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TO: GNI ; Gallic National Intelligence - Printable Version

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TO: GNI ; Gallic National Intelligence - a7om - 03-30-2024


Sender : 3%6#@7!& Io#$B
Origin : 8r$xY2=q%v#P

[Image: U4agov8.jpeg]



Sender : Rishin Saito
Origin : [REDACTED]


19:00, March 30, 834 AS

Salutations, Gallic National Intelligence force.

I hope you are doing well despite the apparent problem that has garnered your attention in the Omicron Delta system recently. I took note of the presence of one of your agents around Freeport 11 the other day. I do not doubt you are investigating the Nomad presence in the area, which all major houses seem to be vested in now. I’m certain one target in particular has caught your eye. Unfortunately, I do not have any further information for your investigation into this, but I have another matter to discuss with you which may be of threat to the security within your great house.

Not too long ago I gathered some intel from a meeting held between a few different individuals: a couple of known infected agents of the Nomads (Cipriano Adimari and Cherry Blossom), and a seemingly autonomous unit under the control of another unknown character (Red.Beetle-1).

In their discussion, the autonomous unit mentioned it had information regarding “Gallia and the ‘infiltrators’,” as it said. This was not something I could follow up on with the unit since I was occupied with continuing my investigation into the infected individuals present, however the information did seem sensitive for at least one of the infected persons.

If you have received any word on this matter I would greatly appreciate your cooperation. I will be on assignment in the vicinity of Gallia in the near future to look into this matter as well as the Nomad presence in the area. Therefore, if you would prefer to talk face-to-face it would not be a hassle to schedule a meeting. In the meantime, I have attached the relevant comm logs acquired pertaining this matter, view them at your leisure. I know it's not much to go off of, but that is why I am reaching out.

Until then, au revoir, have a pleasant day.

Captain Rishin Saito
Eclipse Vanguard Squadron, The Order


RE: TO: GNI ; Gallic National Intelligence - Kherty - 04-01-2024

Complexe Montparnasse, Île Montparnasse, Planet New Paris, Système Île-de-France
1st of April, 750 A. G. S. (834 A.S.)

[Image: poL6ajP.png]

Sender: 'Owl', Capitaine, Liaison Officer
Recipient: Captain Rishin Saito, Eclipse Vanguard Squadron; CC: Maréchal Louis de Villiers, 'Duke'
Subject: Meetup
Encryption: Secret Défense - Top Secret


I am 'Owl', Capitaine of the Owl Squadron, and a liaison officer of the Gallic National Intelligence. I will be your contact between you, of the Eclipse Vanguard Squadron of the Order and the Directorate of the GNI. I was present in Omicron Delta alongside 'Duke' recently, and we have had some operations in the Omicrons, as observers, due to Nomad activity near Gallia. Any matter involving the security of Gallia is of interest.

The Directorate is interested to continue our endeavor to establish ties with the Order as a whole. The distribution of intelligence between our organizations about common enemies is logical and is also of interest for the Directorate. I am here to uphold the interests of the Directorate, Gallia, and the Gallic Naval Intelligence. I have put in CC the Directors of the GNI.

I see no problem in setting up a meeting between you and me. This message will serve as authorization for your ship(s) to arrive and come to Gallia for a meeting if they are a capital-class ship. Please indicate the day and time you would like for us to meet. I will reply with my own availability and the location for this meeting. Naturally, this meeting cannot take place in a high-density location. After you reply with your availability, I will inform you of the meeting location."

Thank you for the data you have attached; this will be analyzed by our analysts and then attached and given to the Directorate. We're sorry, but as the GNI was only recently reactivated properly, we have no intelligence to offer back yet, and countering domestic terrorism is also one of our missions. Be reassured, this is only a matter of time.

End of Message

RE: TO: GNI ; Gallic National Intelligence - a7om - 04-04-2024


Sender : 3%6#@7!& Io#$B
Origin : 8r$xY2=q%v#P

[Image: U4agov8.jpeg]



Sender : Rishin Saito
Origin : [REDACTED]


00:00, April 4, 834 AS

Bonjour Captain “Owl” and associates, hello.

I am glad to hear we are of a similar mindset. With the Nomads having become more and more flagrant with their actions recently, it never hurts to have more allies to stand against them.

For the time being, you need only expect myself to arrive at the meeting; I anticipate I’ll be acting mostly solo in the area until we can get a better idea of what is going on. I expect to arrive in Gallia at around 00:00 on April 5 with just myself, my gunship, and my crew. With your approval, I would also like to invite a Section 8 agent who goes by the codename “Augur.” They should have more information than I on the current situation in the area, and I expect to be working with them further from here.

For now, let’s set a rendezvous for around 17:00 on April 6 or April 7. Let me know if this will work for you, and we can adjust as needed.

