time Congress and IMG have had a long and lucrative relationship often finding ourselves operating in similarly hostile environments and even if we don't always see eye-to-eye we usually make it work. Also, in the past I personally worked along side you in a salvage operation in Omega-7 making use of the late Aland Shipyard for repairs.

On to business, I had a message come to me in the last few hours that has me both confused and concerned. It appears to be coming from Beaumont Spire, a long and storied Junker Installation, but the person claims to be representing some sort of joint venture between Junkers and Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing I have no idea, and frankly unless its a Congress held installation Spire's politics are their own not mine.

Communications Excerpt 12/3 11:58 SMT:  
IMG's Unfair Actions:
Despite diplomatic efforts and compliance with the initial demands made by IMG, they have chosen to proceed with an attack on Beaumont Spire. This move is not only a breach of the agreement but also sets a dangerous precedent that undermines the principles of cooperation and fair play that we, as Junkers, strive to uphold.

Plea for Assistance:
In light of these circumstances, we humbly request the support of the Junker Congress in preventing this unjust attack on Beaumont Spire.
The IMG's actions not only threaten our installation but also jeopardize the collaborative spirit and stability within the Omegas and the broader Junker community.

All I want to know is what's going on, they are claiming imminent threat to their existence. Personally if you want to obliterate every BMF this side of New London I couldn't care less all I care about is that my people, Junkers, stay out of the crossfire.

So I have heard their side of the story, what's yours?

Rick Tiltman,

RE: To: IMG - StellarViss - 12-05-2023

¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ Transmission Incoming ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

¤ LOCATION: Java Station

¤ COMM-ID: Ned Reed

¤ TARGET-ID: Rick Tiltman

¤ SUBJECT: Beaumont Spire


MESSAGE DECRYPTING... |||||||||||||||||||||||||| 100%

Greetings Rick Tilman,
I am Ned Reed, the head coordinator of the Independent Miners Guild's Omega operations. Have you heard the BMF's side of the story? Did they neglect to inform you that the Junkers of Beaumont Spire left the base after it was purchased by the BMF?

The Guild's side of the story isn't anything complicated. One of our members spotted a Junker salvaging the remains of the Aland Shipyard wreck and reported it to me. However, things changed when their exclusive buyers were revealed to be Bretonian Mining and Fabricating. I'm sure you know the history of it. It's disheartening to think that they would try to use our dead for building and maintaining their installation.

Now, if you can convince the current owner to return it to the Junkers and move it away from Omega 3, we would have no problem with it continuing to operate. In fact, we would even assist with its movement. The new Guild master also agrees that it would be a shame for the Spire to be disassembled because of the BMF's attempt to cut costs on their maintenance.

With Regards,
Ned Reed

¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤ End of Transmission ¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤-¤

RE: To: IMG - Vulkhard Muller - 12-17-2023

.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: Work is Work:.

[Image: sBhBP9A.jpg]

Mr. Reed,

My apologies for the delay, I have spoken to BMF's Representatives as well as Spire's Representatives. Both of which have informed me the deal is off. As stated here by Lord Chaos representing BMF as well as Piltover representing Beuamont Spire:

(12-05-2023, 07:08 PM)BMF Wrote:
[Image: BD1WxjS.png]
[Image: avatar_7714.png?dateline=1464120333]

From: Lord Chaos
Location: Beaumont Spire - Omega 3



Recipient: Junker Congress
Secondary Recipient: Sirius Wide Junkers

[Image: bGB2VkZ.jpg]

Greetings Arbiter Rick Tiltman,

I understand your concerns and skepticism regarding the situation at Beaumont Spire.
The tensions between Bretonian Mining and Fabrication (BMF) and the Independent Mining Guild (IMG) are indeed longstanding, and I appreciate your willingness to seek a balanced perspective.

In the interest of transparency and building trust, I can provide you with some additional context.
The recent acquisition of Beaumont Spire by BMF was intended to be a legitimate business deal.
However, unforeseen circumstances, the IMG's attack in particular, have complicated matters.
We believe the attack is a result of the historical hostilities you mentioned.

We acknowledge that gaining control of an installation does not automatically establish a kinship with the previous owner.

The decision by Beaumont Spire Junkers to cancel the sale to BMF reflects their dissatisfaction with the turn of events and their desire to maintain a neutral stance.

I appreciate your willingness to reach out to the IMG for their side of the story. I assure you that BMF is open to a diplomatic resolution and seeks to avoid unnecessary conflict.

The read-only access codes to IMG's hostile communications can only be provided by the Beaumont Junkers.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.


Lord Chaos
Bretonia Mining and Fabrication

(12-05-2023, 10:43 PM)D.I.E. Pablo Escobar Wrote:
[Image: pay72qB.jpg]

Encryption: High

Sender: Piltover

Location: Beaumont Spire Omega 3

Receiver: All Junkers

Subject:Beaumont Spire

Message Hey there, fellow Junkers,

This is Piltover, reaching out from the heart of the now-disrupted Beaumont Spire. I've got some news, and it's a mix of good, bad, and the downright messy.

First off, the deal with Bretonian Mining and Fabrication (BMF) is officially scrapped. The BMF crownies packed their bags and are long gone from our station. Seems like their grand plan to operate Beaumont Spire hit a snag they didn't anticipate.

Now, here's the tricky part – the Independent Mining Guild (IMG) has got their sights set on us. The usual accusations and posturing, you know the drill. We're holding our ground, but it's starting to feel like a storm is brewing.

So, here's the call to all you mighty Junkers out there: we need a hand to keep the IMG wolves at bay. If you're in the neighborhood or can swing by, your help would be more than appreciated. We're a tight-knit family, and family looks out for each other.

The BMF troublemakers are out of the picture, but we've got to deal with the aftermath. If you've got any spare supplies or just want to share a round of OS&C tea, come on over. The more, the merrier.

Stay scrappy, stay safe,


Beaumont Spire

I have reached out to Piltover privately to assess where best to move The Spire, I will be in touch as soon as I hear back.

Rick Tiltman,