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Razor One - Printable Version

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Razor One - Othman - 05-08-2009

Craig Brock,
Personal Media Log; 1202 - 817 A.S. - Location Unknown

After being declared as the enemy of Liberty States and defecting to Rheinland Military along with his entire personnel, Colonel Kress would remain in active duty for only two months just before assasinating Chancellor Reinhardts cousin Uwe, who had been reported to have compromised the location of an unknown Nomad power cell to the Wilde agents in Dresden. This deliberate action taken by Kress men was attributed to the Razor One and those who are still believed to be guarding the Colonel after disappearing. They were last seen in the Sigma-13 system according to the Junkers operating around the Yanagi Depot. The unknown Nomad power cell that had been reported to go missing from the Frankfurt Research Lab, which was brutally famed with its tightest security protocols, was thought to be a bargaining chip between Uwe and the Wilde agents for some reason that is yet to be revealed.

Since then the Nomad activity in Libertys topmost ranks and associations have significantly increased, leaving behind the rumors and allegations with which Rheinland accused Liberty of continuing an experimental progress on the Nomad brain and technology and that they had been using some classified research results in order to construct prototypes of unidentified weapons of mass destruction. This consequently brought the two major houses to a brink of war, leaving Queen Carinas hands unblemished in terms of restoring the security in the border worlds between Rheinland and Bretonia ever since the prior stages of the Nomad Wars. There have been several civilian losses in Omega-3 and Omega-7 mainly because Rheinland have chosen to ignore the safety concerns raised by the Bretonian authorities so far.

According to the Colonies Science Confrontation of last September in Cambridge, the Sirius Scientists Organization delegate Brian Chamberlain asserted that the main reason preventing the Nomads activity from a permanent cease was the lack of a resolute consensus on allocating the required amount of funds to continue the experiments on the cellular excitation of Nomad tissues. Numerous professors from different houses and doctors of the Cambirdge Research Institute have already published a joint research thesis indicating that revealing the insight of Nomads and DomKavosh technology is dependant on the results of this series of experiments. Unfortunately, the horrific expense of the wars occupied in four major houses are the greatest jeopardy and detriment against the allocation of required funds for this vital research, according to the Bretonia foreign minister Adrian Chadwick.

A dispute of years ended yesterday and created yet another one as reports from the Order proved that Chancellor Niemanns body was extracted from the prison station Mitchell by Nomads, after he was repeatedly shot while trying to infest president Jacobi. LSF are also known to be investigating the whereabouts of the old Chancellors body and whether he is dead or not.

Latest intelligence reports indicate that yesterday several Liberty Navy vessels were decimated in Hamburg system by a joint counter offensive launched by the local police forces who were later then backed up by the revolutionary guerilla fighters of Rheinland. The names of the ambushers were not disclosed by the authorities for security reasons. On the other hand, Zoners of Freeport 2 have issued a transmission claiming that they have been aware of the skirmishes going on between the navies of neighbouring houses and unpleasent things happen in Bering such as the violation of the no-fire territory around the Freeport and that they have been urged to take action against invading forces on several occassions.

Razor One - Othman - 05-17-2009

Craig Brock,
Personal Log; 1203 - 817 A.S. - Planet Toledo

After 2 years of carrying out our operations in the underground fortress located in South Toledo, Colonel Kress has today ordered me and Hanno to get acquinted with the new flight simulators, which were designed to improve our knowledge of the new technology we are going to use.

The commands seem to be intricate for both of us but we are tasked to elaborate on our results as soon as possible. According to the transmission relayed from the R&D frequencies 3 days ago, the preparations of 4 Nephthys fighters have been completed and the vessels are fully operational.

Our first objective is to initiate a patrol run within the Omicron Minor system in less than 2 days and report back to the base. Razor-One will also assist us in this one, hopefully.

Razor One - Othman - 05-18-2009

Craig Brock,
Personal Log; 1204 - 817 A.S. - Yaren Base

At my second try, I almost did a stunt in the Omatech simulator. Poor Hanno, that thing is still giving him the creeps. Since the Razor-One was assigned to another duty in Kusari, I had to be alone in my first mission. Chartering the Alaska system wouldn't give me much trouble, despite the seducement of several Navy Avengers and Bounty Hunter Hammerheads on the way.

The mission awarded me with the access codes to the Omicron Delta system and docking rights for Freeport XI, where I had the chance to meet one of our Zoner agents, Clark Garcia. He sent me to a Corsair base so that I could look for some jobs, get used to the environment and improve my reputation.