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The Connacht Summit - Luminium - 04-29-2024


Dublin has barely changed. It was still the same lone yellow star circled by resource-rich asteroid belts, bathing them in warm light that would never give rise to life. Yet something was also missing. Silence greeted the rare visitors to the system. They darted around cautiously while keeping one eye on the sensor feed at all times. It was best to conclude their business as quickly as possible and depart. The signals of trade convoys and the chatter of mining crews working the gold fields were a memory of the past, as were the cheers and shouts from the famous Hood race track.

Finding Connacht Depot was easy, if you knew where to look. Its central structure was built out of a cargo storage platform that was a common design in Sirius - a large, airless warehouse for dumping ore with a small pressurised section for crew quarters and administration facilities. The station was once meant to be cheap and disposable, but now it had a fully sealed interior and sprouted multiple extensions: salvaged ore smelters, habitation blocks and recreation modules. Not all of these were well-integrated into the station complex and some were still under construction, haphazardly bolted onto the hull and linked with a network of struts and conveyor belts. But it had a sense of permanence now as a well-established outpost for the Mollys.

Minister Burns was quietly working, engrossed in his reports. He was alone in the observation lounge, where the meeting was to take place. It was a half-circular room, reached by a grungy lift not far from the docking bay. A large curved window gave a good view of the rest of the station, columns of fire and smoke rising from its furnaces, obscuring the distant stars. An unopened bottle of whiskey and some glasses were set up on the table in anticipation of the IMG delegation's arrival. Soon, their representatives will walk in, flanked by a pair of dour, well-armed Mollys. Until then, there was always another report to view. The minister glanced at the bottle and reached to pick up the next sheet of paper from the stack.

RE: The Connacht Summit - StellarViss - 05-05-2024

The Kopaonik, a modified Clydesdale freighter, emerged from the Achill Asteroid field, field flying towards the cobbled behemoth that is Connacht. Within the cockpit, Guildmaster Albert Schulze's voice crackled through the comm, instructing the pilot.

"Karl, proceed with the docking sequence; we are expected."

Obediently, the hefty freighter edged toward Connacht's docking bay. Inside the Kopaonik, Albert meticulously reviewed the data on his PDA, his nerves evident as he perused details about his hosts and their current situation. While the Guild and the Mollys had always had cordial relations, this meeting would be the first one between there leadership, setting up potential alliance with the Free Republic of Dublin.

The docking bay doors slid open, allowing the ship to enter. Pulsating lights lined the rim of the hangar, guiding the Kopaonik inside. Upon touchdown, Karl and Albert were quick to disembark, immediately greeted by the station's dock workers. Albert handed over a manifest detailing the freighter's cargo—primarily water and mining machinery—and instructed Karl to oversee the unloading process while he was escorted to the meeting room.

Navigating through the corridors and industrial bays toward the observation lounge, Albert couldn't help but look at the station's robust construction, pausing briefly to observe the smelter. His anticipation mixed with concern, the Guildmaster finally reached the meeting room's door. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he inhaled deeply and stepped forward.

Entering the room, he extended his hand, offering a firm, albeit slightly apprehensive smile.

"Greetings Minister Burns, it's good to finally meet you in person."

RE: The Connacht Summit - Keirdran - 05-06-2024

Mark Lathrop hadn't visited Dublin in a long while, not since his younger, more adventurous years. If someone had told him back then that he would be visiting the Mollys, now organised into an assembly even, he'd have laughed it off. Of course, the same could be said about most of his life by this point, laden with twists and turns that, while not breaching the fantastical all too much, nonetheless made things difficult to predict. Perhaps in this way today's events are actually among the more mundane then.

Getting to the system, and Connacht by extension, had been surprisingly smooth in spite of the dangers. The Armed Forces hadn't bothered them on their way and the timing was such that any Corsairs who might have felt the urge to raid were doing so elsewhere. So it is that the Director arrives unscathed and without incident, departing the armoured transport and being greeted, presumably, by those that would escort him up.

At the observation lounge the good minister would be presented with a fair skinned man, about six foot in height and dressed rather predictably in a grey suit, lacking a tie though. One might assume him to be in his late 40's, his short brown hair showing the occasional grey, or perhaps the rigours of life simply gives the impression of a man older than he truly is. Despite this, and the otherwise worn down impression he gives, Mark smiles rather cheerily as he's brought before Matthew, rather eagerly thrusting out a hand to shake his. "Minister Burns, great to finally make your acquaintance in person! Mark Lathrop, Director of NDI", he offers in introduction. "Or one of, I should say. Can't discount Miss Vara, she just figured it best only the one of us attended. Either way, you've my thanks for the invitation, it really is wonderful to be here."

