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Orex Industries - Confidential Database - Orex Industries - 03-19-2024

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[Image: XIek0p8.gif]

Welcome to the Orex Industries Confidential Database.

Within the Confidential Database of Orex Industries lies a treasure trove of proprietary information, trade secrets, and cutting-edge research spanning countless of disciplines critical to the company's success and competitiveness in the global market. Everything you may find inside these databases is extremely confidential.

At the core of this repository are the blueprints and schematics for Orex's revolutionary technologies, from advanced manufacturing processes to state-of-the-art product designs. Strategic market analyses, customer insights, and sales projections populate the database, providing invaluable intelligence for decision-makers to anticipate market trends, identify emerging opportunities, and tailor business strategies accordingly. This data is the compass guiding Orex's navigation through the ever-changing landscape of commerce and industry as it is being updated daily.

Research and development blueprints are immensely valuable, they represent the vanguard of Orex's technological prowess and ambition. From next-generation materials gathered in the Uncharted systems with unprecedented strength-to-weight ratios to disruptive manufacturing processes that revolutionize production efficiency, these projects hold the promise of reshaping entire industries and securing Orex's position as an industry leader for decades to come.

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RE: Orex Industries - Confidential Database - Cerulite - 03-19-2024

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Upon arrival to the system - Uncharted 4, we're greeted with a green nebula and an asteroid field. Radiation levels are pretty minimal. Caution is advised as asteroids are pretty dense. As we move forward, we encounter a substantial amount of explosive gas pockets. The azure color of the gas cloud pockets make them quite visible, therefore easy to avoid. Caution is advised as the explosion of said clouds may result in pretty significant ship damage.

[Image: kjgtfx3.png]

Moving forward, towards the - center - of the system, we exit the asteroid field and encounter an unknown planet. Underneath it, there are two sizeable rock formations with an unclear debris and asteroid dust.

[Image: sVNevjT.png]

As we move closer to the aforementioned asteroid formation, the debris becomes denser. With mining arrays engaged, we proceed to hit the rocks. Inside the rocks are what we like to call Alien Organisms, but not all rocks have the same content. A very small number of mined rocks contain these beautiful crystals i.e. Cerulite Crystals. With the cargo hold of 650, a total of 65 units of Crystals can be loaded onto the ship.

[Image: SYGlmUc.png]

Further research of the Cerulite Crystals shall be provided.

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RE: Orex Industries - Confidential Database - Organic - 03-21-2024

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The system is situated in a dense asteroid field and appears to be enclosed by a dark blue nebula of a composition that is not known elsewhere in the Sirius sector. Background radiation in the system is minimal.

[Image: Vyj6JSa.png]

There appear to be no notable solar objects apart from a formation of alien structures at the centre of the system. There are 12 structures arranged in a circular formation around a central core which is being infused with energy from 2 larger structures directly above and below the core. Destructive amounts of gravitational and electrical energy are present in the area enclosed by the alien structures, making any approach to the core infeasible. We are currently unable to analyse the central core due to the large amount of interference.

[Image: hcxSxxx.png]

Of note, one of the smaller structures appears to have experienced a breach in its hull due to an overload of energy. The structure appears to be leaking large amounts of alien materials, which are organic in nature and function similarly to capacitors. Given the nature of the alien structures, these materials could prove to have a revolutionary impact on energy-based applications.

[Image: AZbauef.png]

Further research of the Organic Capacitors shall be provided.

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RE: Orex Industries - Confidential Database - Chiro - 04-18-2024

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The system of Earhart is comprised of one massive center structure, eight weapons platforms, and seven gate-like objects. On the left-hand side, two entrances to Uncharted systems are opened at the same time, whereas, on the right-hand side of the system we have, what we call - exit points. After a few completed analyses, we concluded that exit points and entrance points are not always the same and are shifting as time passes.

[Image: qxOkLzc.gif]

[Image: ODo1UaU.gif]
In the very center of the system, there is an alien structure that emits enormous amounts of energy. Passing through the weapons platforms that are perfectly covering the area is impossible. Even though we tried approaching the weapons platforms, our ships were met with increased drag, drastically affecting our cruise speed and the ability to move, dodge, and avoid being hit by the said platforms.

Unlike the structure in Uncharted 03, the energy readings of the one in Earhart show that it is more unstable and therefore a lot more dangerous and powered differently. The difference between the two is that generators do not power the Earhart center structure, whereas, in Uncharted 03, we can see that several generators are powering the centered structure. Radiation levels are also way higher in Earhart than in Uncharted 03. Perhaps the reason for that is, the fact that a vast number of ships lie destroyed and/or abandoned in Earhart.

Long-range scanners have shown that the center structure is highly organic, much like the generators in Uncharted 03.

Upon approaching the middle, the weapons platforms generate enormous amounts of energy and release it in our direction; visual data can be accessed. The shots are extremely accurate and the safest way to avoid them is to use cover, such as huge pieces of debris that are lying around the system.

