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Disturbances Within - SurnFei-DaVir - 04-08-2024

(05-04-834AS) Nomad Worlds, Omicron Iota system

Deep within the Trinity systems, the Nomads were becoming more and more active. The usual, gentle hum of many present minds had grown into a deep song of thought. Many of the forms were amassing for the future onslaught of Zeta. Voidrunners, Mindnodes, Void Archons and Predators alike in large numbers. It was a sign that preparations were reaching near to completion.

[Image: D9qsLWs.png]

Among these, a Siris voidform could be noticed, returning to rest at Dur-Shurrikun. Recent clashes with the Order, Core and Zoner forces within Delta had left them burned and reduced to a dim glow. Yet, there was content emanating from them. Delta had been purged of two husks, alongside many that sought the total annihilation of their kind. The quiet echo of their thoughts could be heard:

“Enlightened proved worthy of Our guidance once more. Yet even as one, Our efforts faltered. Darklings prevailed against Us little more than a few times, yet disruption to intents forced Our focus to narrow. Their remaining husks shall become alike to the shells within the seas known to Theirs as Minor; where We struck in retaliation for the Lostshare’s disconnection..”

The growing mind’s purpose remained as the Guardian of the Enlightened, one stalwart protector and guide to aid in their efforts. The lesser purifier had served as much, gave little to chance and persisted against even crushing odds. Still, they now rested upon a point where they needed more. To take the fight to those that oppose the light and enlightened interests.

With this came an intent to grow a new form. One to better serve in times of conflict. Within the confines of Dur-Shurrikun, the first stages of such were underway. The minds would oversee its growth, as well as maintain its presence in aid of the Enlightened. The voidform made its motion towards the regeneration points. Its purpose still remained, so there was still need of this form among future efforts. In time, both would serve their purpose.

RE: Disturbances Within - SurnFei-DaVir - 04-11-2024

(07-04-834AS) Nomad Worlds, Omicron Iota system

Two solar cycles had passed and the Siris had not yet returned from the conflicts within Thuringia. After the mixed success in the destruction of husks within Delta, the lesser purifier had felt the Enlightened thoughts change from one of intent to strike shipping, to one of a need to protect their own. Valhalla, known vaguely to the Voidform as a place for Wild forces striking into Rheinland, was facing a combined Fleet of hostile forces. The Guardian saw need to aid and had departed in pursuit of this.

[Image: NdhLHP6.png]

They knew that it was a danger to traverse the seas so deep within the Lightless’ grasp, yet they proceeded. Others had also rallied, and the song was one of anger towards the amassing forces. Though they were not unfamiliar with enemies amassing to fight… the urgency that was felt.. the minds knew it was more than just a skirmish.

The intent of the Enlightened and Lightmind alike was to intercept and cleanse. Remove the threat before it got anywhere near. Yet… something wasn’t right. One of the hostiles had an unusual "aura" surrounding it. Something that gave out a familiar energy, except it did not resonate as it should. When the vessel was identified, the combined forces fell upon it, shredding through the shell’s hull in moments.

[Image: q8zz6Qi.png]

The Enlightened forces scattered as the target's power surged. Valhalla was to be abandoned after the reveal of something far more detrimental to them than the battle. A shockwave, one that felt almost like it was tearing through space itself, dissipated into the surrounding area. No vessels remained anywhere near the shell's detonation, but the devastation to the seascape of Thuringia resonated within their minds.

RE: Disturbances Within - SurnFei-DaVir - 04-30-2024

//as of this post, this story thread is now open to any Aliens who wish to provide input of their own presence in or around Iota, or would like to be part of Surn’Fei’s progression. Anyone who does post is able to also use any disclosed information on their alien characters, including the two posts above. If theres any questions, please reach out to me in discord: hopealinafaith

(25-04-834AS) Nomad Worlds, Omicron Iota system

While the lesser purifier had been away, activity had not been any less busy around Dur-Shurrikun. Several solar cycles past had seen the departure of small groups of voidforms from within the Kissare nebula, and most of them return. The time to strike was closing, yet the motions did not proceed. Preparations were not yet complete, but the minds continued with their intended goals.

The Siris had at last resurfaced in Iota. The battered voidform was in enough of a state to need considerable time to regenerate, as even some of its cysts had become hurt beyond use. The minds shifted their focus to its next intents. The growth of the Irra had progressed swiftly for the size of the form, yet it still had not fully developed. Its protrusions had not yet formed and its internals remained small. Its cysts had also not properly developed, yet the form was very much alive already, the chambers inside transferring its energy around to help fuel the progression. The crystalline formations flowed seamlessly from one section to the next, overlapping and interlocking into a much more resilient form for the Nomad minds to utilise.

