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Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - Printable Version

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Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - CO. Slate - 04-15-2024

The following is a transcription of Case Officer Slate inaugurating the new reporting terminal. As his internal communiques had done the job just fine and were done in writing on the first go, the poor machine took his ramblings as dictation. He, and other agents, would take to using this as an excellent means of feedback, as reading what they had just said helped their self-reflection immensely. The staff psychologist would also quickly appropriate these.

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]
[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Liberty Security Force
Department of War Operations Planning

Damn, I love this letterhead. Nighthawk, Crimson, and me got together and we now have a slightly less secure intranet for all our paperwork needs. I'm testing it out now.

Anyway, calls to the Blood Dragons have stalled, we might not be getting the outside experts we need just yet. Lime, get your ass to Kusari. Find one of their patrols and tell them you were sent by me to meet with Mr. Abe. No, I can't send it like that.

Senior Agent Lime, re-direct to Kusari and locate Blood Dragons to continue... no. Senior Agent Lime to re-deploy to Kyushu and link up with Blood Dragon patrooooool? No. No, no no.

... it goes on like that for a while

RE: Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - Mr. Lime - 04-24-2024

Someone might be a little unhappy.
[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]
[Image: BD_Logo.png]

Liberty Security Force

I'm a little pissed. Just a little.

I am somehow completely unsurprised that the joyless career officers of the Navy would roll up as a bloc. They locked down the entire system looking for the guys you sent me to meet with, and worst of all, the Dragons have lost face. It is unlikely they will return to Liberty and any further attempts at diplomacy will require large quantities of groveling. I am currently requisitioning a consignment of the most kickass guns and ammo Detroit Munitions has to offer, and it's coming out of the department budget. Do not test me on this.

Face is everything to the Kusari, and the Liberty Navy with their demands instead of our polite requests have done more damage to our efforts than anything else. If a war breaks out, while they are unlikely to assault us outright, we're likely to lose any backlines and safe harbor for alternate attack vectors for our raiding parties. However, these things are luxuries, after all, and if the diplomatic situation changes rapidly enough, we may be able to get Boehm and company to apologize to the Blood Dragons for besmirching their honor and try to smooth things over to get them on our side. They won't like it, but it doesn't matter who is wrong or right. I'll take the reprimands on the chin, we sweep this entire incident under the rug, and we'll get on with our business.

Damn it, Slate, you put me out in the sticks too long, I forgot how much our brave servicemen suck. Keep me with the criminals and terrorists, they both know how to party and don't have sticks up their asses.

Senior Agent Lime
Liberty Security Force

Agent reprimanded for conduct in the field, unprofessionalism, and being possibly related to the recent hospitalization of Case Officer Slate.

RE: Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - LegendOfTheWolf - 04-27-2024

The following is a message from Amy Anderson communiqué to Case Officer Slate.

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]
[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Liberty Security Force
Department of War Operations Planning

You probably already know this - But your head is floating right into the Navy's nose.

Maybe you could take some times off? Maybe keep your head down for future operations? Maybe even change your identity.

God knows how how distraught Lime was when the Navy sent out a full scale search party to Colorado - Hell! Even the Evansville was called to assist with his man-hunt.

Keep your head down for the time being. You're getting overly noticed for an Case Officer.

Though I guess on that note, we know what the navy think of the threat of Kusari.

Also - Don't you dare say that the Navy's opinions on your data analysis, or theory is evidence...

Go buy Lime some beer and make up.

RE: Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - Mr. Lime - 04-28-2024

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]
[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Liberty Security Force
Department of War Operations Planning

Yeah. Sure. A case of beer.

What Slate can do, sorry, I’ve read his mail when I visited him in the hospital, is give me more agents. I’m likely about to be the point of contact between our forces and the entire Dragon-aligned Kusari underworld. I am already arranging an appetizer of heavy arms for them, and the main course is going to be a real treat. My on-site analysis has determined them to be more in need of resources than they might let on; as the Sisterhood has lost their point of semi-legitimate commerce of meaningful scale in Roppongi and Noshima takes all comers, Dragons included, we have been afforded a great opportunity to supplant some of the main perpetrators of the Manhattan Abductions[1] in a foreign underground market notoriously difficult to break into.

