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To: All Wayward Junkers - Printable Version

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To: All Wayward Junkers - Mellony's Acquisitions - 12-04-2023

Incoming Transmission

Source: Beaumont Base, Texas
Target "All Friendlies"...
Broadcasting encryption on all known Junker frequencies...

Message uploading...
[Image: AUgqFWI.png]

From: Kelvin Maddoc
To: All Displaced Junkers
Subject: No Place Like Home
Encryption Type: Broadband // Medium Encryption

Reachin' out to all you Junkers in need of a warm sleep-pod and a fresh cup'a OS&C tea:

My boys in the comms room told me y'all might be in a spot'a trouble, what with the displacement'a the Beaumont Spire, IMG makin' some WILD accusatiions towards y'all, and then the subsequent sale of the Spire itself.

I'll say this much, you boys got some balls tryin' to stick out there on the edges of Siruis. But at the end'a the day, we ain't got sh*t as Junkers unless we got each other's backs.

Anyway, I'll tell the boys in the landing bay and the messhall to keep the landing area clear and the food comin' steady.

The original Beaumont's always open to ya.

Signin' off,


Transmission Ends

RE: To: All Wayward Junkers - Vulkhard Muller - 12-04-2023

.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: Family has to stick together:.

[Image: sBhBP9A.jpg]

Mr. Maddoc,

I hope you will forgive me for jumping into your transmission, but I'd like to say spoken like a true Junker.

I'd also like to Echo your message, any displaced Junkers seeking safe shelter are welcome on all congress installations.
Junker's Town(Omega-11) and San Juan(Inverness) are prepared to accept any Junker refugees from this crisis. Additionally, if you find yourself in need of any extra supplies out there ion Texas, or things just start getting too hot for ya, feel free to reach out.

Rick Tiltman,

RE: To: All Wayward Junkers - Mellony's Acquisitions - 12-04-2023

Incoming Transmission

Source: Beaumont Base, Texas
Target "All Friendlies"...
Broadcasting encryption on all known Junker frequencies...

Message uploading...
[Image: AUgqFWI.png]

From: Kelvin Maddoc
To: Rick Tiltman CC: All Junkers
Subject: RE: Family Has to Stick Together
Encryption Type: Broadband // Medium Encryption

No apology needed, Rick my boy!

You are quite right, and I'm grateful to see that the Congress is still doing well.

Also many thanks for the offer of help should we need it in Texas. To be fair, I understand your concern. Especially with our dear "Lord and Master" van Leer always making sure to throw his weight around in Texas. What can I say? Our little corner of Sirius is never lacking excitement. But home is home, and I'm not sure I'd feel comfortable anywhere else besides the Dallas Debris fields.

Signin' off,


Transmission Ends

RE: To: All Wayward Junkers - Major. - 12-05-2023

[Image: Jz426T7.png]
[Image: Fe1L4HR.png]

Incoming Transmission
Sender ID: Alandro Town
Location: Trafalgar Base, New London
Encryption: Standard Junk

It's always a bad idea to get in trouble with some of this bigger groups, but people rarely listen.

Sadly you are on your own against the IMG. The Trafalgar Junkers got some nice deals with them and we can't risk that, because some of us couldn't keep his Salvager away.

But if there is any Junker in need of finding a safe heaven, we can help you out!

Until then my friends!

RE: To: All Wayward Junkers - Lythrilux - 12-05-2023

Transmission feed OPEN

[Image: m9FjpQu.png]


Beaumont Spire what have they done to you... And how have you ended up in Omega-3...?

Take it from the OG; the Independent Miners Guild deserves nothing less than violence and robbery.


Transmission feed CLOSED

RE: To: All Wayward Junkers - Mellony's Acquisitions - 12-05-2023

Incoming Transmission

Source: Beaumont Base, Texas
Target "All Friendlies"...
Broadcasting encryption on all known Junker frequencies...

Message uploading...
[Image: AUgqFWI.png]

From: Kelvin Maddoc
To: All Junkers
Subject: Escalation
Encryption Type: Junker Confidential Line

Well G.M., I'm not one'ta agree with Marauders over Congress most days, but here we are.

IMG is itchin' for a fight, and tryin' to stamp us Junkers out like roaches. And for that I wish 'em nothin' but the business end of a laser pistol.

That said, I also wanna urge caution. We are treated like an unwanted rash by most "respectible folks."

*Kelvin leans out of the transmission frame and spits for emphasis*

And cuz of that, we're always the ones under a microscope. The Houses just itchin' at the trigger finger, just waitin' for us to step one pinky toe outta place. But this ain't the time, and it ain't the place for a Junker uprisin' right now. I'm fine issuin' supplies to all y'all out in the Omegas, but I can't sacrifice men and women from Texas on the alter'a some mining and shipping war. If and when that day comes, we'll have bigger targets than some Bretonian rock hoppers.

All that said, if y'all need supplies out in Omega space, just reach out to me on the Wandering Dog, and I'll see what supplies I can spare.

And remember, Texas is always open to ya'.

Stay Safe,


Transmission Ends

RE: To: All Wayward Junkers - D.I.E. Pablo Escobar - 12-05-2023

[Image: pay72qB.jpg]

Encryption: High

Sender: Piltover

Location: Beaumont Spire Omega 3

Receiver: All Junkers

Subject:Beaumont Spire

Message Hey there, fellow Junkers,

This is Piltover, reaching out from the heart of the now-disrupted Beaumont Spire. I've got some news, and it's a mix of good, bad, and the downright messy.

First off, the deal with Bretonian Mining and Fabrication (BMF) is officially scrapped. The BMF crownies packed their bags and are long gone from our station. Seems like their grand plan to operate Beaumont Spire hit a snag they didn't anticipate.

Now, here's the tricky part – the Independent Mining Guild (IMG) has got their sights set on us. The usual accusations and posturing, you know the drill. We're holding our ground, but it's starting to feel like a storm is brewing.

So, here's the call to all you mighty Junkers out there: we need a hand to keep the IMG wolves at bay. If you're in the neighborhood or can swing by, your help would be more than appreciated. We're a tight-knit family, and family looks out for each other.

The BMF troublemakers are out of the picture, but we've got to deal with the aftermath. If you've got any spare supplies or just want to share a round of OS&C tea, come on over. The more, the merrier.

Stay scrappy, stay safe,


Beaumont Spire