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To: Captain Hawkins, Section 8 - Printable Version

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To: Captain Hawkins, Section 8 - LunaticOnTheGrass - 03-08-2024

[Image: Erich-Klugmann-1.png]
[Image: The-Platform-Flag-GLF.png]

| Private Connection Established

Name: Erich Klugmann
Identification: The Platform, Gloaming Flotilla
Encryption access: HIGH
Location: Taba Starbase, Omicron Mu
Subject: Per My Last N-Mail


As promised, this is a copy of the transmission I'd sent on March 2nd to both the Order Overwatch and Battlegroup Revenant; and whose lack of reply at present time prompted my flying out to Omicron Mu.

As I'd said, I strongly disbelieve the notion that the Overwatch and Revenant assets that had opened fire on us had come to Sigma-15 because of the far-smaller Nomad presence that showed itself during this multi-sided Border Worlds brawl; I assume they'd have warned us ahead of time were that the case. Unfortunately the evidence that we were confronted with and the fact that both organizations shot us in defense of the Corsair invaders has left the Bundschuh questioning whether this longstanding alliance is tenable. We cannot grant free passage to any polity that considers us combat targets in defense of the Cretan Empire.

I will also repeat and solemnly affirm that we did not fire a single willful shot at an Order-aligned vessel until they had shot our own bombers and gunboats to the point of disabling shields; I can personally attest to having been the target of such aptly named "Deterrance fire" in the Corsairs' defense.

I await your appraisal of the evidence I've attached, Captain.

Erich Klugmann
Gloaming Flotilla

[Image: The-Platform-Flag-Black.png]

| Port Closed

RE: To: Captain Hawkins, Section 8 - Toaster - 03-08-2024

[Image: iO7z9dm.png]
Section 8

Sender ID: Hawkins
Receiver ID: Erich Klugmann
Encryption: Fortress

Sigma-15 incident

Mister Klugmann,

Thank you for bringing this matter to the attention of Section 8 and so promptly providing the relevant details. No reports regarding this incident were filed on the Order's intranet, nor do I expect Overwatch to provide an explanation were we to inquire about it. Section 8 will not speculate as to what Overwatch's and Battlegroup Revenant's intentions were when they deployed assets alongside a Corsair raiding party targeting Rheinland and its surrounding systems.

As I am certain you know, the Order's first and foremost duty is to serve and protect humanity. I can therefore assure you that an unwarranted attack against our closest allies by our own will not be tolerated by Section 8, and I am certain that the Order's high command shares this sentiment. Fortunately, Major Glophil has already confirmed that Battlegroup Revenant will not undertake any further attacks against the Bundschuh. As for Overwatch, I can only hope they, too, will fall in line. However, our confidence in Overwatch has been all but exhausted over the past years. Its recent actions - by no means limited to this most recent incident - have been erratic, irrational, and damaging both to the Order's reputation and security. That they would now even endanger our allies regrettably comes as little of a surprise.

I would like to remind you and your compatriots that no individual cell represents the Order as a whole. While Overwatch's and Battlegroup Revenant's actions indeed reflect poorly on the greater organization, they do not reflect its ongoing commitment towards its allies and its duty towards humanity. I therefore hope that this matter can be concluded amicably and promise Section 8's full support in furthering such an outcome.

Should you have further concerns or questions regarding this matter, this line will remain open.

In service to humanity,