Faction Info Index BBCode - TheKusari - 12-21-2023
Sup, guys.
I put this together for those who want a clean and easily readable index for their factions information pages, message dumps, feedback and whatever else you want to record.
This is mainly for Unofficial Factions or other startups that don't have their own subforums akin to the Official Factions. Below I have some BBCode that will allow you to put together a nice and tidy Index for your faction, so you can record everything you need in one place. Then you can link it to any images or buttons so others who are interested have a central directory to all relevant links for your faction.
If you would like to see an example, I have set one up for the Starfliers. Below is the code:
Code: [table]
[align=center][img]Faction Logo URL Here[/img][/align]
[align=center][b][color=#FFFFFF]Faction Name Goes here[/color][/b][/align]
[align=center][color=#80BFFF]IMPORTANT THREADS[/color][/align]
[*] [url=xxx][color=#FFFFFF]Link 1[/color][/url]
[*] [url=xxx][color=#FFFFFF]Link 2[/color][/url]
[*] [url=xxx][color=#FFFFFF]Link 3[/color][/url]
[align=center][color=#80BFFF]EVERYTHING ELSE[/color][/align]
[color=#80BFFF]SECTION ONE[/color]
[*] [url=xxx][color=#FFFFFF]Link 1[/color][/url]
[*] [url=xxx][color=#FFFFFF]Link 2[/color][/url]
[*] [url=xxx][color=#FFFFFF]Link 3[/color][/url]
[color=#80BFFF]SECTION TWO[/color]
[*] [url=xxx][color=#FFFFFF]Link 1[/color][/url]
[*] [url=xxx][color=#FFFFFF]Link 2[/color][/url]
[*] [url=xxx][color=#FFFFFF]Link 3[/color][/url]
[img]Faction Logo URL Here[/img]
Faction Name Goes here
RE: Faction Info Index BBCode - TheKusari - 08-03-2024
Bumping this one, in case a faction needs a central spot to put all their links and such without going through the effort of creating a faction index themselves.