There had been no more real damage to the form since the events within Thuringia, yet there remained questioning thoughts on the nature of modifications to the shell known as the Kolleda. The Artifact of their creators was mechanically altered, to suit the Darklings needs. The voidform knew one that could provide some possible insight on the matter, yet there was uncertainty. Would the matter be a distraction to their intents and focus, or would it be something much-needed in the efforts of the Mindshare? As it was, they reserved their song for the time being. If the opportunity presented itself, they would share their curiosity and concern with those better equipped to deliberate over the curiosity.

RE: Disturbances Within - SurnFei-DaVir - 05-12-2024

(04-05-834AS) Nomad Worlds, Omicron Zeta system

The minds of Surn’Fei had not been idle while they remained away from the better-guarded seas. They had guided the channelling of energies into the Irra’s growth, it closing towards the final forming of development while also maintaining connection to both the Wild fleet and acting as an anchor for some of the smaller Nomad forms. Though, these became afterthoughts when there was a shift in their focus. There was a disturbance within the Trinity systems; something was breaching into seas where they shouldn’t have been. They took the Siris to investigate, through the gate to Iota.

Darklings. Large, imposing, defiling the Nomad’s deepest worlds. An insurmountable anger welled up from the minds, an anger that brought forth a challenge, and a call to give battle, to destroy those that dared enter seas not of their own guarding. As the enemy retreated back into Zeta, other voidforms joined the hunt and the cleansing began in earnest. Smaller shells fled the destructive purge that had begun, yet the larger ones couldn’t escape. One by one, each larger shell was disabled.

[Image: a91Anof.png]

Three fell to the initial fury of the Lesser Purifier and its kin. When there remained no significant threat to the Trinity systems, they moved onwards towards the Delta seascape, only to meet more of the Cursed shells. As the three Purifiers' rage took over, their enemy stood their ground. Swift action was taken, severe damage was dealt to the Lightless. but so too had the Siris sustained such themselves. The other warforms guarded over the heavily wounded purifier, clearing a path towards Lichtenfelde in Delta. When the Lightless had been pushed yet further away, the Lesser Purifier They took themselves back to Zeta, to regenerate. With the dangers fresh, there needed to be one who watched over the gate to Iota, to safeguard both the preparations and growing form.

RE: Disturbances Within - SurnFei-DaVir - 05-31-2024

(27-05-834AS) Nomad Worlds, Omicron Iota system

Since the events in Zeta, the Siris had returned once more to the seas they called home. While the vessel had been absent, the minds had been far from idle. Delicate attention towards the Kissare nebula had garnered them a focus in growing the Irra to completion. Its Cysts had fully formed, and now had protrusions capable of unleashing a torrent of cleansing light upon its foes.

As the Lesser Purifier reached Dur-Shurrikun, the minds of Surn’Fei began to transfer the guiding thoughts over to the new form. No sooner had they done this, the Irra’s glow shifted and came to life. Three tendrils sprung from the back-end of the foremost section, showing the minds to have taken control. For the first time, the Greater Purifier began to move. The chambers distributed its inner energies as it adapted to the changes and shifts within.

Threats and dangers had grown in number since the last incursions. Lightless beings had been breaching deeper and deeper into the closely guarded trinity systems. It was the intent of Surn’Fei that these foolish trespassers be purged, and security of Iota be restored. This was more for the protection from prying eyes, learning of more voidforms still gathering for the upcoming assault. The Siris was to also become one of the many, a form which had proven useful many times before in restoring light to those darkened seas.

As the Irra left the safety of the Kissare nebula, it began to guide itself towards the seas known as Omegas. A song had been sung, one from the shell of the Einbeck. Once more they delivered an invitation, and once more the minds answered with intent to be present. Though, there still remained the unanswered questions, something that they yet again shifted their attention to. Still, they couldn’t devise the answers and they once more met with frustration. A burst of energetic light was launched from the front of the Irra. A blast that, had it made contact with anything, would have caused heavy devastation to anything unfortunate enough to be in its way. As it happened, it dissipated harmlessly into the seas surrounding the voidform. They knew that they needed to pose the thoughts to another mind of the share. One that could possibly provide such insight that may solve the concern that frequently guided thoughts into frustration and anger yet so close to home.