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Handelsdepot - Printable Version

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Handelsdepot - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 02-20-2024

Name: Handelsdepot
Designation: Elbe-class Outpost; ASR-class Refinery
Affiliation: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM]
Location: New Berlin, Sektor D6, Saarfeld Edge
Purpose: Weapons research, military exercises, vessel maintenance
Administrator: Kapitanleutnant Kristoff Boll

>: purchasing | <: selling

> Synth Paste / Oxygen / Water: 50 SC
> Basic Alloy / Robotics: 60 SC

> Military Salvage: 70 SC
< Scrap Metal: 1 SC
< Prototype Components: 1,500 SC

> Unlawful pilots: 40 SC
> Lawful pilots: 100 SC
> Credit Cards: full price
> H-Fuel: 100 SC

< Azurite Gas: 150 SC
< Xeno Relics: 450 SC

Up-to-date information is available on the public electronic contract board (// F9).

All Kapitane in good standing may request docking permission via the following form:
- Docking Rights Rquest

[color=#bd8005][b]►[/b]Name of Individual or Faction:[/color] HERE
[color=#bd8005][b]►[/b]Vessel Callsign of Individual or Faction:[/color] HERE
[color=#bd8005][b]►[/b]Identification and Transponder Information (// ID / IFF):[/color] HERE
[color=#bd8005][b]►[/b]Reason For Requesting Docking Rights:[/color] HERE

[color=#bd8005][i]I hereby confirm that all of the above information is correct, and that I or my Organization is fully compliant with the Laws of Rheinland.[/i][/color]

RE: Handelsdepot - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 06-23-2024

[Image: jutJmAV.png]
Source: Handelsdepot
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-EXT
Submitter: Kapitänleutnant Kristof Boll
Recipient: Rheinland-wide Boosted Broadact
Subject: Handelsdepot restricted opening

Guten Abend to the citizens of Rheinland.

By the wishes of the Grossadmiral Alfred Henze, the installation Handelsdepot is now open for registration to all individuals of enterprise in good standing in Rheinland. All requests for Docking Rights are to be submitted via this node. Any additional information is available upon request in the open channels.

That is all.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Kristof Boll
Kapitänleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: oP0OsnS.png]

[Image: tfMtFht.png] [Image: AUr0fgK.png]