[DSE] Deep Space Engineering | External Reports - [Deep Space Engineering] - 03-17-2024
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George E. Rolf, CEO
LOCATION: Planet Pittsburg, New York
SUBJECT: External Report Formatting
Howdy there. If you are readin' this information, that means you've been assigned a contract by Deep Space Engineering. As the CEO of DSE, I want our external contractors to feel welcome to submit any and all reports to this here node. However, there needs to be some minimum standard about the information folks report.
Therefore, all reports are encouraged to include:- Public profile image
- Name
- Rank/Position
- Location
- Report summary
- Footage/Info attachments
As you might imagine, none of the above are strictly necessary, but it will make it easier for my legal and admin folks to make sure you're correctly reimbursed for your work. If you have any questions about the above, direct them to the public DSE node, where a customer support representative may assist you.
Rolf out.
First, farthest, fearless.
「o」Message ends...
RE: [DSE] Deep Space Engineering | External Reports - Karmotrine Dream - 08-09-2024
Name: Douglas, Iris
Registered Vessel: Fringe.Weaver, Edge Worlds Interceptor
Rank: N/A (Freelancer)
Position: Explorer
Discovery: - Sector A1
- Open Space
- Centre (X: -58825 // Y: 8 // Z: -59870)
Comments: - The outskirts of the Dodge Asteroid Field. Nothing of note here, save for these tiny violet motes of energy. I'm not sure what they might be; they seem harmless enough, but my vessel's sensors can't seem to pinpoint their composition.
Discovery: - Sector B1
- Dodge Asteroid Field (NW)
- Centre (X: -43083 // Y: 0 // Z: -58737)
Comments: - Lots of and lots of rocks. The field is not overly dense; no snubcraft should have too much issue traversing it, smaller transports should be able to do much the same as well.
Whether there's anything of value in them is a question for specialised survey equipment.
Discovery: - Sector C1
- Dodge Asteroid Field (N); Farrow
- Centre (X: -25310 // Y: 4 // Z: -58124) || Farrow: (X; -20464 // Y: -5576 // Z: -55483)
Comments: - The derelict of a Liberty Navy fighter... a Defender, I think. The extent of the damage makes it hard to pinpoint any specific detail apart from the name; when I found it, it was already in the state depicted in the video feed. Cockpit destroyed, wings blasted off (or picked apart), weaponry and engines forcibly disassembled... I'm not sure if it was the work of a particularly angry Junker or a particularly angry pirate, but this is the sorry result.
I could spot a faint trail of wreckage leading this way from SSW; it may have fled here, trying to escape its pursuers, and in so doing, missed the jump hole to Pennsylvania.
Only a few klicks W would have done it... unfortunate.
Discovery: - Sector D1
- Dodge Asteroid Field (NE); Olathe
- Centre (X: -9050 // Y: 0 // Z: -58724) || Olathe (X; -9467 // Y: -3646 // Z: -6096)
Comments: - A glacial planetoid of modest diameter, on the far orbit of the nearby gas giant Topeka. Considering the eccentric trajectory this celestial body follows and its mass, it appears it was once a planet of its own before being dragged far enough into its gravity well.
The temperatures are very rigid, going from roughly -120 °C to -7 *C, making habitation a daunting prospect.
Discovery: - Sector D2
- Topeka; Mulvane Wreck; Insurgency Cruiser; Comms Satellite
- Centre (X: -8834 // Y: 73 // Z: -43239) || Mulvane Wreck, Insurgency Cruiser, Comms Satellite (X: -2539 // Y: 2798 // Z: -47843)
Comments: - The site of a major battle; one in which the Insurgency did not have the upper hand, clearly, despite the presence of a capital ship of theirs and the complexity of the station itself (two biodomes, multiple depots, docking bays and mooring fixtures, the communications satellite).
The damage sustained is significant, with no section virtually left unscathed save for some depots, and the cruiser broke in half.
Discovery: - Sector E1
- Open Space
- Centre (X: 9510 // Y: 19 // Z: -58660)
Comments: - Nothing here, although a voluminous violet nebula is now well within visual range. Too dense to see through it from this distance, however.
Discovery: - Sector F1
- Open Space
- Centre (X: 24937 // Y: 0 // Z: -58110)
Comments: - Closer now, but still nothing to see... yet. The motes of light do appear to have the same hue and vibrancy as the inside of the nebula, interestingly.
