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GNI/- Profil d'Agent - Printable Version

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GNI/- Profil d'Agent - Alx21 - 04-03-2024

Complexe Montparnasse, Île Montparnasse, Planet New Paris, Système Île-de-France
4th of April, 750 A. G. S. (834 A.S.)

[Image: JwWoVMk.png]

Sender: 'LUMIERE'
Subject: Agent profile:
Encryption: Secret Défense - Top Secret

Louise Floraison, codename LUMIERE, is an operative within the GNI. Born to a family with a long military and intelligence tradition, he seeks to serve the state of Gallia, no matter the ideology of the state, as long as he believes they are working for the safety of the people.
  • [Age]: 27;
  • [Studies]: Ecole Navale D'Gallia, Tolouse Research Institute on Planet New Paris.
  • [Field experience]: Served on the GNS-Lombardie as commander of the gunboat, the promoted on the GNS-Anvers as cruiser captain deployed in the Tau systems to secure them from Crayter, Outcast and Imperial Kusari assertion, then recruited in GNI and deployed as a Sous-Lieutenant on a classified Cruiser know by its codename as MAI.
  • [GNI/- Performances]: Cartographed latest stellar phenomena in Gallia and its surroundings, tracked enemy intel agencies communications and intercepted rival agency spies on the field and stopped illegal smuggling via the restricted gate. Current assignment is Accessible to Tier-2 and above GNI/- Personnel.
  • [Strong points]: Charisma, Flexibility, Discretion, Prowess in diplomacy and tactfulness in tense situations.
  • [Political ties]: Strongly supports the Gallic Ideologies, Wary of the Union's current state, Actively contributes to it via the GNI/-.

Given the record and specialty of his mission, the lieutenant serve the strongest house of Sirius and inheritor of earth's beauty, prowess and majesty as the House of Gallia has endured through harsh conditions, internal conflicts, numerous external wars, border conflicts and reorganisations and still stands strong as a beacon for hope and the spirit of relentless resolution and progress.

He is to report to command for assignment deepening and further realocations.

End of Message