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Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Printable Version

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Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Charos - 01-16-2024

I've made a few suggestions earlier in the Dev channel on DGC's formal discord server and I'm posting this here so members that do not have discord can read and participate in the discussion. Please be civilized.

Quote:Talking about gameplay, why not boost the price of platinum (up to 220 cr) and have Liberty/Kusari doing skirmishes in Galileo to take control of the resource?

Doesn't have to be full-blown war in roleplay but gameplay wise you could let the two houses duke it out for fun.

It could be tested as a limited time event.
That means a 29 credit boost to the current prices which would:
-Increase traffic (both lawful and unlawful) to Kusari/Liberty
-Maybe an increased activity for both Houses' factions
-More unlawful players (pirates/smugglers)

Right now the majority of activity is around gold and iridium which are the highest profitable HRCs in the game, you may think that it's balanced this way as there are no trade lanes and routes are taking longer but people shrug it off as the profit is good.

Also introduce an in-game bounty system for police characters that shoot down unlawfuls, far less credits if they're on cruisers to prevent abuse of the system.

I'm aware that these things have happened in the past and are doable, it just needs attention to make things fun and this game needs more of that before keyboard warrior roleplay.

The good thing about this is there is no need for a patch update (yet), a system announcement that things are getting heated in Galileo between the corporations and authorities have to be involved to prevent a corporate war leads to rumours that compromised officers violently remove corporations belonging to the other house.

Then players will get time to organize their factions (LN/KNF so on) untill a formal announcement and the changes are implemented.

Again, this doesn't have to actually happen in roleplay in the scale it might happen ingame but it will give players the chance to field their ships and give life to the region.

RE: Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Nika - 01-16-2024

I can't imagine lawfuls brawling over what's essentially a corporate jurisdiction but corporate rivalry? Hell yeah, we need more of this.

Hunters will also have something to do, as someone will still have to fend off the turf lords while corporates are at each others' throats.

RE: Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Ashyur - 01-16-2024

maybe even outlaw it somehow so it becomes a contrabad for those who are not x faction ?

RE: Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Shimamori - 01-16-2024

(01-16-2024, 04:29 PM)Charos Wrote: I've made a few suggestions earlier in the Dev channel on DGC's formal discord server and I'm posting this here so members that do not have discord can read and participate in the discussion. Please be civilized.


As a Kusari player, I don't want this. Yet another groundless RP-wise conflict over a outhouse. There have been rumours over Ku/Li conflict since pre-5.0 and all the premises were so laughable that I am glad they turned out to be bogus. Issues:
  1. No plausible reason to fight. Galileo is a radioactive waste devoid of resources. Liberty depends on Kusari in terms of trade as much as Kusari depends on Liberty. There is a plethora of other RP reasons why this conflict would make 0 sense.
  2. Knowing the stance of KNF on the matter, I doubt people will be interested. Of course, I might be wrong here and would be happy to hear @Werdackel opinion on this but IMHO just as with the previous iterations of such conflicts gameplay-wise, it will end up with 2-3 skirmishes and die down.
  3. why do you assume the unlawfuls will even have a tad of interest in it if they are dead as they are, nothing preventing them from hitting on the traffic or spur activity otherwise?
  4. previous inter-house conflicts in most cases ended up in a mess, both sides hating them even regardless if there were any story outcomes or not. Take Ku/Ga war for example. It also underlines the importance of a proper story-building before any conflict. Just a border tension out of blue with 0 explanation is a bad move on a low-pop server where the remaining playerbase is mostly clinging to the RP aspect of the server, not actually the gameplay (or so I have heard).

Tldr as a Kusari player: no, thank you.

RE: Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - TheSauron - 01-16-2024

(01-16-2024, 05:01 PM)Shimamori Wrote: Galileo is a radioactive waste devoid of resources.

There are major platinum deposits in Galileo that Samura, Kishiro and DSE all have a claim to after getting conned by the guy that discovered them.