Discovery: - Sector G1
- Open Space
- Centre (X: 41968 // Y: -1 // Z: -58718)
Discovery: - Sector H1
- Open Space
- Centre (X: 59332// Y: 0 // Z: -60890)
Comments: - The eastern edge of the sector. Deep space past here, and I can't see anything notable out theree.
RE: [DSE] Deep Space Engineering | External Reports - TheKusari - 08-22-2024
Starfliers Cartography Report on the Kansas System
Charting completed by Halpert Kennedy flying the '\S/'CEV-Pulsar
Surveying was concentrated to sectors Foxtrot 4 to Hotel 6
Discovery: - Zone
- Overland Park Asteroid Field
- Foxtrot 4 to Hotel 6
Comments: - Asteroids, within another cloud. Guess I can get some flight practice in for the races.
Discovery: - Zone
- Smoky Hill Nebula
- Foxtrot 5 to Hotel 6
Comments: - Oohhh.... smokey. Hey, that's part of the name! Nice.
Discovery: - Accessway
- Collapsed Jump Hole
- Foxtrot 6
Comments: - Usually you see these things from clicks away! Goddamn Smokey nebula covering this up.
Discovery: - Wreck
- Pirate Transport
- Foxtrot 4
Comments: - Liberty fucking Rogues. At least this one won't shoot me.
Comments: - A teeny weeny Junker ship. First time I've seen one of these guys out in the middle of nowhere.
Comments: - I'm gonna call this guy John Smith. Registry doesn't tell me who this is, so I'll make one up for 'em.
Comments: - Well now, S.O.S signal, and they gave some RV co-ords. Wonder where they wanted to meet.
Discovery: - Wreck
- Clumsy Juggler
- Hotel 5
Comments: - For a bunch of pirates, the name "Ryan" isn't scary whatsoever. Pick a better name.
Discovery: - Other
- Asteroid Trail
- Foxtrot 5 to Hotel 5
Comments: - Little trail going through the field. Nav systems have trouble picking them out.
RE: [DSE] Deep Space Engineering | External Reports - vesoul - 09-11-2024
Name:Weatherly, James
Registered Vessel: '\S/CEV-Cyllene', Series D "Dromedary" Freighter
Rank: Starflier
Position: System Cartographer/Mathematician
Orbital Cartography Report on the Kansas System
Charting completed by James Weatherly flying the '\S/'CEV-Cyllene
Report was compiled on 10/ 09 / 834AS
Discovery: - Stellar Body
- Planet Topeka
- Delta/Echo - 2
Comments: - A lovely tourquiore gas giant with a light ring composed of water deposits. Presense of teal/tourquiore indicates light diffractions of water(as evident via the rings), methane and likely a mix of ammonia.
- Estimates would place average temperatures at -123C
Discovery: - Stellar Body
- Planet Wichita
- Charlie - 5
Comments: - A potentially colonizable world, if the given challenges of its moon be overcome. Records show week-long periods of tidal surges flooding over swathes of islands at a time.
Discovery: - Stellar Body
- Olathe
- Delta - 1
Comments: - Orbits Planet Topeka
- Currently the Ice Moon of Planet Topeka. Previous designation was a planetary system complete with moons.
- These moons were eventually succumbed to the system's tidal forces. Fragments both falling into Topeka (perhaps explaining it relatively high core-mass given standard formation of Gas Giants), and forming Topeka's Ice Rings.
Discovery: - Stellar Body
- Colby
- Charlie - 6
Comments: - Orbits Planet Wichita
- Representing 41% of it's planets mass, this moon demonstrates considerable tidal forces against Planet Wichita.
Discovery: - Stellar Body
- Medium Green Sun
- Delta - 4
Comments: - Type F4 size and luminosity
Discovery: - Stellar Body
- Medium Blue Sun
- Solar Center - Delta/Echo - 4/5
Comments: - Type F4 size and luminosity. Close enough to its sister this could classify as a binary system. Could exacerbate the already instable orbits of Topeka and Olathe.