Mark remains practically beaming as he turns his attention to Schulze, given only momentary pause on account of the man's 'stature'. "Ah, and the Honoured Guildmaster!" Much as with Minister Burns he is eager to shake hands with the man. "I really should have come to meet with you personally before all this, but things have just been so... busy, I'm sure you understand", he offers apologetically, almost nervously even. "But, here we are now and I must say, again, you've my undying thanks for all of your help with everything. I could not have asked for a warmer welcome from the Guild."

Realising that this is perhaps detracting from the purpose of his visit, Mark rather hurriedly takes whichever seat is offered to him thereafter, shooting the Minister an apologetic look, as if his rather sincere thanks to Guildmaster Schulze had warranted such. In truth the both of them might find it a little odd, this Mark Lathrop being quite the departure from the more meticulous-sounding one presented over the neural net messages.

RE: The Connacht Summit - Luminium - 05-06-2024

Matthew put down his report and rose to greet his guests. He was a man in his mid forties with steely eyes and a well-kept moustache. He was dressed in a formal grey suit in contrast to other Mollys, who tended to favour work clothes or combat attire.

"Greetings, Guildmaster," he said, shaking hands with Albert. "It is good to meet you, as well. One might say this meeting is long overdue, hmm?"

Flashing a quick grin, he turned to Director Lathrop, shaking hands with him, as well.

"I am glad you could make it, Mr. Lathrop. I trust there was no trouble along the way?"

The minister nodded to their Molly guides to leave and invited the visitors to be seated. Once they were alone, he took the bottle and poured a glass of amber liquid for each of the guests and one for himself.

"Gentlemen, let us take a minute to relax before we discuss business," he said as he stood next to his chair, glass in hand. "I find that good whiskey is helpful in that regard."

Without toasting, Matthew took a swig from the glass and set it on the table before settling in his chair, giving everyone time to compose themselves.

"Any questions before we begin? It has been a long time, and the loss of the Hood has left you reeling as it did us, I am sure. I would be happy to get you caught up on the state of affairs in Dublin, if need be."

RE: The Connacht Summit - Darkstar_Spectre - 05-06-2024

The Spirit of Revolt, currently traversing the Achill Asteroid field, Dublin.

The Hel class cruiser burned towards Connacht at an increased pace, making every effort to make up for the lost time that had left the Spirit slightly behind schedule. The Bridge was busy at this moment, with constant information exchanges between the helm and the engineers in the engine room as they coordinated to push as much power as they could through the engines without causing any lasting damage.

At the captain's seat, three figures were gathered. Alex Lynch, the ship's elected leader and his right hand as it were, Jaclyn "Jackie" Steele, had their usual positions reversed, with Alex's XO sitting in the captain's seat whilst Alex stood to the side of the captain's chair. Alex's gaze was locked on the woman before them, leaning against one of the consoles. The woman, who was, in fact, not a member of the ship's crew but instead was one of Alex's buddies from the war, hadn't been out of her room since she had boarded the ship at Halifax, leaving her presence onboard a bit of a mystery at the moment for the crew. Yet from the brief glimpses the crew had seen, they had known it was important to their captain and had thus not made much of a fuss as she seemed to prefer keeping to herself as she sulked over something rather than interfering with their duties.

"Rebecca, you gonna' be alright on here without me? Jackie can handle the meeting if you'd rather I stay."

"Mhm, yeah, I'll be fine."

Even if he wasn't thoroughly convinced, Alex knew better than to tempt fate and exchanged a slight nod with Jackie before making his way towards the Airlock as the Spirit began its final approach to berth with Connacht.

Inside, Alex promptly went to the lounge where the meeting was held. The Spirit's captain would look like the definition of the words rabble and trouble. With messy, short blond hair and stubble, a scar running along his left cheek and bright hazel eyes that one could swear carried a spark of mischief. He wore a traditional fur-lined IMG Miners coat and a scarf being thrown over the top of a combat uniform that sported a brushy pattern suited for a rocky or desert climate, that probably ran the chance of catching the eye of anyone present in the corridors along his way towards the meeting.

Finally, reaching the lounge, the Syndic representative flashed his best smile at the other parties present at the meeting.

I'm really bloody sorry about the delay; I've had a hell of a week so far. Hope we are all well. Minister Burns, it's a pleasure to meet ya'.