The farther we go in, the more interesting it gets. Namely, a rare material can be extracted from all the debris located deeper into the center of the system. This material is called Chirodebris, and after refining the said material, we get a product called Chiromaterial - an anomalous product with high emissions of delta and epsilon waves.

[Image: 08UBzbp.png]

The wreck of an Outcast scout belonging to Arcibaldo Veno. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel and life support.

[Image: sazY4CB.png]

The wreck of an Outcast scout belonging to Stella Cardillo. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel and life support.

[Image: D2w6NKD.png]

The wreck of a Daumann-sponsored explorer belonging to Christian Eisenhauer. The freighter was last sighted in 831 AS departing towards Omicrons to carry out a survey expedition. The ship appears to have attempted to interface with an alien weapons platform before being shattered by heavy weapons fire.

[Image: srk5fPx.png]

The wreck of a Red Hessian smuggler ship belonging to Dieter Vogt. The freighter was last sighted in 831 AS while headed to Munich on a salvaging operation. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel and life support.

[Image: GVJAMvX.png]

The wreck of a Synth Foods transport captained by Lukas Baecker. The convoy was list sighted jumping out of Stuttgart in 831 AS, moments before the Blackout. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel, life support, and parts of its cargo. Official records had claimed the convoy was destroyed by Farmers Alliance terrorists.

[Image: rlJKNhm.png]

Synth Bravo 2-2
The wreck of a Synth Foods escort belonging to Monika Fleischer. The convoy was list sighted jumping out of Stuttgart in 831 AS, moments before the Blackout. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel, life support, and parts of its cargo. Official records had claimed the convoy was destroyed by Farmers Alliance terrorists.

[Image: Ey6QlyC.png]

Synth Bravo 2-3
The wreck of a Synth Foods transport captained by Wolfgang Werfel. The convoy was list sighted jumping out of Stuttgart in 831 AS, moments before the Blackout. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel, life support, and parts of its cargo. Official records had claimed the convoy was destroyed by Farmers Alliance terrorists.

[Image: Z8DmeVL.png]

RNS Guépard
The wreck of a Royal Navy Destroyer captained by Emilien Bouchard. The Guepard was last sighted in 826 AS, as part of a flotilla of mutinous Royalist warships fleeing from the glassing of Leeds. The Guepard appears to have suffered catastrophic damage to the engine compartment, leading to total depressurization.

[Image: kQRkmfH.png]

RNS Béarn
The wreck of a Royal Navy Battlecruiser captained by Marine D'Aboville. The Bearn was last sighted in 826 AS, as part of a flotilla of mutinous Royalist warships fleeing from the glassing of Leeds. The Bearn appears to have ruptured in two from sustained heavy weapons fire.

[Image: 1wGJCld.png]

RNS Duguay-Trouin
The wreck of a Royal Navy Destroyer captained by Perrine Nicollier. The Duguay-Trouin was last sighted in 826 AS, as part of a flotilla of mutinous Royalist warships fleeing from the glassing of Leeds. The Duguay-Trouin appears to have broken apart under heavy weapons fire.

[Image: 67biRAr.png]

RNS Alsace
The wreck of a Royal Navy Battleship captained by Silvain Bettencourt. The Alsace was last sighted in 826 AS, as part of a flotilla of mutinous Royalist warships fleeing from the glassing of Leeds. The Alsace appears to have suffered a catastrophic containment breach from heavy weapons fire, leaving only the burnt husk of its fore section as remains.

[Image: dn6SH3W.png]

LNS Boise
The wreck of a Liberty Navy Cruiser captained by Betty Geist. The Boise was last sighted in 826 AS, transiting into the Alberta Supergate during the Gallic War. With the gate's sabotage, the Whitefield, Fairmont, and supporting battlegroups were lost, presumed destroyed. The Boise appears to have been stripped, scuttled, and abandoned.

[Image: 0wkofYA.png]

LNS Whitefield
The wreck of a Liberty Navy Dreadnought captained by Hannah Enriquez. The Whitefield was last sighted in 826 AS, transiting into the Alberta Supergate during the Gallic War. With the gate's sabotage, the Whitefield, Fairmont, and supporting battlegroups were lost, presumed destroyed. The Whitefield appears to have been stripped, scuttled, and abandoned.

[Image: HzyowNP.png]

LNS Montpelier
The wreck of a Liberty Navy Cruiser captained by Andrew Ayotte. The Montpelier was last sighted in 826 AS, transiting into the Alberta Supergate during the Gallic War. With the gate's sabotage, the Whitefield, Fairmont, and supporting battlegroups were lost, presumed destroyed. The Montpelier appears to have been stripped, scuttled, and abandoned.

