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BDM|LV- Extended Logistics Division Information Center (ooRP) - Printable Version

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BDM|LV- Extended Logistics Division Information Center (ooRP) - EisenSeele - 04-21-2024

Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
Extended Logistics Division

■ Name:Extended Logistics Division
■ Affiliation:Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts
■ Tag:BDM|LV-
■ Date of founding:June 6, 811 AS

The "Extended Logistics Division" is a specialized support wing of the Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts (BDM) tasked with providing logistical support where conventional supply lines are prohibitively dangerous or costly.

Origins: Rheinland Liberty War Era
Founded in the early days of the Rheinland-Liberty War, the Extended Logistics Division often deployed alongside the U-Korps deep into Liberty space, keeping U-Korps divisions supplied and hauling confiscated goods back to Rheinland for processing. On the conclusion of the war with Liberty, the Extended Logistics Division branched into Economic Warfare initiatives, discreetly providing supplies to disruptive elements in adversary houses, maintaining MND safe houses and operational centers hidden Sirius wide, and forcibly reappropriating goods from enemy traders.

The (New) Berlin Airlift, and the Rheinland Civil War
During the onset of the Rheinland Imperial Coup, the Extended Logistics Division greatly expanded into the logistical support wing of the Federalist Government in Thuringia. In the initial days of coup, Logistics and its associated security divisions secured and relocated much of the MND and Federal Government aligned assets on New Berlin and Frankfurt to Thuringia. Division 3 "Trager's Tragers" earned the first ever unit citation for meritorious service by a hazardous waste pickup detail in what is now called "the New Berlin Airlift," wherein Division 3 heavy container transports broke the still-organizing Imperial blockade to smuggle much of the Rheinland Federal Senate and Ministry offworld. Such stories are not uncommon amongst the over 30 other divisions which engaged in similar acts of heroism, to much sacrifice and loss. With a half-joking moniker of 'Federal Express,' the Extended Logistics Division supplied much needed munitions and goods to Federalist forces, while coordinating relief supplies and trade from other houses and corporations. Towards the end of the war, the scale of shipping was such that the Extended Logistics Division was almost entirely self-sufficient.

Post Reunificiation, Cologne Reclamation
After the conclusion of the Imperial Coup and the subsequent Civil War, the BDM has maintained the scale of Logistical capacity as a precaution against the potential for another hostile envelopment - as well as to supply the ever growing needs of Thuringia. During the joint Rheinland Military and MND initiative to reclaim Cologne and reestablish border security, Extended Logistics coordinated supply lines with mixed fleets of Rheinland Military and MND vessels - as well as facilitating the movement of ground troops and vehicles for boarding actions and planetary engagements.

Present Day
Extended Logistics continues to operate as the main supply chain of the MND, servicing outposts and long range missions throughout the Sirius sector. Many vessels can be seen quietly passing through border checkpoints in Hamburg and Frankfurt, heading to far out forward operational facilities in the various Border Worlds, and the Omicrons. Rumors are also abound that ships full of weapons and supplies make their way to various less than legal organizations that conveniently happen to seek the destabilization of rival houses and bleed the Corsairs. Though the true scale of operations is unknown to anyone but the Direktor, Buro Logistical vessels can sometimes be seen through every corner of Sirius - oftentimes claiming only to be but ordinary tourists.

Page Work in Progress

RE: BDM|LV- Extended Logistics Division Information Center (ooRP) - EisenSeele - 04-23-2024

Current Active Initiatives
Operation Golden Gift

The "Extended Logistics Division" is to covertly relay surplus military supplies to the Bretonian Separatist forces in Dublin, known also as the "Mollys."

Direct relations between the MND and the Mollys has largely been non-existent if not fraught with suspicion. Given rumors of ties between the Mollys and known adversary groups such as the Hessians and the Sirius Coalition, it is unreasonable to work towards any overt mutually positive relations. The Mollys provide a number of very desirable utilities for Rheinland, including the attrition of regional Corsair forces, the destabilization of Bretonian interests, and the increase in market availability of Gold. To that end, it is currently advantageous for the MND to provide subsidies in the form of supplies to facilitate Molly operations in securing Dublin.

Operational Conditions for Success
COMPLETE:    Establish a secure and covert supply line from Thuringia to Dublin, by means of intermediaries if necessary

IN PROGRESS: Maintain a balance of supply volume that ensures the security of Molly operations within Dublin

Encourage conditions for normalization of Molly "Republican Provisional Assembly" with the governments of Rheinland, Liberty, Kusari, Gallia

Operational Timeline
Initial contact

Page Work in Progress

RE: BDM|LV- Extended Logistics Division Information Center (ooRP) - EisenSeele - 04-24-2024

Current Active Initiatives
Operation Fourth Channel

The resumption of MND funding and supplies to the dominant factions of the Libertonian Lane Hackers.

The long history of cooperation between the MND and major circles within the hacker collective known as the Lane Hackers is well documented. Shifting priorities during the Imperial Coup, and the resulting reunification have resulted in a suspension of exchange. Now that the situation has stabilized, it has been deemed timely to resume relations once more.

Operational Conditions for Success
Re-establish discreet lines of supply to the Lane Hackers

Maintain good relations and R&D collaborations

Operational Timeline

Page Work in Progress

RE: BDM|LV- Extended Logistics Division Information Center (ooRP) - EisenSeele - 08-20-2024

Current Active Initiatives
Operation Browncoat Bauernkrieg

The "Extended Logistics Division" is to covertly relay material support and technical advisors to the Libertonian populist collective known as the 'Xeno Alliance.'"

There have been few if any documented interactions between the MND and the Xeno Alliance, apart from occasional attacks on MND transports in the region. Given that the aims of the Xeno Alliance is to improve domestic quality of life through securing Libertonian manufacturing jobs to the exclusion of foreign importation, the Xenos have an understandable distrust and inherent dislike of foreign influences such as the MND. Nevertheless, the aims of the Xeno Alliance for promoting Libertonian economic isolationism aligns with the current priorities of the Rheinland government to encourage 'organically' fostered decreases of Rheinland reliance on exports to Libertonian markets and import of Libertonian goods to the detriment of domestic production. The side-benefit of supplying insurrectionist forces in Liberty would also serve to erode Libertonian power through economic and societal attrition, allowing for a shift in the balance of power towards less Libertonian domination and more inter-house parity. Although overt cooperation has been deemed highly unlikely by analysts, the possibility of Xeno acceptance of no-strings-attached material support and technical assistance is worth investigation.

Operational Conditions for Success
IN PROGRESS: Establish contact with the Xeno Alliance through intermediary [REDACTED]

Operational Timeline
Initial contact

Page Work in Progress