Alex's tirade of fast-spoken and strung-together comments abruptly paused as he eyed Lathrop, the Syndic seemingly failing to recognize the man.

And pleasure to meet whoever you are too.

As the Syndic caught sight of Albert, his grin grew even wider as he approached the Guildmaster before slapping him on the back and ruffling the man's hair, neglecting to offer either the minister or Lathrop a handshake for the time being.

Albert, mate, it's been far too bloody long. Gotta' drag you out and get you into trouble sometime. You'll love it.

It appears the Syndic's reputation among his own kind as "a bit eccentric" is well earned and could very well leave one to wonder why he, of all people, was here representing the Syndicate.

RE: The Connacht Summit - Keirdran - 05-07-2024

"Oh, none at all actually. Rather a smooth journey, all considered. If I'd known I might have been more insistent on a 'lower profile' approach, but Ms. Vara really did insist on the transport. Trying to keep me out of the pilot's seat, far as I can tell", Mark muses rather openly, before adding somewhat hastily. "Not that I would imply security isn't adequate mind you, my pilots report minimal issues in Dublin, funnily enough, just some problems on the way with those damnable Corsairs. No such bad luck this time though."

He had been about to sit down before the Syndicate leader turned up, pausing and offering a polite smile. The lack of recognition is rather mutual sadly, but Mr. Lathrop does not seem to take offence or perhaps simply doesn't notice not having been offered a handshake. "We likely haven't had much reason to meet, all said. Our affiliate group, NDI, operates almost solely in the Omegas and dabbles in the Omicrons. I'm Mark Lathrop though, Director", he again offers to this newcomer. "An absolute pleasure likewise."

With that all done and dusted he does take the drink poured for him, it wouldn't do to refuse and spurn such hospitality. "Usually I don't drink, but I can certainly make an exception." Following the Minister's lead he takes a more reserved sip of his own and finally gets seated.

"I've no questions for now, at least none that I don't think will come up as we proceed. Otherwise I consider myself to be read up on the situation here, but it would be best to get a summary from your position too. Helps to see it from all angles", Mark expresses, leaving the floor open to the others or simply for the good Minister to proceed at his own pace.

RE: The Connacht Summit - StellarViss - 05-08-2024

“Indeed, it is, Minister. I only wish it were under better circumstances,” he responded, firmly shaking Matthew’s hand.

Albert grasped Mark's hand with a bit more strength than necessary. “No need to worry, Director Lathrop. What matters is that you are here now. We’ll have time to catch up later.”

He took the host’s offer moving the chare but the sudden arrival of the Kongsi syndicates representative stopped him from doing so. Slapping Alex’s back Albert retorted“I should take you up on that one day but to get back topic, I agree with Mr. Lathrop no need to spend time on that topic.”

After greeting Lynch, the Guildmaster took his seat at the table.

RE: The Connacht Summit - Luminium - 05-09-2024

"Ah, the Kongsi Syndicate is here as well. Good," the minister said, apparently unfazed by Alex's peculiar behaviour. He waited until Alex was seated before pushing the bottle and a glass into his reach, inviting him to indulge himself. "We may begin."

"If there are no preemptive questions, I will get to the reason why we are here. There are many eyes on Dublin at this moment, far too many for the Assembly to be comfortable with. The Bretonian Crown, the old company -- their pockets run deep and they will desperately dig into them to throw every mercenary, bounty hunter and gun for hire at our people while they plot their retaliation. The Corsairs, for their part, have always been trying to plunder Dublin and their raiding fleet is still lurking in the system. And then there is the matter of the other great Houses. We are not blind to the news of a gold crisis fermenting. The Blackout exacerbated the issue by once again drawing attention to our movement when we were blamed for it, but now there's news of some sort of talks happening."

Matthew paused to take another drink from his glass.

"The Houses want gold, gentlemen. They want it badly enough to offer their support to Bretonia, to pressure the Kingdom into doing something about our movement, something that we may or may not be prepared for. So," he continued mirthlessly, "we are going to give it to them."

He paused for dramatic effect, looking at each representative intently.

"I have mentioned when inviting you here that the Assembly is interested in expanding our cooperation with the Guild. We would find it difficult to do this on our own. In this theoretical partnership, we will oversee the mining and refining process and provide you -- the Guild -- with the goods at a discounted price, which you will ship and distribute however you see fit. The goal is to inject enough gold into Liberty, Kusari and Rheinland markets to stave off critical shortage, which will hopefully take some of the attention away from Dublin. We want to bog down Bretonia's talks with the other Houses as much as possible, to buy more time while we prepare. And of course, we both profit, securing additional funding for our respective causes."