Captain Rishin Saito
Eclipse Vanguard Squadron, The Order


RE: TO: GNI ; Gallic National Intelligence - a7om - 04-06-2024


Sender : 3%6#@7!& Io#$B
Origin : 8r$xY2=q%v#P

[Image: U4agov8.jpeg]



Sender : Rishin Saito
Origin : [REDACTED]


18:45, April 6, 834 AS

Bonjour Captain,

I have spoken to “Augur,” they have agreed to meet with us, if you do not object to the notion. We just need to finalize the meeting time and place.

Captain Rishin Saito
Eclipse Vanguard Squadron, The Order


RE: TO: GNI ; Gallic National Intelligence - Kherty - 04-06-2024

Complexe Montparnasse, Île Montparnasse, Planet New Paris, Système Île-de-France
6th of April, 750 A. G. S. (834 A.S.)

[Image: poL6ajP.png]

Sender: 'Owl', Capitaine, Liaison Officer
Recipient: Captain Rishin Saito, Eclipse Vanguard Squadron; "Augur", Section 8 - CC: Maréchal Louis de Villiers; 'Duke'
Subject: RE:Meetup
Encryption: Secret Défense - Top Secret


Capitaine, less is better.

As for Section 8 - we have heard many rumors about you; we are interested in working with you. Please relay them these, if they cannot access it in full. They should.

I will be present to welcome you as well. However, I would like us to select the location of our meeting the very day and hour we have prepared here - a location, where no one can listen in to us, nor even find us.

You have left only April 7th, 1700, despite your tardiness to reply, you have put a tight deadline, making it impossible to accept April 6th. Please, Capitaine, review this and make sure no error or jeopardizing of this sort happens again.

The meeting is, once again, approved. 1700 - April 7th. The location will be indicated to you via long-range messaging. I want this meeting to be a meeting between us only.

Failure to do so will result in postponing the meeting to next week, where I will set the dates, hours, and potential locations. For the potential locations, if failure come to be, a large quantity will be visible here, but only one will be true.

It will be similar to what I proposed above, but with a higher level of security.

"Augur", it is a pleasure to meet you. I have added you to this communication as a participant. We have always planned to come into contact with you and the Section 8.

I believe tomorrow, 1700, is no problem indeed?

Tomorrow, it will be a good step toward continued cooperation between the Order, and the Gallic National Intelligence.

Naturally, you both have the authorization to come to Gallia for this meeting.

BIen à vous,


End of Message

RE: TO: GNI ; Gallic National Intelligence - a7om - 04-07-2024


Sender : 3%6#@7!& Io#$B
Origin : 8r$xY2=q%v#P

[Image: U4agov8.jpeg]



Sender : Rishin Saito
Origin : [REDACTED]


18:45, April 6, 834 AS

Captain Owl,

The mentioned date and time, April 7th at 17:00 Universal Sirius Time, will not be a problem for me.
I will await your long-range communication regarding the location of the meeting, please address it to E\V/-OCV-El.Tor when the time comes.

Captain Rishin Saito
Eclipse Vanguard Squadron, The Order


RE: TO: GNI ; Gallic National Intelligence - S8 Operatives - 04-07-2024

[Image: iO7z9dm.png]
Section 8

Sender ID: Augur
Receiver ID: Owl; Saito
Encryption: Fortress


Capitaine, Captain,

I'll be seeing both of you in a few hours.

In service to humanity,

RE: TO: GNI ; Gallic National Intelligence - Kherty - 04-07-2024

Complexe Montparnasse, Île Montparnasse, Planet New Paris, Système Île-de-France
8th of April, 750 A. G. S. (834 A.S.)

[Image: poL6ajP.png]

Sender: 'Owl', Capitaine, Liaison Officer, representing Maréchal Louis de Villiers for the Protocol I and Treaty of Amity.
Recipient: Captain Rishin Saito, Eclipse Vanguard Squadron; "Augur", Section 8 - CC: Maréchal Louis de Villiers; 'Duke'
Subject: Post-meetup recap., DRAFTS of: treaty of amity proposal, and restriction of Orkney - classifié
Encryption: Secret Défense - Top Secret - Pour Ordre, within GNI - Tier-5 Classification Document

Bonjour again, I wish your travel back home was without issue. It has been a pleasure to meet you. I had Wine and Cigars in my hold, but I did not think of giving them to you as gifts. Please forgive my forgetfulness. I will make sure to offer them to you for our next meeting.

As we spoke about; the GNI wishes to cooperate with the Order against the existential threat of the Nomads. For our House; for the Houses, and for Humanity. We were forced out of our home, and now, we have to do everything to protect our new homes. I would also like to remind you that our predecessors before the Gallic Unification, the Council, was friendly to the Order as a whole, and the GNI, would like to reinstate this state of friendliness, hence this Protocol I, treaty of amity, the following Protocol II and future documents.

Here are the points we agreed upon, please modify it at your convenience if needed. Please rename this encrypted communication to "Order Eclipse Vanguard, Section 8 <=> Gallic National Intelligence", as it has passed its goal of setting up a rendez-vous.

Please note that these authorizations are under the auspices of the GNI, and if needed, remind any interloper of this. We will deal with this interloper as this is a matter of national security and beyond.