[Image: rPjDLG8.png]

LNS Huntington
The wreck of a Liberty Navy Gunboat captained by Steve Plumb. The Huntington was last sighted in 826 AS, transiting into the Alberta Supergate during the Gallic War. With the gate's sabotage, the Whitefield, Fairmont, and supporting battlegroups were lost, presumed destroyed. The Huntington appears to have been stripped and abandoned.

[Image: 5fe0keJ.png]

LNS Fairmont
The wreck of a modern Liberty Navy Dreadnought captained by Adrian Keller. The Fairmont was last sighted in 826 AS, transiting into the Alberta Supergate during the Gallic War. With the gate's sabotage, the Whitefield, Fairmont, and supporting battlegroups were lost, presumed destroyed. Stranded Liberty Navy personnel appear to have congregated aboard the Fairmont before its life support was eventually depleted.

[Image: 7liJKTD.png]

LSEC Ordway
The wreck of a Liberty Space Exploration Council Transport captained by Alicia Murphy. The Ordway was last sighted departing Manhattan orbit for the Crow Nebula in 60 AS. Scans reveal extremely primitive survey equipment remaining on board, alongside depleted fuel tanks and life support systems.

[Image: 2e6EICp.png]

USV Maiden Voyage
The wreck of a Universal Transport captained by Briggs Stuart. The convoy was last sighted heading towards Dallas Research Station in 500 AS, moments before the Texas Incident. The ship appears to have been kept relatively intact, though acute radiation from the surrounding dark matter cloud has caused its pressurized cargo pods to rupture.

[Image: 8JGJTOe.png]

Universal Gamma 1-2
The wreck of a Liberty Space Exploration Council Transport captained by Alicia Murphy. The Ordway was last sighted departing Manhattan orbit for the Crow Nebula in 60 AS. Scans reveal extremely primitive survey equipment remaining on board, alongside depleted fuel tanks and life support systems.

[Image: YzvclpL.png]

Universal Gamma 1-3
The wreck of a Universal Escort belonging to Jenna Patterson. The convoy was last sighted heading towards Dallas Research Station in 500 AS, moments before the Texas Incident. The ship appears to have been kept relatively intact.

[Image: W9Z6hoG.png]

Brown Bess
The wreck of an Independent Transport captained by Jeremy Rose. The transport was last sighted leaving Houston orbit in 500 AS, moments before the Texas incident. The ship appears to have been kept relatively intact, though acute radiation from the surrounding dark matter cloud has caused its pressurized cargo pods to rupture.

[Image: 4Iyf59n.png]

The wreck of a Brigand scout belonging to Dominique LeGrand. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel and life support.

[Image: roTHYaD.png]

The wreck of a Molly smuggler ship belonging to Connor Sharpe. The ship appears to have shattered by heavy weapons fire.

[Image: r1gdAuO.png]

The wreck of a Corse interceptor belonging to Arnuade Chesnay. The ship appears to have shattered by particle weapons fire.

[Image: rkxo1pG.png]

The wreck of a Corsair raider belonging to Santago Moreno. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel and life support.

[Image: qoBRG9W.png]

The wreck of an Outcast raider belonging to Basilio Padovano. The ship has been scored by plasma fire but appears to have depleted its fuel and life support.

[Image: JdSbdxa.png]

LNS Aurora
The wreck of a Liberty Navy Gunboat captained by Michael Frost. The Aurora was last sighted in 826 S, transiting into the Alberta Supergate during the Gallic War. With the gate's sabotage, the Whitefield, Fairmont, and supporting battlegroups were lost, presumed destroyed. The Aurora appears to have gone AWOL from its battlegroup, venturing deeper into the unknown before depleting its fuel and life support.

[Image: wPp1Ot2.png]

LCC Bell
The wreck of a Liberty Communications Corps transport captained by Jackson Monroe. The Bell was last sighted departing Manhattan orbit for Kusari space in 92 AS. A handful of ancient FTL relay buoys remain in its cargo hold, long since degraded beyond usefulness.

[Image: ZaowFPG.png]

The wreck of a Zoner trader belonging to Eduarda Fajardo. The freighter was last sighted in 831 AS departing Freeport 11 on a bearing towards Omicron Kappa. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel and life support.

[Image: bJ2pHm3.png]

The wreck of a Core supply ship belonging to Samantha Janssen. The ship appears to have depleted its fuel and life support.

[Image: MVroMcW.png]

IKN Yamafaku Maru
The wreck of a Kusari Naval Forces auxiliary transport captained by Hokama Taka. The Yamafaku Maru appears to have been configured as a fuel carrier, with its cargo detonating after taking heavy weapons fire.

[Image: t6n3FTA.png]

IKN Niyodo
The wreck of a Kusari Naval Forces Battlecruiser captained by Isamu Kojima. The NIYODO appears to have been fitted with heavily modified, experimental propulsion drives and systems. The Battlecruiser looks to have taken extensive damage from heavy weapons fire, before depleting its fuel and life support.

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