Discovery: - Wreck
- Fremantle Base w/ "Jacks"
- Alpha - 4/5
Comments: - Base: Fremantle Character's comment of the solar
- Ships: Humble Bee, Nugget, Old Rascal
Discovery: - Wreck
- Bounty Hunters - Wescotts Squad
- Alpha - 4/5
Comments: - Squad Identifiers: 3, 7, and 8
Discovery: - Wreck
- Battle for Fort Riley
- Alpha/Beta - 5
Liberty Contingent: - Four LN Gunboats
- Three LN Cruisers
- Two LN Heavy Fighter
- One LN Battlecruiser
Insurgency Contingent - Two Blackmarket LN Gunboats
- Three Insurgency Cruisers
Discovery: - Wreck
- Battle around Planet Wichita
- Charlie - 5
Liberty Contingent: - One LN Gunboats
- Three LN Heavy Fighter
- Two LN Battlecruisers
Insurgency Contingent: - One Insurgency Cruisers
- Breaking up into the orbit of Wichita
Discovery: - Wreck
- Mulvane Wreck
- Delta - 1/2
Comments: - One Insurgency Cruiser
- Bio-Sphere shows signs of greenery still. It is unclear if the vegatation is merely flash-frozen when exposed to vacuum
- However, the resistance to unshielded solar radition is notable and may warrant further study.
Discovery: - Installation
- Communication Satalite
- Delta - 1/2
Comments: - Unknown creator and manufactuer in close proxity to the Mulvane Wreck. Still in-transmission. Undamaged.
Comments: - Traitor to the "Jacks". Their boat was welded into the rock free floating within the Sun's Gravity Well. Evidence of melted rock, and blast fragments
- A mining array is seen bolted onto one of the wings of the vessel.
Discovery: - Baxter-Class Anomaly
- Collapsed Jump Hole
- Foxtrot/Golf- 6
Comments: - Previously connecting Kansas to Texas. Likely in relative stablility prior to the Texas Incident of 500. Hmm...the dark matter radition isn't as high here in Kansas as it is at the Texas epicenter.
- I wonder if it's possible to perform a study and retrospective given the evidence on this 'other' side of the hole in relative safety. Must discuss further...
Discovery: - Other
- Far Flung Asteriod
- Out of local system
Comments: - Set adrift from the gravity swing of Planet Wichita and it's moon Colby. This asteriod sits not 10 clicks away from an array of weapons platforms.
Discovery: - Hazard
- Uknown
- Out of local system
Comments: - Hypothesis: Concentrated Dark Matter
- These pockets seem to deteriorate matter and space at the same time. Much like the affects of an event horizon where an object's descent seems to slow to nothing; so too does this field increase the 'resistance' of transitioning through space. Once the horizon is crossed, catastophic damage is immediate.
Discovery: - Other
- Hallowed Asteriod Entrance
- Out of local system
Comments: - Asteriod with a hastily carved out center. Likely through liberal use of explosives and the mining arm of "Fancy's" boat.
Discovery: - Other
- Alan B. Wescott & Jack the Lesser
- Out of local system
Comments: - The last stand of Alan B. Wescott and Jack the Lesser. Leaders of both respective factions
Visual confirmation redacted |
Discovery: - Wreck
- Evacuting Modified Mule
- Out of local system
Comments: - Port collapsed during the explosion of . Pinched by the bay doors, with the hull to slowly decompress.
Discovery: - Wreck
- Rattlesnake
- Foxtrot - 2
Comments: - A Lane Hacker with a customized and skillfully equipped Sabre.
- Running low on fuel, NavLogs show they followed a signal of a base or vessel into the Turtle Creek Nebula.
RE: [DSE] Deep Space Engineering | External Reports - vesoul - 10-06-2024
Name:Weatherly, James
Registered Vessel: '\S/CEV-BlueShift', R1 "Dragur" Edge World Freighter
Rank: Starflier
Position: System Cartographer/Mathematician
Orbital Cartography Report on the Kansas System: Sectors A6, A-H7, and supplemental
Charting completed by James Weatherly flying the '\S/'CEV-BlueShift
Report was compiled on 05 / 11 / 834AS
Discovery: - Name: Sector A6
- Type: Arkansas Ice Asteroid Field
- Comments: Interior of the Arkansas Ice Field. Location near previous scouted Jump Hole to Vespucci, making it a lucrative waystop for ice collection.
