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To: ADM Marcus Robinson, First Fleet - Printable Version

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To: ADM Marcus Robinson, First Fleet - monmarfori - 03-07-2024

[Image: luc6Sn6.gif]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: luc6Sn6.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: CMDR Miriam Sanders, 46th Fleet
Recipient: ADM Marcus Robinson, First Fleet
Subject: Repeat offender

To Admiral Marcus Robinson of the LNS Shenandoah,

This is Commander Miriam Sanders of the LNS Attrition. Recently, an MND battlecruiser, callsign RNC-M-Abhoerer, has been spotted in Liberty space. This one was caught breaking Liberty laws not too long ago, and it isn't the first time the suspect has been caught. Your help in disabling it after disobeying direct orders is most appreciated.

I have attached a log file from February 7th, almost a month ago, for your viewing.

(02-07-2024, 11:00 PM)monmarfori Wrote:

[Image: luc6Sn6.gif]
Incoming Transmission

[Image: luc6Sn6.gif]
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < GRANTED >

Sender ID: CMDR Miriam Sanders
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Attrition
Subject: Report - 834/2/7 | New York Incident Report

Good evening.

A routine patrol was undertaken from West Point. It was uneventful until I caught sight of a Rheinland battlecruiser with MND identification, carrying contraband, alongside a Rogue destroyer. When confronted, it agreed to drop the cardamine cartridges and black market pharmaceuticals, but not the counterfeit computerware. It tried to impulse towards the Texas jumpgate. We engaged it, but the Rogue started to open fire on us. Despite this, we were still able to disable the battlecruiser and later the destroyer as it tried to escape to the Badlands.

Our squadron made it out without sustaining serious damage, but the presence of a foreign warship in New York warrants further explanation to Rheinland's activities, if there are any, that may threaten the peace and stability of Liberty.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


Relevant logs for today's encounter can be found in the blackbox below.
[Image: 330px-Flag-liberty.png]


Miriam Sanders
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet


RE: To: ADM Marcus Robinson, First Fleet - bakugone - 03-09-2024

[Image: Qxv7EkN.png]

[Image: P9AnuNd.png]
Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, 1st Fleet
Admiral Marcus Robinson


I thank you for forwarding these reports. It is concerning that a Rheinland Intelligence Warship has been spotted over Liberty space, let alone even slip past the patrols without being detected prior. It could had operated here in our space for weeks, or months.

Motives behind it can be many, but nonetheless, I will authorize LIBCENTCOM, as well as LIBEASTCOM, to begin extensive searches for any foreign intelligence ships - they're most likely feeding data to rebels in Pennsylvania.

I'm personally surprised with demeanor of this communique - as such I hope for more fruitful cooperation with 46th Fleet in the future.

Good work, and keep it going.

Marcus Robinson
Admiral, 1FLT
Liberty Navy

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