RE: Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Charos - 01-16-2024

1. The term compromised officers means corrupt officers in service of the corporations, the scale of this conflict in roleplay is minor so governments do not have to play any role here.

2. The [KNF] has their right to not participate in this but cannot dictate independent player gameplay.

3. Outlaw factions such as Outcasts and Corsairs can highly profit from Platinum by pirating or buying it from Shikoku to sell to their home system. A trading loop to and from Shikoku
gives the ability to smuggle to the two largest unlawfuls. More activity from them means that perhaps Kusari factions will actually start playing the game instead of camping discord/forum.

4. A proper execution would mean giving life to a region and you're wrong if you're going to compare the Gallic house which was in war for as long as I remember it until it imploded. This isn't an all-outwar, this is a corporate "war" that utilises officers paid by them to bully the opposition roleplay wise while in game players can shoot each other.

As a Kusari veteran someone who enjoys every aspect of the game, I want to see activities from factions in both sides and I want to see more action in the game, not from forum warriors.

Also next time before you throw in your thoughts, read the whole thing, unless you don't know what tl;dr means, so I'll gladly teach you how to use Uncle Google.

RE: Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Blake Wayne Van Leer - 01-16-2024

Sounds like a good hybrid trade/combat week long event! Don't listen to the haters - if the prices and plugin are setup well, people will come.

RE: Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Couden - 01-16-2024

(01-16-2024, 05:31 PM)Charos Wrote: Outlaw factions such as Outcasts and Corsairs can highly profit from Platinum by pirating or buying it from Shikoku to sell to their home system. A trading loop to and from Shikoku

I might believe into a Rogue or Outcast are pirating Platinum, but not Corsairs. They are nothing to do with Plat between Liberty and Kusari.

(01-16-2024, 05:31 PM)Charos Wrote: 2. The [KNF] has their right to not participate in this but cannot dictate independent player gameplay.

Faction Right 1. Official player factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided

RE: Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Emperor Tekagi - 01-16-2024

We're already seeing one chokepoint existing being apparently too much. Bretonian lawfuls are dead in the water with very few bothering to log in (myself included) and unlawfuls are currently playing Credits Simulator for the most part.

Whilst the idea is fine, making the whole thing corporate centered would be quite more enjoyable. Skirmishes are a nice to have but hardly a lasting activity source as proven countless times between various factions.

The real issue atm is that people do not enjoy logging in? Why? Work in progress economy with lots of RP items gone as well as a sizable part of the playerbase outright hating new capital ships.

Gold can remain the biggest money maker route, it just requires non Molly unlawfuls and lawfuls to finally capitalize on it. If they do so, it's suddenly very risky and the other mildly worse routes get attention.

However, the gap between other houses main ore and Gold could be a bit less anyway.

RE: Suggestion: Liberty/Kusari - Blake Wayne Van Leer - 01-16-2024

(01-16-2024, 06:04 PM)Couden Wrote:
(01-16-2024, 05:31 PM)Charos Wrote: Outlaw factions such as Outcasts and Corsairs can highly profit from Platinum by pirating or buying it from Shikoku to sell to their home system. A trading loop to and from Shikoku

I might believe into a Rogue or Outcast are pirating Platinum, but not Corsairs. They are nothing to do with Plat between Liberty and Kusari.

(01-16-2024, 05:31 PM)Charos Wrote: 2. The [KNF] has their right to not participate in this but cannot dictate independent player gameplay.

Faction Right 1. Official player factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided
Sorry to burst your bubble chief, but Gallileo is not house space, and lawfuls cannot use RP consequences for what happens there, official or not. The system is meant to be wild and rules reflect that. You no longer go "WAR WERE DECLARED" for some weekend scuffles in non house lawless systems.

Honestly I see this as a one off event, econ needs a full rework/update but that needs to come globally - in the meantime we can get something to do at least.