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Dice games you can play on the server - Printable Version

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Dice games you can play on the server - jammi - 12-08-2023

The server has some fairly flexible commands that can be used to play games. I'm putting together some rules here for simple dice games that don't need any other props or materials. This is primarily to inspire my CDI guys to be unprofessional and gamble while on patrol, but anyone can use these.

/dice #d#

The first number is the number of dice you want to roll. The second number is the number of faces the die should have. So for your basic cube with six sides, you'll want to type /dice 1d6.


Flips a heads or tails, pretty basic.

Feel free to suggest / link to other rules and I'll merge them into this post as a central resource.

RE: Dice games you can play on the server - Vulkhard Muller - 12-09-2023

Spiffy, now I kinda want to run a inrp D&D campaign in game on space ships.
