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to: DTR - Corsair Empire - Printable Version

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to: DTR - Corsair Empire - D.I.E. Pablo Escobar - 12-05-2023

[Image: pay72qB.jpg]

Encryption: High

Sender: Piltover

Location: Beaumont Spire Omega 3

Receiver: DTR Corsair Empire

Subject:Beaumont Spire

Message Mighty Leaders of the Deterrence Corsair Empire,

May this transmission find you amidst the roaring winds and victorious exploits.

In the face of an impending storm at Beaumont Spire, we, the resolute Junkers of the junkyard, seek the formidable strength of the fearless Corsairs to repel the looming threat.

The ill-fated deal proposed by Bretonian Mining and Fabrication (BMF) has proven to be a reckless gambit, unleashing the relentless aggression of the Independent Mining Guild (IMG) upon Beaumont Spire. BMF, guided by avarice, knowingly played a hand that now places our robust installation in the crosshairs of IMG.

In the spirit of unabashed truth, we emphatically declare the cancellation of the deal with BMF, distancing ourselves from their misguided maneuvers.
Their actions not only imperil Beaumont Spire but also expose their wanton disregard for the sanctity of our shared interests.

In recognition of the Deterrence Corsair Empire's prowess in safeguarding the interests of independent factions, we propose a mutually beneficial arrangement. In exchange for your support in defending Beaumont Spire against IMG aggression, we extend the following offers:

Permanent Docking Rights at Beaumont Spire - Omega 3:
Your vessels will have unrestricted access to the bustling transit hub at Omega 3, providing strategic advantages and opportunities for your Empire.

Exclusive Sell Point for Xeno Relics:
Beaumont Spire will serve as a permanent and exclusive marketplace for the trade of Deterrence Xeno relics, ensuring a lucrative channel for your unique resources.

Legitimate Warehouse:
We commit to constructing a legitimate warehouse on Beaumont Spire, facilitating a steady and discreet flow for all kinds of smuggling activities, aligning with the core principles of our respective factions.

No one works for free:
Any attacking vessel scrapped to smithereens will be payed at 50 000 SC per scrap.
Sucsessfull defense of the instalation will grant 10 000 000 transferred to a DTR Bank of your hosing.

We believe this collaboration will not only fortify Beaumont Spire against IMG hostilities but also foster a lasting partnership between our factions. We eagerly await your response and hope for a swift and mutually beneficial alliance.

Awaiting your resounding response and the forging of an alliance that will echo through the corridors of Sirius.

In Unity and Strength,

Beaumont Spire Representative:

RE: to: DTR - Corsair Empire - GreySeiker - 12-06-2023

[Image: 6eYifrM.png]

Sender ID
Santiago del Olivar,"Santisima" fleet commander.
Aboard the Delos
Piltover, Beaumont Spire.

Good day, señor Piltover.

Looks like some Junkers need our help. As you may understand, we like junkers since they buy our artifacts. My compañero, we are not mercenaries, we will kill the same enemies we kill for free, and if you pay, even better. Never the less, The fleet should be capable to defend you'r station from this filthy miners.

We have a small fleet at the omegas ready to dispatch from Omega 48, Casablanca station. The fleet need fuel so that payment you offer will sure pay for it. When they payment is done the fleet will launch. I will be personally watching the developing of the situation. We will need some information, send it to our private network.


<Always at your service, Deterrence>
Santiago del Olivar

[Image: 5RDPUdc.png]

RE: to: DTR - Corsair Empire - D.I.E. Pablo Escobar - 12-06-2023

[Image: pay72qB.jpg]

Encryption: High

Sender: Piltover

Location: Beaumont Spire Omega 3

Receiver: DTR Corsair Empire

Subject:Beaumont Spire

Message Hey Commander Santiago del Olivar,

Thanks the quick shoutback! It's heartening to know there are folks out there willing to lend a hand to us Junkers.

Totally get your deal on not being mercenaries – we dig that. And we're all in for covering the fuel tab for your fleet. Gotta keep those ships flying, right?

We'll shoot over all the deets about the IMG mess and what's going down. We'll keep it hush-hush on your private network, no worries.

Just gave a heads-up to the Beaumont Dockmasters to get things ready for the "Santisima" fleet's pit stop at Beaumont Spire - Omega 3.

Thanks for having our back, and we're pumped for the day we stand together against these IMG troublemakers.

Keep it real,

Beaumont Spire Representative: