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Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Printable Version

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Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Pennyfield - 03-09-2024

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Transporters
Subject .......... Open delivery contract bid

Dear Esteemed Transport Professionals,

The Med Force General Academy, a beacon of hope and healing in the humanitarian sector, is embarking on a new chapter of expansion and service. As a not-for-profit and not-for-loss organization committed to advancing medical education and aiding those in need, we invite you to join us in this noble endeavor.

Our mission is simple yet profound: to extend our reach, broaden our impact, and deepen our commitment to saving lives and alleviating suffering. To achieve this, we are seeking reliable transport professionals to partner with us in the delivery of essential materials crucial for our expansion efforts.

Below are the materials we require for our expansion project:

  • 10,000 Hull Panels
  • 10,000 Super Alloy
  • 10,000 Titanium
  • 25,000 Industrial Materials

We kindly request that you provide us with a price quote for the transportation of these materials, taking into account our status as a not-for-profit and not-for-loss organization. While we strive to make every Sirius Credit count towards our humanitarian mission, we understand the value of your services and are committed to fair compensation for your expertise and dedication.

Your participation in this bidding process is not just an opportunity for business, but a chance to be part of something greater — a shared commitment to making the sector a better place through compassion, collaboration, and collective action.

We look forward to receiving your proposals and potentially forging a partnership that will make a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals. Please submit your bids soon by replying to this message with a price-quote and estimated time of delivery.

Thank you for considering this invitation, and we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work together for the greater good.

Warm regards

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Uknown - 03-09-2024

[Image: YtOCjnz.jpg]

*Video Signal Comm-Initiated*
Power: 10Kw, Freq: 15Ghz, Distance: Not known, Aligned: Correct

To: Jill Xi, PharmD
CCO: [None]
From: Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner "Aquaria" | Captain Kirara Lockheart
Subject: Open delivery contract bid

Esteemed Dr. Jill Xi,

In response to your request for a delivery contract bid, I am honored to present a proposal on behalf of the Crayter Republic. Our fleet is well-equipped for the task, boasting advanced capabilities for safe and efficient transport through the Omicron Theta system and beyond.

Material Costs:

Total for Hull Panels: 300,000 credits (Asking price as low as: 30 SCEA) [10K Units]
Total for Super Alloy: 275,000 credits (Asking price as low as: 27.50 SCEA) [10K Units]
Total for Titanium: 150,000 credits (Asking price as low as: 15.00 SCEA) [10K Units]
Total for Industrial Materials: 431,250 credits (Asking price as low as: 18.75 SCEA) [25K Units]
Total of Cargo: $1,156,250 SC

Estimated Time of Delivery: Our fleet can mobilize within 12 hours of contract agreement, with an expected delivery frame time to Omicron Theta of approximately 72 hours, barring any unforeseen circumstances in the space lanes.

We understand the importance of your mission and are prepared to negotiate terms that reflect the humanitarian nature of your work while ensuring fair compensation for our services.

I look forward to the possibility of working together towards a brighter future for all.

Warm regards,

Kirara Lockheart, Major, Crayter Republic


Kirara Lockheart

Captain from Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner Aquaria

RE: Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Pennyfield - 03-10-2024

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Major Kirara Lockheart, Crayter Republic
Subject .......... Re.: Open delivery contract bid

Dear Major Kirara Lockheart,

Thank you for your prompt and comprehensive response to our invitation to bid for the delivery contract. We appreciate the professionalism and efficiency demonstrated by the Crayter Republic in presenting your proposal.

Your proposed material costs and estimated time of delivery are duly noted, and we commend your fleet's advanced capabilities for safe and efficient transport. The Crayter Republic's readiness to mobilize within 12 hours of contract agreement and your commitment to a timely delivery frame time of approximately 72 hours to Omicron Theta are impressive and align well with our project timeline. Your offer is therefore accepted.

We are open to further discussions to negotiate terms that reflect the humanitarian nature of our work while ensuring fair compensation for your services. Please let us know if there are any specific terms or conditions you would like to discuss further. For now, the loadmaster reported the docking bay ready in all respects. Payment is done per delivery based on the prices you have quoted.

Once again, thank you for your interest in partnering with us. We look forward to the possibility of working together towards a brighter future for all.

Warm regards,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Uknown - 03-10-2024

[Image: YtOCjnz.jpg]

*Video Signal Comm-Initiated*
Power: 10Kw, Freq: 15Ghz, Distance: Not known, Aligned: Correct

To: Jill Xi, PharmD
CCO: [None]
From: Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner "Aquaria" | Captain Kirara Lockheart
Subject: Delivery in Progress ......

Comm ID: Kirara Lockheart, Major Location: Crayter Republic Command Ship, En Route to Omicron Theta To: Jill Xi, PharmD, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta Subject: Finalization of Delivery Contract and Deployment Details

Dear Dr. Jill Xi,

We are pleased to inform you that the =CR=ILL-Aquaria, the flagship under my command, has been deployed as we speak. In addition, a contingent of transports is being readied and will follow within the stipulated 12-hour timeframe. These vessels are currently being repositioned from New London-Manchester to ensure the prompt commencement of our delivery operations.

We anticipate beginning the transportation of materials at the earliest possible opportunity, with the =CR=ILL-Aquaria leading the effort. Our fleet’s readiness and proximity to Omicron Theta position us to meet the project’s demands efficiently and without delay.

Please advise us of any further preparations or protocols that we should be aware of as we proceed. Our crew is eager to set course and contribute to the Med Force General Academy’s expansion and the betterment of the sector.

Warm regards,

Kirara Lockheart, Major, Crayter Republic


Kirara Lockheart

Captain from Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner Aquaria

RE: Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Pennyfield - 03-10-2024

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Major Kirara Lockheart, Crayter Republic
Subject .......... Re.: Delivery in Progress .....

Dear Major Kirara Lockheart,

No need for fuss or formalities. Your crew is welcomed with open arms; the loadmaster has the docking bay ready and briefed on your cargo. Instant payouts await for your deliveries, with prices favorably adjusted. As a gesture of gratitude, your crew is invited for a thorough medical checkup by our experts. Additionally, your onboard medical kits can be upgraded to the latest Transport Grade MedPacks at your discretion.

Though I hardly anticipate any hiccups, should you or your transport teams encounter any challenges, rest assured I'm stationed here and ready to assist in resolving any issues promptly.

Warm regards,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Uknown - 03-11-2024

[Image: YtOCjnz.jpg]

*Video Signal Comm-Initiated*
Power: 10Kw, Freq: 15Ghz, Distance: Not known, Aligned: Correct

[Image: alc57rE.png]

[Data Stream Packet]
To: Jill Xi, PharmD
CCO: [None]
From: Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner "Aquaria" | Major Kirara Lockheart
Subject: Delivery in Progress ......
Comm ID: Kirara Lockheart, Major Location: =CR=ILL-Aquaria, Freeport 8, Sigma-15

Outgoing transmission

Dear Dr. Jill Xi,

I am pleased to provide an update on the delivery operations currently underway for the Med Force General Academy’s expansion project.

Completed Deliveries:
  • Industrial Matkerials 25K - Sucessful Delivery ✓
  • Super Alloy 10K - Sucessful Delivery ✓
  • Hull Panels 10K - Sucessful Delivery ✓
  • Titanium 10K - Sucessful Delivery ✓

Evidence: [>>>Uploading Data<<<]

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of efficiency and safety throughout this process. Our crew is working diligently to ensure that all materials reach their destination promptly and securely.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require further details or assistance regarding the ongoing deliveries. We are here to support the noble mission of the Med Force General Academy every step of the way.

In the mean time, due Crew of the Aquaria in need of supply and refueling, we will continue the Delivery when the ship get fully refueled, but seeing how the reports come in we are in time to get an excel delivery time, as the major deliveries are already completed, in few hours we will continue and re-update this communication message (we kept this message online for further modifications), so you will get promptly message when deliveries occur


Kirara Lockheart

Major from Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner Aquaria

RE: Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Med Force Enterprises - 03-11-2024

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Ben Folk
Location ....... Med Force Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Major Kirara Lockheart
CC ..................... Dr. Jill Xi
Subject .......... Delivery status

Good day Major,

I'm Ben, the Transport Manager at the MFE Academy.

Unfortunately, I bring to your attention an ongoing issue affecting the Academy docking bay project displays. Regrettably, there's an outage, rendering the updates on required items inaccurate on the docking bay displays. Given that we have multiple project deliveries in the pipeline, I recommend that your transport captains adhere strictly to their individual planning and delivery sheets to steer clear of any potential hitches in the delivery process.