- Comments: Note the high presence of dead vessels within the BattleField. Risk is noted to be low for any retrieval expeditions
Discovery: - Name: Sector A7
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: Outskirts of the Arkansas Ice Fields, nearby to Vespucci Jump Hole
Discovery: - Name: Sector B7
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: Section nearby a wreck, noted below. Just on the outskirts of Arkansas Ice Field
Discovery: - Name: Demeter
- Type: Wreck
- Location: Sector B7
- Comments: A poor soul who met their end at the end of a Tachyon Gun. I hope whatever cargo they were determined to keep was worth it.
Discovery: - Name: Sector C7
- Type: Zone
- Comments: Arkansas Ice Asteroid Field
Discovery: - Name: Sector D7
- Type: Zone
- Comments: Arkansas Ice Asteroid Field
Discovery: - Name: Sector E7
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: Nice view of the 1st of two suns in this binary system. Juxtaposed against this purple/blue nebula and Planet Wichita
Discovery: - Name: Sector F7
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: Nearby to a pocket of Dark Matter split from the larger Smoky Hill Nebula. Deep scans show no materials, asteroids, or wrecks within this small pocket
Discovery: - Name: Sector G7
- Type: Zone
- Comments: Small overlap of the Overland Park Asteroid Field. Further afield is the dusk cloud of the Smoky Hill Nebula (Dark Matter)
Discovery: - Name: Mosley
- Type: Wreck
- Location: Section G7
- Comments: Wreck of a Rogue vessel, taken long ago by some forgotten dogfight.
Discovery: - Name: Sector H7
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: Open Space next to the Overland Asteroid Field
Discovery: - Name: Sector F2
- Type: Baxter Anomaly
- Location: Turtle Creek Nebula
- Comments: This is the second time I've seen this Neutral Entity. It appears both as a guardian and the key to ancient answers hidden here
Discovery: - Name: Sector F to G-6
- Type: Baxter Anomaly
- Location: Smoky Hill Nebula
Discovery: - Name: Sector G
- Type: Wreck
- Location: Abandoned Base - Fortaleza
- Comments: Wreck of an abandoned Base when the Insurgency was overrun. No life supports, all gates locked. Would require a physical team to either unlock this base. Given the speed at which this base was emptied, there are likely stores of information as this place was not scuttled. Re-establishment of the base is possible as it shows no Dark Matter damage from the nearby cloud.
RE: [DSE] Deep Space Engineering | External Reports - vesoul - 10-06-2024
Name:Weatherly, James
Registered Vessel: '\S/CEV-BlueShift', R1 "Dragur" Edge World Freighter
Rank: Starflier
Position: System Cartographer/Mathematician
Orbital Cartography Report on the Kansas System: Sectors A6, A-H7, and supplemental
Charting completed by James Weatherly flying the '\S/'CEV-BlueShift
Report was compiled on 05 / 11 / 834AS
Discovery: - Name: Sector A8
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: Local Navigation edge of the system. Scans show nothing further a-field.
Discovery: - Name: Sector B8
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: This Sector lies 12 KiloMeters away from the Arkansas Ice Fields. Plenty of open space, with nearby access to the Vespucci Jump Hole.
Discovery: - Name: Sector C8
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: This nav centre lies only 4 Kilometers away from the Ice Fields. Note that at this edge, the Ice Fields lay 2.5 Kilometers above standard nav plane.
Discovery: - Name: Sector D8
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: This view provides easy access to the Ice Fields, while avoiding potential drift of the Dark Matter clouds within the Smoky Hill Nebula.
Discovery: - Name: Sector E8
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: Open space with moderate distance from both Dark matter and Ice Asteroids. Suitable for large installations as drift of both hazards into Sector E8 are unlikely.
Discovery: - Name: Sector F8
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: Here we approach pocket off-shoot of the Smoky Hill Nebula. Trajectory estimates shows the Dark Matter pocket will pass from Sector F7 to F8 within the next decade. Jump Advisory Warning: Category 2
Discovery: - Name: Sector G8
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: Dead Z-axis Centre of the Smokey Hill Nebula and Overland Park Asteroid field. The overall shape can be obsersed
Discovery: - Name: Sector H8
- Type: Open Space
- Comments: System Edge of Nav charts. Here one can carefully observe several large asteroids which have have been far-flung from this system's centre.