I am prepared to move forward with Cowra, Saint John is dependent upon negotiations further upstream, and may result in more unwanted attention than our agency might like.

I know, I know. Projects that weren’t in the brief. I promise you can read all about them once they’re in an executive summary format. Slate had them written up for me to send me back to the Sigmas. I’m starting to think he doesn’t want me in Liberty proper.

Our agency’s immediate message blackout is slated to end Tuesday, from the look of things, I’ll have a lot of backlog to catch up on.


[1] The Manhattan Abductions were a mass kidnapping of a large swathe of Manhattan high society. LPI’s easy bribery allowed for small fleets of freighters to regularly land and move kidnapped VIPs to transports waiting in orbit. Freelancer Bustards hooked up to Jump Drives, Cryer Storks[2], and a surprisingly large fleet of varied Golden Chrysanthemum transports dealt a brisk trade. The latter could only deliver to Malta, and are likely to have caused an uptick in addictions estimated at 40% above reported[3], if the ransomed VIPs were even returned at all. Several thousand of Manhattan’s finest yet remain unaccounted for.
[2] Representative Quayle claims this to be baseless rumors, however multiple suspicious convoys of Cryer ships were seen around the known atmospheric entry point. As the damage done was mostly to Interspace, as most such kidnap victims ended up on Crete, a notoriously anti-drug world, it is unlikely that Cryer was officially involved as a way to drive up its Stabiline sales. We are therefore assuming that these were opportunistic Cryer employees who were smuggling from Crete anyway and wanted something a little more profitable than guns.
[3] We are unable at this time to accurately estimate how many such VIPs were already addicted to Cardamine at the time of their kidnapping. For the sake of the good names of them and their families, we are to assume on all official documentation that the kidnappers got them hooked on it.

And scrawled on the scratch paper…

We have taken the liberty of deciphering the pictographs and coded language for a non headache-inducing reading experience. The originals have since been burned.

They made off with a bunch of good kids from good families, and we’re now stuck with a bunch of the people who are supposed to be in charge having to keep taking Cardamine or die. Stabiline is for Houston and PR stunts, don’t tell Arch I said that, but he’d probably agree with me.

What I am about to tell you isn’t exactly a secret, but if we ever admitted it, everyone in the Agency would be given a cell on the Fairbanks, to share.

The reason we get this level of budget isn’t to combat the Cardamine trade. Not anymore. Not after so much of the elite were exposed to the orange powder from Malta. Operation Saint John is what we are forced to do to keep Liberty’s best and brightest at their best. Slate is right. I hate his guts, but he’s right. As our agency depends upon their good graces, it is our task to ensure their welfare, and Stabiline’s side-effects are currently too… discomforting for the people whose interests we prosecute.

As of four years ago, we have no choice but to ensure a stable delivery of Cardamine to Liberty’s borders, under our supervision. Our hand was forced then, and the Blackout as well as the destruction of Atka has only made the problem worse.

The people in charge don’t care if half of Manhattan was already tweaking on Cardi before, but now one is hard-pressed to find a family that didn’t have a “poor baby kidnapped and taken to Malta, his life is ruined”. The quiet cardamine abuse could have gone on indefinitely, but the mass kidnappings and the victims being delivered to Cardamine Central has several of our most prominent families wanting to have very public revenge against the kidnappers. This has been forced into the open and a lot of good families have lost face because of it. Everyone knows full well a lot of those people were already abusing Cardi, but they can now afford to be a bit more open about it because “those horrible sniffers forced us to breathe it in”. As Stabiline’s effects are unpleasant, the courses provided to the kidnap victims are likely supplemented if not outright replaced by resumed Cardamine consumption. The current turf wars ongoing between the Junkers, Xenos, Lane Hackers, and Rogues see reduced quantities all over Liberty. To protect our most important citizens, the LSF must control the Cardamine trade in Liberty, and likely beyond, so these petty turf wars do not interfere with intake outside of accepted extremes.

