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Saturday, February 3, 2024 18:00: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts - Printable Version

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Saturday, February 3, 2024 18:00: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts - Chxlls - 01-14-2024

Word of increased violence between the Outcasts and Corsairs within the Omicrons has reached the other houses. With this new development, Liberty and Crayter see a potential opportunity to secure their presence within Coronado. Both groups have decided to bolster their fleet positions in the system, looking to drive the Outcasts out for good.

However, the Maltese assets in the area are battle-hardened and experienced campaigners. They are determined to hold their lines and ensure that Malta still has a pathway through Coronado to house space. They won’t give up easily.

With the ongoing campaign in the Omicrons, Maltese forces have limited access to their heavy capital assets. They will need to rely on the mobility and evasiveness of their snubcraft and light capital units to ensure victory. Liberty doesn’t feel the necessity to overload the system with heavy capital ships either, wanting to ensure heavy assets are close at-hand should anything develop in the Earhart/Uncharted Systems. But they won’t leave Coronado to chance. Liberty has called upon some of their veteran commanders to spearhead this operation.

Combat Area & Disposition
The upcoming event will take place in Coronado.
[Image: 3g1qlQ8.png]
Liberty/Crayter Forces will start near Battlecruiser Yellowstone or Sabah Shipyard.
Outcasts Forces will gather near the Baffin Jumphole in Sector B4, Top Left.
Combat will take place in Sector B3/C3.


  • Standard fleet battle: destroy all opponent's forces.


  • Allowable IDs: Liberty Navy, Crayter Republic, Outcasts
  • Event starts upon the agreement of each side's representatives.
  • Only registered ships may take place in the event.
  • No respawning.
  • No restocking.
  • No sun-diving or planet diving.
  • Event ends when all ships from either side have been eliminated.

Date and Time of the Event
Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 18:00 UTC.


Liberty/Crayter Forces
Outcast Forces
Battlecruiser: 46th|TFA-LNS-Providence @Karidon Battlecruiser: MA|MNS-Serpente @"SirJohnKnight"
Battlecruiser: 46th|LNS-Ranger @Xithon Battlecruiser: MNS-Ruggiero @Devils_Reach
Cruiser: 46th|LNS-Gibraltar @"Yazov" Cruiser: HS>Dominadora @Dark Chocolate
Cruiser: =CR=FV-Tyran|248 @Anguirus Cruiser: HS>Sospettoso @JadeTornado
Gunboat: 46th|LNS-Attrition @monmarfori Gunboat: HS>Vendetta @"0xCosmin"
Bomber: =CR=Bomber @Uknown Bomber: Santiago.Ruiz - Xor (no forum acct)
Bomber: 46th|Delta-5 @Chxlls Bomber: Pegasus[404th] @Luminium
Fighter: 46th|Noel.Tizona @Leeon26 Fighter: Don.Simon @Mort
Fighter: Mimic.Actual @DragoonArcanum Fighter: QC|Michael.Rodriguez @Kherty
Reserve: Reserve:
Reserve: Reserve:
Reserve: Reserve: QC|Michael.Rodriguez @Kherty
Reserve: Reserve:
Reserve: @Chxlls Reserve: @Leeon26

If demand allows, I will increase slots as needed.

This is my first ever event writeup and hosting. I'd like to do more of these depending on how they go. Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord (chills1) with any ideas you have in mind on PVP events. Let me know what you'd like to see or what I can do better.

Much thanks to @Barrier, @Antonio, @Levenna and others for feedback and help with this.

The expedition into the nebula by Crayter and Liberty revealed a sizeable Outcast Battlegroup still positioned in Coronado. After fierce fighting, with losses on both sides, Liberty and Crayter came out victorious. The battle-hardened Outcasts suffered some losses, but not nearly enough to push them out of the system. The joint operation between Liberty and Crayter is considered a success by their respective commanders, but they know that this battle isn't close to being over.

RE: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts | Saturday, January 20 at 18:00 UTC - Nika - 01-14-2024

46th|LNS-Gibraltar - Crecy

RE: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts | Saturday, January 20 at 18:00 UTC - Mort - 01-14-2024

Don.Simon - OC Fighter

RE: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts | Saturday, January 20 at 18:00 UTC - tommygun209 - 01-14-2024

Can Outcast allies join the fight? If yes, I'd like to join as Perpetrator|LH, Interloper GB

RE: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts | Saturday, January 20 at 18:00 UTC - Chxlls - 01-14-2024

(01-14-2024, 12:08 PM)tommygun209 Wrote: Can Outcast allies join the fight? If yes, I'd like to join as Perpetrator|LH, Interloper GB

Just going to keep it as Outcast only for now. I will put the ship as reserve in the event I open it up.

Unless you have an Outcast ship you'd like to register now?

RE: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts | Saturday, January 20 at 18:00 UTC - tommygun209 - 01-14-2024

(01-14-2024, 12:11 PM)Chxlls Wrote:
(01-14-2024, 12:08 PM)tommygun209 Wrote: Can Outcast allies join the fight? If yes, I'd like to join as Perpetrator|LH, Interloper GB

Just going to keep it as Outcast only for now. I will put the ship as reserve in the event I open it up.

Unless you have an Outcast ship you'd like to register now?

No, I don't have such ship an I'm not planning to make one. I understood, will monitor the situation

RE: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts | Saturday, January 20 at 18:00 UTC - [MHS] - 01-14-2024

Hello and thanks for all your efforts.
MNS-Storta (cruiser) please.
Also can support with BC and GB but I prefer Cruiser.

RE: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts | Saturday, January 20 at 18:00 UTC - Anguirus - 01-14-2024

dang, crayter has an event? And no one told me!?!?
Signing up with =CR=FV-Tyran|248 Thanatos cruiser. Gotta support my homies!

RE: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts | Saturday, January 20 at 18:00 UTC - JadeTornado - 01-14-2024

HS>Sospettoso - Outcast Cruiser

RE: Coronado Skirmish - Liberty/Crayter vs. Outcasts | Saturday, January 20 at 18:00 UTC - Red - 01-14-2024

HS>Vendetta - OC GB