Research Team, '\S/' Arcturus-II
Research Expedition Report on HFBC-JDC cruisers within the Vespucci
Report was compiled on 16/ 12 / 833AS
As far as missions go, this was a different one. We in our organization rarely take up the scanning of ships, human made structures or wrecks. But as this was seen as a growing and learning opportunity we did it non the less. Will keep this short, journey was uneventful, ship and crew performed as expected and there were no encounters along the way.
First HFBC-JDC we came upon was very heavily damaged, broken in half and drifting quite far apart. We found the command deck first, scans reveal a thorough fire has spread between most compartments, nothing to recover.
Second half of the ship was leaking radiation very severely, but our shielding and enhanced hull is used to that. Propulsion systems have been destroyed, not much to scan besides overall design. Radioactivity levels suggest a mix of H-fuel and some active material, possibly uranium, have been used as the source of power.
Second HFBC-JDC ship was nearby in a very similar situation. On this example we noticed the bulkhead doors for the engine and fuel compartments had done their job and no radiation was leaking. Besides this and the possibility that some equipment could be salvaged from within, ship was scorched badly and most outer layers unusable.
Third ship was found still in drydock of the now destroyed Fort Leniex. This one was in good shape, all still holding together. Scans show most systems fried but the ship hasn't been under heavy fire. Scans also show large and quite advanced centrifugal power distributor in the centre of the ship. Possibly used to redistribute and draw power from redundant systems. A large gravity field generator is nested nearby suggesting a full gravity on board, maybe even used as a tractor beam.
Last but not least was found drifting near a Gaian installation. We landed to do a meet and greet and had a conversation with the stations Captain. This one was off limits for us to scan thoroughly but they agreed for us to take some overall scans to see how badly damaged at least the outer shells are. Still in one piece but seen some heavy fire and disabled. As the captain explained they had taken over it after the crew abandoned ship leaving it under self destruct sequence, that hadn't work. If an agreement can be reached with the current owners, this one might be the easiest to work on and get full scans and schematics even from within.
This concludes our report on the HFBC-JDC "Judicator" class cruisers. All scan data will be attached to this report in RAW data files for the recipient to analyze themselves and extract whatever information they require.
Captain and crew of '\S/' Arcturus-II, signing off.