Agent to be transferred to oversee Operation Saint John exclusively. Redbelly and Gannett to be overseen by FA. Cherry, Kanagawa by Cyan. Cowra will be your last operation anywhere near Liberty for the foreseeable future. Make no overt moves against the Golden Chrysanthemums at this time, DOWOP says they may be local entrepreneurs able to ensure any Cardamine-addicted personnel receive prompt supplies while on deployment within Kusari.

On a personal note, I am beyond disappointed with the way you’ve been handling yourself lately.

I love you too, Clark.

RE: Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - LegendOfTheWolf - 05-05-2024

The following is a message from Amy Anderson communiqué to Case Officer Slate.

[Image: V5XeJGz.png]
[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Liberty Security Force
Code Slightly less than red, but more from amber

Whoever was on border patrol, seriously needs to brought into the spotlight and sanctioned damn it.

Slate I need you to do me a solid you pull your head out of Kusari for a moment.

I need all the files we have on a ship named 'Vatan', Lucas Gerald, and whatever 'Shozak' is.

Some lunatic thinks they can strike a deal with LSF whilst holding captives.

Long story short, Vanguard Five was returning from [REDACTED] when a ship named Red.Beatle-1 decided that now was perfect opportunity to test my patience.

In short we got a hostage situation with a mentally unstable individual. I need this intel, maybe we can make a deal, or maybe it's just a dead-end and we can leave it to the Navy boys to resolve. Thought you might want in on this one.


"I will get what I want, one way or another." - What he wants is a bullet to the brain.

Remind me next time they assign me for a deep space excursion, the showers on the Vanguard Five are shit, and smell like gone off milk.

Let me know when you have the files.

PS - Did you make up with Lime?


RE: Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - CO. Slate - 05-05-2024

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]
[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Liberty Security Force
Department of War Operations Planning

Great, this guy. Forest had a whole horror story about him, Silver was going to bring him in for enhanced interrogation but a Lane Hacker showed up harassing traffic and Silver had to deal with that first. After clearing out that guy, Silver's ship was in no condition to beat the Brawler and he had no choice but to let him go. You'll find a note recommending he be interrogated over Earhart. This was when the information could have been clamped down on, it would be pointless to harangue the man over what he saw when every node in Sirius has grainy guncam photos and a host of theories as of now.

Everything I have is attached below. All of this was information scrubbed from an encounter with the man near West Point. About our hostage, the man is a boorish attention seeker locked in a Scarab. If we can spare the resources to pry him out of there, sure, but this situation is closer to a lovers quarrel than anything else. I've seen enough of those to not want to get in between them. If you have some insight I am lacking, then by all means, proceed.

As it stands, the nature of foreign alien types are not within the purview of this office. Shozak is as of now to be classified as a specific "node" or possibly voice of a super-colony of Nomadic fauna. We can't send task groups out into the wild looking for specific alien HVTs and likewise this "Vatan" sounds like a tough customer we likely lack the means to deal with at this time. I'm fairly sure this individual knows roughly as much as we do on these guys, but I must warn you against seeking them out, as they are likely to see someone even tangentially related to The Order as a priority target[1]. And yes, Lime and me are cool.

[1] A large portion of the original Order was deserting LSF personnel. They may have information on these figures. In fact, I'm about to go ask them nicely.

RE: Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - CO. Slate - 05-06-2024

A collaborative work between Case Officer Slate and Interspace Rep Warren Barnes started making the rounds. This was clearly a side project to the two men, it was... very incomplete. After the mockery subsided, Arch came forward with what his friends in Cryer had that might help out.

