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To: Rheinland Police | From: MacRory's Irregulars - Printable Version

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To: Rheinland Police | From: MacRory's Irregulars - MacRory's Irregulars - 12-06-2023


[Image: fvj6rkZ.png]
[Image: O85Djka.png]

From: MacRory's Irregulars
To: Rheinland Police
Point of origin: Freeport 6
Subject: Bustard licence
Encrpytion key: few9qws|d

To whom it may concern,

In accordance to Rheinland law, sections §4.1. and §4.1.3., MacRory's Irregulars would like to request a licence for a Bustard class ship, [>MRI<]Drake's Fortune, to traverse through Rheinland's sovereign space. We do not plan to conduct any sort of operations with said ship in systems belonging to Rheinland, the ship's area of operations will be in border words, but given the separated nature of these regions we might need to transit through Rheinland when moving from one border word region to another. The ship will be eventualy equiped with Jump Drive device, license request for which was placed here. This equipement wont be used inside Rheinland's borders, except for extremely dire circumstances.

We are not closely afilliated with any Rheinland corporation which would grant us the license through section §4.1.1., but we have a long-term contract with Daumann Heavy Construction for monthly supply of various metals, some of them sourced from outside of house space. One of the purposes of the Bustard will be safeguarding convoys with Daumann requested shipments through the border words.

We appologise if this request was not send through a proper channel, however, neither Extraordinary equipment registry nor Special authorization registry seem to be handling this kind of request, since Bustard is not classified as restricted or illegal technology but is instead denied access to Rheinland's space due to being considered a capital ship.

With regards,

Finnean MacRory
Coordinator of the Irregulars


RE: To: Rheinland Police | From: MacRory's Irregulars - Tenshi Kuonji - 12-07-2023

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
[Image: W7PsLI5.png]

Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: BAxPm6F.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Direktorin Freyja Wolf
RECIPIENT: MacRory's Irregulars | [>MRI<]Drake's Fortune
SOURCE: Planet New Berlin, Headquarters of KPR
SUBJECT: Bustard licence

Dear Mr. MacRory,

Your request for a Bustard class ship license has been duly received. Please be informed that the Rheinland Polizei will commence the necessary review process to ensure compliance with Rheinland law.

The investigation may take some time, as we will carefully examine the details provided. If needed, we may contact you for additional information during the process.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.


Kaiserliche Polizei Direktorin Freyja Wolf
Rheinland Polizei

Polizeidirektorin Freiya Wolf
Kurprinzessin zur Neckar
[Image: S9pkOkD.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

F. Wolf

[Image: afJNWwq.png]
[Image: K2AnjKb.png]


RE: To: Rheinland Police | From: MacRory's Irregulars - MacRory's Irregulars - 12-27-2023


[Image: fvj6rkZ.png]
[Image: O85Djka.png]

From: MacRory's Irregulars
To: Rheinland Police
Point of origin: Freeport 6
Subject: Bustard licence
Encrpytion key: few9qws|d

Greetings Directorin,

are there any updates about our request? I understand such things take time, but it's been almost a month.

With regards,

Finnean MacRory
Coordinator of the Irregulars


RE: To: Rheinland Police | From: MacRory's Irregulars - Tenshi Kuonji - 01-03-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
[Image: W7PsLI5.png]

Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: BAxPm6F.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Direktorin Freyja Wolf
RECIPIENT: MacRory's Irregulars | [>MRI<]Drake's Fortune
SOURCE: Planet Baden Baden, OS&C Villa
SUBJECT: Bustard Licence

Dear Finnean MacRory,

Greetings from the Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinland. We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding the delay in responding to your Bustard license request. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

In light of your request, we are expediting the process, and we are pleased to inform you that your Bustard license has been approved for a period of 30 days. Please be advised that this approval is conditional and subject to the following terms:
  • The license is valid for 30 days from the date of this message.
  • The activation of the Jump Drive within Rheinland borders is strictly prohibited.
  • The license may be revoked at any time if it is determined that the device is being used in violation of Rheinland laws or if any irregularities are detected.
  • Any suspicious activity, or support for individuals on the Rheinland criminal list, while using this license will result in serious sanctions, including the immediate revocation of the license and potential legal action.

We appreciate your cooperation and adherence to Rheinland regulations.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

Kaiserliche Polizei Direktorin Freyja Wolf
Rheinland Polizei

Polizeidirektorin Freiya Wolf
Kurprinzessin zur Neckar
[Image: S9pkOkD.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

F. Wolf

[Image: afJNWwq.png]
[Image: K2AnjKb.png]


RE: To: Rheinland Police | From: MacRory's Irregulars - MacRory's Irregulars - 01-04-2024


[Image: fvj6rkZ.png]
[Image: O85Djka.png]

From: MacRory's Irregulars
To: Rheinland Police
Point of origin: Freeport 6
Subject: Bustard licence
Encrpytion key: few9qws|d

*The man on the screen looks visibly confused, even if he tries to hide it*

Thirty days? I'm sorry, Directorin, but there had to be some misunderstanding. I was under the impression these licences, if granted, were perpetual, well, unless revoked of course. I'm not even sure if our bustard will be operational in said thirty days, and I highly doubt we'll actually need to go through Rheinland's space in such short time.

The reason we applied for the license is for us to be able to travel between border word regions should the need arise, since those regions are mostly accesible only through house space. Don't get me wrong, I'm gratefull for the licence, it's just, well, it's not really that useful under those conditions.

Or do I understand it incorrectly and this is only to cover the time before the licensing process is complete and definitive yes / no can be given?

With regards,

Finnean MacRory
Coordinator of the Irregulars