The minister paused again, inviting the guests to voice their thoughts.

RE: The Connacht Summit - Darkstar_Spectre - 05-11-2024

The Syndic took his seat, pulling his right leg over his lap and his left hand resting on the back of his chair as he did. When Alex was presented with the glass and bottle, he wasted no time pouring a double and raising the glass slightly in Minister Burns's direction with his right hand.


He toasted before downing the whiskey quickly before placing the glass back down with an appreciative grin.

Alex listened along as Burns spoke, nodding along at the mention of everything that came before the mention of the talks, seemingly familiar with each and every issue. However, the raised eyebrow that followed after the mention of the discussions seemed to imply the Syndic was unaware of said talks.

However, he remained silent for the moment and allowed Burns to continue to speak. As Alex listened, his fingers tapped away at the table's surface where the group was sat. When Burn's stopped to make a dramatic pause, however, the Syndics eyes rolled, but yet the Syndic remained silent.

After Burns had continued, however, Alex's eyebrows raised as he caught on to the Mollys' plan, and an appreciative smirk crept onto his face. Once Minister Burns had finished, he'd turn his gaze to both Lathrop and Schulze respectfully. Almost as if willing to defer to the others as to the feasibility of the plan from a logistics or economics side.

If the Syndic's apparel was anything to go by, it could very well be that any particular subject he'd like to chime in on would be those regarding might be the topics that involved a more rough-and-tumble approach with the Houses or the Corsairs.

RE: The Connacht Summit - Keirdran - 05-13-2024

Lathrop's brow furrows just a bit as Minister Burns outlines the plan. It wouldn't be entirely wrong to say the idea, or some form of it, had crossed his own mind. The issue is- "You would need to know the houses could be deterred by the supply, rather than economically enriched to the point of being able to offer more concrete support. Obviously they cannot and will not treat with you directly, that would be acknowledging the Provisional Assembly’s right to self-govern, hence we would act as the middlemen."

Rephrasing the matter, at least in part, gives the proverbial gears time to turn in Mark's head. "Let's consider each house. Rhineland will likely work well enough. The Guild have treaties in place and, despite issues with their corporate interests, they remain amenable to negotiating with the Guild. Furthermore I don't actually believe they have much they can throw behind Bretonia... at this time. If we do supply them gold we would need to make it pretty clear that helping The Crown escalate matters in Dublin is likely to impede the Guild's ability to supply." There's a strain in his voice as he outlines the matter, a hand rising to rub at his forehead.

"Liberty next. The Guild has minimal dealings with them by my last check, though I could be wrong. Otherwise our interests rarely collide either politically or economically, but at the very least I understand they are quite open to a deal like this", Mr. Lathrop considers aloud. "They've no interest in throwing money behind a foreign cause unless it does benefit them, and we can make a rather convincing counter offer to enrich both them and the movement." This, at the very least, seems to please the Director. A rather hassle free task by all reckoning.

But there remains another. "Then we have Kusari, and with them I am admittedly in the dark." With a pause he turns to Schulze, taking a breath before addressing him. "Guildmaster, what exactly is our situation there? I don't believe we conflict all that much, but my understanding is that they are far more interested in fostering a relationship with The Crown." The question is left to receive an answer, a preliminary conclusion close enough all the same.

"All in all it sounds doable, if you can truly supply enough gold to partially satisfy each house. That and, of course, while I'm more than happy to support the movement we need to ensure it is financially viable... for all involved. Right now the supply of gold correlates very favourably with the counter-supply of iridium- a resource that I am very well aware you also make great use of in ship building. That would conceivably have to change somewhat, balancing production for Republican forces against easing House-supported Bretonian pressure." As if sorry for this rather unfortunate fact he smiles apologetically, much as he had before engaging in this long-winded analysis. "It... it will be quite the balancing act, Mr. Burns. A great many potential pitfalls and at cost too, whether successful or not. And that isn't even considering the Corsairs... but we'll get to that still."

Heaving a sigh, he looks for a second time to Guildmaster Schulze. "With all this said, I would like to hear your opinion as well. I know we hold a rather solid neutral position among the houses, and that our support for the Republican movement here is well storied, but this could go either way for the Guild... especially with Bretonia. The Crown may have made some, quite frankly, idiotic moves in recent history... but this won't go unnoticed."