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ATTN: Tokelau, Junktion, Athens installations - Printable Version

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ATTN: Tokelau, Junktion, Athens installations - Einbeck - 03-29-2024

SENDER: 'Hornisse'
RECIPIENT: Tokelau Smelter, Junktion Station, Athens Base
SUBJECT: Making acquaintance

To the respective owners of the mentioned installations,

In light of recent developments within the Omicron Delta system and keeping in mind the complete absence of local forces, I am extending an olive branch to the owners of the stations mentioned. You will follow our orders to the suit, or else your bases too will share the same fate as the ones around the Freeport.

For now, we are instructing you to do the following:
  • open the station docking bays to every merchantman, every freelancer and every military man in the sector to moor at;
  • abide by and comply with the enforcement of new market regulations with regards to ore, namely between 50 to 60 Sirius Credits minimum per mined unit of ore from the Omicron Delta system. Exceptions are to be made for mining operations conducted by the owner group(s);
  • abide by and comply with the enforcement of new market regulations with regards to refined ore, namely a maximum of
    between 70 to 80 Sirius Credits per unit of refined Iridium;

Should any of these points be disregarded, either on purpose or otherwise by the base owners, there will be grave consequences.

RE: ATTN: Tokelau, Junktion, Athens installations - L1ght - 03-29-2024

Incoming Transmission
Origin: Tokelau Smelter, Omicron Delta
Signal strength: Strong

[Image: ODmUdgr.png]

There's no need for hostilities here stranger, here's a few answers to your questions.

1) Tokealu Smelter is open to everyone, ranging from Military vessels to miners and traders
2) Orex Industries is paying its miners 50 c/u per unit of Iridium ore, given the fact that Orex miners are main suppliers of Iridium ore, 50 c/u fits their guidline
3) Orex Industries originally began selling refined Iridium for 75 c/u, but due to increased demand the price had to be increased to 80 c/u which is still a premium price compared to other bases in the area.
4) Orex Industries supplies Tokelau Smelter with way more than what you've quoted daily, let alone monthly.
5) Orex Industries will not share its market data to anyone except its board members.
6) Anyone with enough money and clear purpose is welcome on Tokelau Smelter

Dax Hollman
Orex Industries Associate

Terminating message
Closing transmission

RE: ATTN: Tokelau, Junktion, Athens installations - Einbeck - 03-29-2024

SENDER: 'Hornisse'
RECIPIENT: Dave Hollman
SUBJECT: Tokelau ops

Mr. Hollman,

I recommend nevertheless following suit with our regulations for the present until replies can be formulated by Athens and Junktion representatives. Once we are at that point, we may discuss amendments unique to each installation.

The outlined guidelines are to be followed through, for now, by all, as while Tokelau Smelter has most certainly proven to have open-minded management and miners alike, Athens and Junktion have not seen as much traffic in recent weeks.

We are putting forward a timeframe of one week for replies from the other installations to come through from this point onwards.

RE: ATTN: Tokelau, Junktion, Athens installations - RedEclipse - 03-29-2024

A rather odd utterance from a stranger, given the current events taking place in Omicron Delta and the groups involved in them quite specifically point of your origins.

Athens has been providing Iridium storage, processing and sales services to all comers for many years, since processing from defensive manners of Fort Scorpius. More recently, a nomenclature of basic needs - synth paste and water - are also available for export. Our prices are widely known, but at the current time they are 50 per unit for the raw ore and 80 for the processed form, which is a favourable offer for the market.

However, given our suspicions we do not recommend you to visit either Freeport 11, Athens Station or Kadesh Orbital City, at the slightest suspicion of infection you will be neutralised in the sanitary zone.

RE: ATTN: Tokelau, Junktion, Athens installations - a7om - 03-29-2024


Sender: Danny "D" Richards
From: The Junktion
To: The New Local Tyrant

[Image: SRoIc1p.jpg]

Mr. “Hornisse,”

I don’t very well know you, nor do I know with what authority you speak with, yet you expect us to simply follow your demands? Allow me to humor your line of questioning for just a moment though.

My station already purchases iridium ore for 60 c/u, the highest in the area to compensate for the larger distance my station is situated from the ore field. Our selling price of refined iridium is also fair given our higher purchase price of ore and the location of my station within the system. All the local militaries and frequent traders are already cleared to dock, and anyone else who wishes to dock with the station is allowed to do so as long as they go through the process to get approved, free of charge. Lastly, I am also of the same disposition as Mr. Hollman in that our market data is only shared with board members of The Junktion.

Now let me ask you a question, Mr. “Hornisse.” What guarantees can you provide that the Nomads, who are already wreaking havoc on other stations in the system, won’t go and target our own stations next should we agree to your terms? The Nomads aren’t exactly an agreeable lot, and if you have military forces in the area that are up to the task of fighting back the Nomad raids, then it’s a disgrace that you haven’t made an effort to protect our neighbors already.

Daniel Richards,
The Junktion, CEO


RE: ATTN: Tokelau, Junktion, Athens installations - Einbeck - 03-29-2024

SENDER: 'Hornisse'
RECIPIENT: Jack Anderson, Danny Richards
SUBJECT: Our demands

Mr. Anderson, Mr. Richards,

Allow me to begin by saying that while you are both capable station managers, you do not seem bright enough to add two and two together.

You should well know by now with whom you are dealing, as this is hardly an attempt to conceal anything on our end. We're reaching out because, unlike the Omegas, the Omicrons provide an ample supply of trade ships moving back and forth carrying supplies. You collect said supplies and use them for the bases operated oh-so-well thus far. Simple enough, is it not?

I assure you, there is little to worry about if you follow through with our demands. As a gesture of good will, you will find that these very demands will be amended into something more favorable for your kind.

This is as far as we'll go. Follow them and prosper; disobey them and meet fire and fury.

RE: ATTN: Tokelau, Junktion, Athens installations - Einbeck - 03-29-2024

SENDER: 'Hornisse'
RECIPIENT: Dave Hollman
SUBJECT: Tokelau ops

Mr. Hollman,

You will find that our demands have been amended. From our side, this is all we shall require, for now.

As we have told the others we shall tell you too: abide and prosper or disobey and face the consequences.