Ben Folk,
Transport Manager, Med Force Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

RE: Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Uknown - 03-12-2024

[Image: YtOCjnz.jpg]

*Video Signal Comm-Initiated*
Power: 10Kw, Freq: 15Ghz, Distance: Not known, Aligned: Correct

[Image: alc57rE.png]

[Data Stream Packet]
To: Jill Xi, PharmD
CCO: [None]
From: Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner "Aquaria" | Major Kirara Lockheart
Subject: Delivery in Progress ......
Comm ID: Kirara Lockheart, Major Location: =CR=ILL-Aquaria, Freeport 8, Sigma-15

Outgoing transmission

Dear Mr. Folk,

Thank you for the update regarding the docking bay project display outage at the Med Force Academy. We understand the importance of accurate delivery updates and the potential complications that can arise from such technical issues.

I have informed to the Aquaria's secondary transport captain under my command to rely strictly on their individual planning and delivery sheets to avoid any discrepancies during the delivery process. We will ensure that our operations are conducted with precision and adherence to the planned schedule, independent of the docking bay displays.

If there are any modifications or issues with some of the items, please let me know about it. We are fully aware and maintain high scrutiny over what is loaded in the transports and the quality.

Please keep us informed of any developments regarding the display outage, and do not hesitate to reach out if there are any specific instructions or adjustments needed from our end.

We appreciate your proactive communication and are committed to a seamless delivery process.


Kirara Lockheart

Major from Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner Aquaria

RE: Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Uknown - 03-12-2024

[Image: YtOCjnz.jpg]

*Video Signal Comm-Initiated*
Power: 10Kw, Freq: 15Ghz, Distance: Not known, Aligned: Correct

[Image: alc57rE.png]

[Data Stream Packet]
To: Jill Xi, PharmD
CCO: Mr. Folk
From: Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner "Aquaria" | Major Kirara Lockheart
Subject: Completion of Delivery Operations
Comm ID: Kirara Lockheart, Major Location: =CR=ILL-Aquaria, Freeport 8, Sigma-15

Outgoing transmission

Dear Mr. Folk and Dr. Xi,

I am pleased to report that the delivery operations for the Med Force General Academy’s expansion project have been successfully completed. All items listed in the contract have been delivered and accounted for, as per the agreed terms and schedule.

Delivery Summary:
  • Hull Panels: 10,000 units ✓✓
  • Super Alloy: 10,000 units ✓✓
  • Titanium: 10,000 units ✓✓
  • Industrial Materials: 25,000 units ✓✓
The final checks and verifications have been conducted by our officers in collaboration with your hangar personnel, ensuring that all quantities and quality standards meet the contract requirements. We have taken every measure to guarantee the accuracy and integrity of the delivery.

I am proud to confirm that the completion of the delivery was achieved on time and without any requests for additional time, adhering to our standards and the 72-hour delivery promise made once the contract was signed. The operation was a success in all areas of the delivery process.

We would like to extend our gratitude for the opportunity to work with the Med Force General Academy and contribute to its humanitarian mission. It has been an honor to collaborate with your esteemed institution.

Please confirm the receipt of all items and the satisfactory completion of the delivery process at your earliest convenience. Should there be any additional matters to discuss or feedback you wish to provide, we are at your disposal.

Thank you once again for entrusting the =Crayter Republic= with this critical task. We look forward to future opportunities to support and assist in your endeavors.


Kirara Lockheart

Major from Crayter Republic Intersun Luxury Liner Aquaria

RE: Invitation to Bid: Delivery Contract for Med Force Academy Expansion (O-Theta) - Pennyfield - 03-12-2024

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Major Kirara Lockheart, Crayter Republic
Subject .......... Re.: Completion of Delivery Operations

Dear Major Kirara Lockheart,

I was delighted to receive news from Ben this morning that the final deliveries for our project have arrived and everything is in perfect order.

On behalf of Med Force Enterprises, I want to express our sincere gratitude to the Crayter Republic and your crew in particular for the swift and professional fulfilment of the contract. Your efficiency has been instrumental in allowing our construction crews to begin work earlier than anticipated. This earlier start will significantly contribute to keeping the entire project on schedule.

We have several exciting projects on the horizon, and based on this successful collaboration, we very much look forward to partnering with you again in the near future.

Thank you once more for your outstanding work.

Kind regards,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.