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Anti-Slaver - Grumblesaur - 05-09-2009

I'm looking to make a character that is something of a Vigilante, to save slaves from smugglers and from ending up in the wrong hands. So far, the IDs that would work have certain restrictions:

Quote:Freelancer ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Freelancer, who:
* Can trade and escort traders
* Can hunt pirates, terrorists and lawfuls across Sirius
* Can fulfill lawful and unlawful bounty contracts
* Cannot pirate
* Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo

Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats

Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.

"Cannot Pirate" = can't demand cargo in this case.

Quote:Zoner ID

Pilot carrying this ID is a Zoner, who:
* Can trade and escort traders
* Can demand Zoner pilots from any ship carrying them and can attack if the demand is ignored or refused
* Can only attack those who are : directly attacking Zoners or Zoner NPC faction allies, carrying Zoner pilots, diplomatically hostile to Zoners, or those who have violated Freeport neutrality
* Cannot ally with anyone except against Zoner faction enemies, or to defend Zoners, Zoner bases and Zoner allies
* Cannot participate in any unlawful actions
* Cannot use any ship with more than 3,800 cargo space
* Cannot fulfill bounty contracts except against Zoner faction enemies
* The Zoner ID does not make you immune to piracy; pirates may choose at their discretion whether to exempt you from being pirated.

Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats

Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime.

I can't demand cargo, nor attack anyone.

Quote:Vigilante ID (New ID)

Pilot carrying this ID is a Vigilante, who:

* Can demand any non-house police or non-house military ships to drop any contraband
* Can hunt pirates and terrorists anywhere in Sirius except for the Omicron and Omega systems
* Can only use the Startracker, Starblazer, Griffin, Hawk, Falcon, Eagle or Roc Mk II
* Cannot use ANY unlawful equipment or weapons (including Nomad weapons)
* Cannot ally with anyone except other Vigilantes
* Cannot attack any lawful police or lawful military except in self defense
* Cannot demand credits
* Cannot trade or escort traders
* Cannot fulfill bounty contracts
* Can only land on Bounty Hunter, Zoner, IMG, Neutral, and Freelancer bases

Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers

Carrying unmounted IDs in your ship, as well as not equipping an ID, is a serious crime. Vigilantes are often considered to be unlawful and may be engaged by the lawful house police and house military. Players using the Vigilante ID MUST have a lawful tag and their equipment and area of operation must also reflect their tag.

Can't use transports, as I don't want to kill the slaves.

Help me?

Anti-Slaver - AJBeast - 05-09-2009

You could always get a Pirate ID and RP it as a good pirate . But since most people would instantly assume you are just a regular pirate , you would have lawfulls on ur buttocks all day.

Anti-Slaver - Grumblesaur - 05-09-2009

' Wrote:You could always get a Pirate ID and RP it as a good pirate . But since most people would instantly assume you are just a regular pirate , you would have lawfulls on ur buttocks all day.

That's exactly what I don't want.

If I have to write a story for this, someone let me know.

Anti-Slaver - Gamazson - 05-09-2009

Most vigilante's I encounter try to talk me into landing on the nearest zoner base.

Anti-Slaver - atlantis2112 - 05-09-2009

That's actually a very good idea. A lot of the IDs seem very restrictive, they should make a topic saying WHY we can't do the things stated in the IDs.

Anti-Slaver - Grumblesaur - 05-09-2009

' Wrote:That's actually a very good idea. A lot of the IDs seem very restrictive, they should make a topic saying WHY we can't do the things stated in the IDs.

I'm just looking for a way to make this character without getting reported.

Anti-Slaver - dr lameos - 05-09-2009

mhmm, the ZAS has faced similar issues, in terms of being against slavers themselves, it isn't really possible unless you're police.

Thats why we turned to transportation and rehabilitation. However, if some vigilantes wanted to work with us that'd be great, you can attack the slavers, we use transports to take them to corfu.

Anti-Slaver - Malaclypse 666 - 05-09-2009

Quote:Zoner ID

Pilot carrying this ID is a Zoner, who:
* Can trade and escort traders
* Can demand Zoner pilots from any ship carrying them and can attack if the demand is ignored or refused
* Can only attack those who are : directly attacking Zoners or Zoner NPC faction allies, carrying Zoner pilots, diplomatically hostile to Zoners, or those who have violated Freeport neutrality..

While NEXUS may have given a wee hint, I have bolded a portion of the above which might be applicable to your situation in the future. I'll leave it to the Slavers Union to say more if they wish.

Anti-Slaver - Grumblesaur - 05-09-2009

' Wrote:mhmm, the ZAS has faced similar issues, in terms of being against slavers themselves, it isn't really possible unless you're police.

Thats why we turned to transportation and rehabilitation. However, if some vigilantes wanted to work with us that'd be great, you can attack the slavers, we use transports to take them to corfu.

Where do I sign?

Anti-Slaver - Derkylos - 05-09-2009

Pirate IDed, Xeno tagged Pirate Transport operating off FP 4 and interdicting slavers using the Border Pass... =]