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]
[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Liberty Security Force
Department of War Operations Planning

Interspace is trying to standardize ease of access to this kind of information. I guess they trust my boys to get it done. Lime's already given me a wealth of information from his slumming.
I hope Interspace makes good use of this.

RE: Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - CO. Slate - 05-10-2024

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]
[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Liberty Security Force
Department of War Operations Planning

Asset Saint John and Dearborn to re-direct to known location of identified espionage ring headquarters designated ALP for expedited deconstruction. Asset Blue to return to Blacksite Null and remain there awaiting further instructions. Agent Silver to resume operations in Northwestern Patrol Zone.

Red Platooon has been re-requisitioned for deployment on the Dearborn. If technician team able to retrieve data, we'll have a good idea if it is merely an observation post, staging platform for KOI agents, or positioned to call targets for the new Kishiro Jump Drive-equipped KNF fleet. Any of those would be grounds for its immediate destruction, but the last one would be the smoking gun we need to prove Kusari's hostile intent and means of prosecuting it.

I am not requesting Navy assistance in this matter. This is LSF business and will remain LSF business. Furthermore, Naval personnel in the field have proven to be lax in their duties as of late, restricting their ability to make a mess of things a must.

Agent reprimanded for unprofessional conduct towards Liberty servicemen. Disciplinary hearing scheduled for 11 May 834. Infraction pardoned after review by Commissioner Trask.

RE: Mostly Un-monitored Ramblings (EOD drafts, Scratch Paper, and Message Dump) - CO. Slate - 05-13-2024

"Sure, one last match. I'm at the bar now."

For the Liberty side: SA. Lime
For the Kusari side: CO. Slate
Referee: Auditor Jenkins
Liberty reduced to 75% readiness
DEFCON 2 enforced for 3 turns.
Crayter neutral.

Turn 1
Kusari: Conduct suppression operations along Western border. Containment of Maltese and Dragon activity to allow for greater freedom of movement for Kusari fleets in preparation for surprise attack.
Liberty: Fortify projected vulnerable locations. Army deployments to Planet Denver, Lehigh recalled to near Pueblo, Ohio advances into Galileo near Reppu Bend.
Turn 2
Kusari: Strengthen diplomatic ties with Bretonia to buy neutrality in upcoming conflict. Wind down fleet presence in Western Kusari after bleeding criminals in preparation for attack.
Liberty: Attempt early warning by monitoring KNF movements. Deployment of LSF agents to Kusari nebulae in preparation for strike on New Tokyo.
Turn 3
Kusari: Surprise Jump attack targeting Manhattan by Hamamatsu and Nagasaki battlegroups. Myoko to hold position near Deshima. KNF seizes Trenton Outpost and its supplies and effects a blockade of Manhattan proper.
Mississippi, Concord, and Missouri battlegroups attempt to encircle Kusari fleet in Manhattan orbit. Manhattan shield generators assumed sufficient to deflect orbital bombardment for at least 72 hours, and local LPI interceptors able to slow Kusari troop landings to an acceptable degree.
Lehigh and Ohio to advance into Shikoku and contest Deshima airspace with Myoko. Lehigh to divert to Fuchu Prison to board and repatriate Liberty citizens.

New Player: Blood Dragons
For Blood Dragon side: Auditor Clark
Retroactive moves
Turn 1
Blood Dragons request Order aid. Kusari known to send agents to Omicrons to harass Order operations, Atum formation may be willing to assist Dragons to ensure Order-friendly government in Kusari.
Turn 2
Order likely to decline to assist Blood Dragons in this endeavor. Coalition also likely to end up in conflict with Liberty Forces if they attempt to intervene. Maltese involvement aiding Blood Dragons/Sisterhood deemed likeliest, but conflict with Liberty Forces assured. It is likely that forces allied to Blood Dragons are unable to contribute meaningfully to their efforts at this time.
Dragon forces harass Tau corridor in conjunction with Bretonian criminal elements. This alliance deemed to be on the spot, as the diplomatic isolation and lack of resources available the Republic of Dublin, as well as the overall martial nature of the Blood Dragons mean they have little resources to spare for each other.
Turn 3
Kokura battlegroup engages Matsumoto.
Additional remaining assets deploy to assist/engage Liberty forces in Shikoku.

