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To: Battlegroup Revenant Resignation of Brigadier General - Printable Version

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To: Battlegroup Revenant Resignation of Brigadier General - -Revenant- - 01-09-2024

[Image: 2swYBjB.png]


From: William McCarty
To: Battlegroup Revenant
Subject: Resignation from the Position of Leader of Battlegroup Revenant


I am writing to inform you that I have decided to resign from my duty as the Leader of Battlegroup Revenant, effective immediately.

I have pondered this decision for quite some time and although it was not an easy one to make, I believe it is the right choice for both myself and the Battlegroup. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working alongside incredible warriors, witnessing unbeatable teamwork, and experiencing countless victories. I will forever cherish the memories we have created together and the bonds we have formed.
However, as a leader, it is essential to recognize when change is needed. My circumstances have undergone a significant transformation recently, and I have come to realize that I cannot dedicate the time and energy required to fulfill the position to the best of my abilities. It would be unfair to the Battlegroup and its members to continue in a role that I can no longer give my full commitment to.

Therefore, I believe it is in the best interest of Battlegroup Revenant that a new leader steps forward, someone who can wholeheartedly focus on the growth, development, and success of our group. I have complete faith in every one of you to continue upholding the values and principles that define our Battlegroup.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the warriors of Battlegroup Revenant for the trust and support you have shown me throughout my tenure as leader. It has been an honor and privilege to lead such a skilled, dedicated, and honorable group of individuals. I have the utmost confidence in your abilities to overcome any challenge that comes your way.

Rest assured that I will still be around to offer any assistance or guidance in the transition period, should it be required. I am confident that the next leader will lead Battlegroup Revenant to even greater heights, and I will always be a proud member of this esteemed group.
Once again, I want to thank every one of you for your unwavering dedication, loyalty, and friendship. I will forever cherish the memories we have made together and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

With deepest gratitude,

William McCarty

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