Finally; other organizations might come into play. We eventually want to form a committee against the Nomads in the Tau sector with the other major players of this sector, or at the very least, a common understanding that we, in the Tau sector, and in the Omicrons, are dealing with an existential threat far greater than what we expected, and this calls for an inter-House understanding at the very least.

Here are the following drafts. They are currently being edited to suit the needs of everyone. It will be indicated when the final version will be published.

Another document - named Île-de-France Protocol II, will be written for the Order Overwatch and Grand Admiral Michal Golanski.

Île-de-France Protocol I - DRAFT, première version
by: Eclipse Vanguard, Section 8, Gallic National Intelligence

Section 1 - On the presence, use, and surveillance within Gallia and the Tau sector, against the emerging Nomad threat

  • The GNI recognizes itself as the foremost and currently most able and functional organization of Gallia to make decisions, due to failures within the Union's machinery;
  • The Order's Eclipse Vanguard and Section 8 operatives can enter, and operate within Gallia, under the express authorization of the GNI;
  • The Order's Eclipse Vanguard and Section 8 operatives can use special equipment to gather information, and protect themselves within Gallia, and in Tau sector, under the express authorization and of the GNI;
  • The Order's Eclipse Vanguard and Section 8 operatives agree to use and question anyone for the sake of protection against the Nomad threat, and abuse of power against civilians, or unwarranted surveillance will not be accepted, for all three organizations.

Section 2 - On the sharing and usage of intelligence between our organizations, and enforced neutrality, within Gallia, the Tau sector, and surrounding systems.

The Order's Eclipse Vanguard and Section 8 operatives, and the GNI operatives agree on:
  • Not engaging in any kind of hostile activity against one another within Gallia, the Tau sector, and surrounding systems unless serious crimes have been committed, such as assisting terrorists against law enforcement, corporations, or intelligence assets;
  • Agree to assist one another in situation requiring help - such as, lack of fuel, damaged equipment, or active enemies, and assist in dispatching them;
  • The Order's Eclipse Vanguard and Section 8 operatives agree on sharing intelligence and findings about Nomads, whatever their sources, origin, and relevance are.

Section 3 - On the use of Gallic facilities

  • The Order's Eclipse Vanguard and Section 8 operatives can use Gallic facilities (civilian included) to rearm, repair and refuel at any stations, under the auspices of the GNI. Bases refusing to cooperate will receive a warning at first if you mention this to us. Then - national security and matters will come into play.;
  • The GNI allows the use of the Languedoc-Tau-23 Jump Gate and Trade Lane in Languedoc. Authorized under the aegis of the Gallic National Intelligence;
  • The Order's Eclipse Vanguard and Section 8 operatives agree not to approach, or request docking to restricted Gallic National Intelligence bases and areas.

Section 4 - On the use of GNI facilities

  • The GNI offers the aforementioned Order organizations the authorization to use Battlecruiser Sisteron as a forward mobile base within Orkney, before and after the restriction of Orkney, to rearm, repair, and refuel their ships, as well as station ships in the Sisteron. The Sisteron's closeness to Tau-61 makes this strategically significant;
  • The GNI offers the use of GNI installations that are not restricted, as well as the use of Navy installation under the auspices of the Gallic National Intelligence.

Section 4 - The 'Orkney Issue'

  • The Eclipse Vanguard, Section 8 and GNI operatives:
  • The Order's Eclipse Vanguard and Section 8 operatives can enter the Orkney system, despite its future entry restriction that will be publicized later on;
  • Agree that: Northern Orkney is off-limits, and a restricted system except to the operatives named in this Protocol;
  • No Gallic civilians, or corporations, are authorized;
  • No other Houses civilians, or corporations, are authorized;
  • Exception agreed upon: the Independent Miners Guild, due to their economical efforts, will benefit from a secret authorization to enter and leave Orkney post-restriction - however, under the auspices of the GNI: will be subject, but not limited to, in-depth interrogation, scanning, and check-up of their whereabouts within Orkney - this exception is confidential, and IMG shall operate within it;
  • Listed operatives will have to authorize, and if possible, escort, the IMG vessels operating in Orkney;
  • IMG vessels are authorized only to: join their base, Dounby Station, the Roussilon Jump Hole, Tau-23 Jump Hole (only through the 'Giant's Causeway' - As any of these situation include a passage through Northern Orkney, they will be authorized only to go to Languedoc Jump Hole - any deviation (specifically toward the Tau-61 Jump Hole) will result in escorting the ship out of the system, after interrogation, regardless of their objectives.
(temporarily inapplicable until rewritten by the Directorate)

All authorizations written here to Order (mentioned organizations in this document, Protocol I) operatives are made under the auspices of the Gallic National Intelligence and are to be upheld with utmost confidentiality and adherence to operational protocols. These authorizations given here are under the aegis of the Gallic National Intelligence. Failure to aid, or let the operatives to their own devices, will have consequences.

BIen à vous,



End of Message