Turn 4
Kusari: Akatsuki battlegroup returns from Taus to engage Kokura battlegroup. KNF reinforcements from Kure, Yokohama, and Yukawa arrive to the frontlines. The Myoko battlegroup is sent the bulk of them to attempt to overwhelm Ohio and Lehigh. Hanamatsu and Nagasaki to launch breakout action towards Shikoku to attempt to encircle Liberty Forces there.
Liberty: Reinforcements from Norfolk and Juneau arrive to the front. Most are sent to the Missouri battlegroup to break the Manhattan siege.
Blood Dragons: Kokura withdraws from Kyushu offensive, attempts to link up with Liberty Forces in Shikoku.
Turn 1: Kusari assumed to deploy overwhelming force at the expense of assets elsewhere to suppress Dragon/Maltese activity along its Western border. GMG assumed to double down on securing Sigmas and so unable to contribute.
Turn 2: Presence of LSF agents likely to strain available Blood Dragon resources, assuming cooperation. Offset by food and equipment shipments to Noshima from Universal?
Turn 3: Shikoku front stalemated. Fuchu Prison likely seized by Lehigh battlegroup. Prisoners associated with known Liberty criminal groups to be extradited to Huntsville. Kusari domestic criminals to continue serving their sentences, unless of Blood Dragon origin. There are no prisoners belonging to the Sisterhood; no Chrysanthemum has ever been taken alive thanks to the best efforts of Kusari law enforcement.
Turn 4: Mississippi disabled. Hanamatsu and Nagasaki are sandwiched between Ohio, Concord, and Missouri. Kokura makes a clean break to Liberty lines and able to partake in the Shikoku Showdown. Liner Yards likely unable to produce as Liberty Forces would be contesting Deshima airspace.

Turn 5
Kusari: Matsumoto and Akatsuki battlegroups as well as reinforcements produced from Kusari shipyards link up with Hanamatsu, Myoko, and Nagasaki.
Liberty: Slugging match with KNF in Shikoku.
Blood Dragons: Sisterhood Cruiser formation deploys to break KNF lines. Kokura battlegroup enters Navy lines and remains with them until the march on New Tokyo or bitter defeat.
The Akatsuki and Lehigh suppress each other's maneuverability; if one of them catches the other out, it may cost the match.
Kusari's nearby industry means it is likely they have fighter superiority by this point; their factories are closer and their ships are on scene faster. Barring intervention by heretofore unseen assets of the Sisterhood or The Order arriving to aid the Blood Dragons, Kusari may pull a win by attrition.
Forces evenly matched in numbers deployed.
Kusari failed to take Manhattan before Liberty reinforcements arrived.
Liberty able to open Fuchu; Dragon warriors able to fight again.
Kusari forces encircled; Ohio, Lehigh, and Kokura able to be the anvil to Concord and Missouri's hammer in Shikoku.

The Kusari Jump Drive does not appear to have any major effect on the combat; it appears to be more effective as a threat, the concept of the "fleet in being" taken to its logical extent.
Deployment of the Alma, Arkansas, and Yellowstone may have tilted the scales, but the Liberty player cited his need to keep the home systems pacified.

Slate: Excuse me, where did that GC cruiser formation nobody's ever seen before come from, Clark?
Clark: The GC calling in some favors with Malta. Also, their yards are believed to be able to field Cruiser-class warships. This is The Big One, if they have any, they're showing up for this.
Slate: Jenkins, where's the call on that?
Jenkins: No, he's right.
Slate: You mean to tell me that Lime just... wins because Clark was able to magick up some Cruisers out of nowhere?
CO. Slate has left the chat.
Lime: I'm going to prove those cruisers don't exist just to spite you. You guys did my boy dirty.